Query Community Housekeeper Details

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:13:12download

This topic describes the API operations that are used to query the details of a community housekeeper.

API description

Query the details of a community housekeeper. The returned result includes a collection of the mobile phone number, community housekeeper ID and name, image URL, WeChat QR code, management scopes (multiple scopes are separated with semicolons), service skills, service declaration, and house ID.

API endpoint

GET: /v1.0/iot-02/community/housekeeper-detail

Request parameters

Parameter Type Parameter location Required Description
block_id String query true The community ID.
hk_id String query true The ID of the specified community housekeeper.

Return parameters

Parameter Type Description
result HighwayHouseKeeperDetailResponse The returned result of housekeeper details.

Description of result

Parameter Type Description
mobile String The mobile phone number.
hk_id String The ID of the specified community housekeeper.
housekeeper_name String The name of the specified community housekeeper.
face_img_url String The URL of the specified image.
wechat_img_url String The image of the specified WeChat QR code.
house_name String The management scopes, separated with semicolons (;).
ability String The service skill.
service_motto String The service motto.
tree_ids String The list of house IDs, separated with commas (,).

Sample request

GET: /v1.0/iot-02/community/housekeeper-detail?blockId=1399960265050574848&hkId=1436249349305667679

Sample response

    "result": {
        "housekeeperName": "James",
        "treeIds": "1399960265050574848",
        "mobile": "13750505050",
        "hkId": "1436249349305667679",
        "serviceMotto": "Work hard",
        "houseName": "Tuya Smart (Test)",
        "faceImgUrl": "https://tuya-biz-data-1254153901.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/saas/community/estate_faceImg/1631263461c4ab57ccd48.jpg?sign=q-sign-algorithm%3Dsha1%26q-ak%3DAKIDopcCYgw0qRoyV5qfKjvg2pPkqESnb5zI%26q-sign-time%3D1632281933%3B1632285533%26q-key-time%3D1632281933%3B1632285533%26q-header-list%3Dhost%26q-url-param-list%3D%26q-signature%3D2dbfd359f2040c9b62025043b8864eb092ccccbf&imageMogr2/format/jpeg/quality/50/thumbnail/1024x1024/thumbnail/5000000@/auto-orient",
        "wechatImgUrl": "",
        "ability": "8"
    "t": 1632281933206,
    "success": true

Error codes

For more information, see Global Error Codes.