Query the list of associated passenger flow devices under the asset

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:13:05download

Query the list of associated passenger flow devices under the asset

API address

GET: /v1.0/iot-03/passenger-flows/assets/{asset_id}/assigned-devices

Request parameter

Parameter name Type IN Required Description
asset_id String uri true Asset ID
req AssignDeviceQueryReq query true Query Conditions

Description of req

Parameter name Type IN Required Description
device_id String false Device ID
device_type Integer false Passenger flow equipment type;1: entrance and exit passenger flow equipment;2: in-store passenger flow equipment
page_no Integer false Page number (default first page)
page_size Integer false Number of pages (default 20, maximum 100)

Return parameter

Parameter name Type Description
result Page

Description of result

Parameter name Type Description
total Long Total Quantity
list List
has_more Boolean Is there a next page

Description of list

Parameter name Type Description
device_id String Device Id
device_name String Device Id
device_type Integer Passenger flow equipment type;1: entrance and exit passenger flow equipment;2: in-store passenger flow equipment
has_config Boolean Is the device configured, such as regional settings
online Boolean Online status: true: online statusfalse: offline status

Request example

GET: /v1.0/iot-03/passenger-flows/assets/1409705128042250240/assigned-devices?page_no=1&page_size=10

Return example

{ "result": { "list": [ { " online": false, "device_id": "11111111111111111111", "device_type": 1, "device_name": "Smart Camera", "has_config": true }, { "device_id": "22222222222222222222", "device_type": 1, "device_name": "smart camera", "online": true, "has_config": false } ], "total": 2, "has_more": false }, "t": 11111111111111, "success": true }

Error code

For more information, see error code.