Get Weather History for the Past 24 Hours

Last Updated on : 2023-06-20 12:39:04

Get the weather history for the past 24 hours. The returned result is the weather conditions for the past 24 hours from the current nearest hour.

API address

GET: /v2.0/iot-03/weather/history24

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
latStringquerytrueThe latitude.
lonStringquerytrueThe longitude.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultHistoryWeatherResultDTOThe returned result.

Description of result

Parameter nameTypeDescription
history_weather_mapMapThe returned map. key is the timestamp and value is the weather information.

Request example

GET: /v2.0/iot-03/weather/history24
  "lat": "30.26227852897212",
  "lon": "120.1141665549348"

Return example

  "1658124000000": { // The time period
        "aqi": "30", // Air quality index
        "co": "0.6", // Carbon monoxide
        "condition": "Overcast", // Description of weather conditions
        "humidity": "64", // Humidity
        "no2": "7.0", // Nitrogen dioxide
        "o3": "94.0", // Ozone
        "pm10": "22.0", // PM10
        "pm25": "12.0", // PM2.5
        "pressure": "998", // Atmospheric pressure
        "rank": "242/683", // Air rating
        "real_feel": "34", // Apparent temperature
        "so2": "6.0", // Sulfur dioxide
        "sun_rise": "1658178600000", // Sunrise time
        "sun_set": "1658228460000", // Sunset time
        "temp": "32", // Temperature
        "tips": "It's a little hot. Please drink plenty of water." // Tips
        "uvi": "1", // Ultraviolet index
        "wind_dir": "W", // Wind direction
        "wind_level": "3", // Wind speed level
        "wind_speed": "5.0" // Wind speed

Error code

For more information, see error code.