Query Details of Relation Between Resident and House

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:13:11download

Query the details of the relationship between a resident and a house. The resident information including the resident type is returned.

API address

GET: /v1.0/iot-02/community/room-user

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
block_idStringquerytrueThe ID of a community.
room_user_idStringquerytrueThe ID of the relationship between a resident and a house.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription

Description of result

Parameter nameTypeDescription
user_idStringThe user ID.
householder_idStringThe ID of a resident.
room_user_typeStringThe type of resident.
  • HOUSEHOLDER: owner.
  • FAMILY: family member.
  • TENANT: tenant.
  • FRIEND: friend.
  • RELATIVES: relative
  • COLLEAGUE: colleague.
  • DECORATOR: decorator.
  • BABYSITTER: babysitter.
  • OTHER: others.
tree_idStringThe value of treeId for a specified house.
expire_dateStringThe validity period. An empty value indicates that it is permanently valid.
country_codeStringThe country code.
  • 1: Male.
  • 2: Female.
mobileStringThe mobile phone number.
card_typeIntegerThe type of certificate. 1: ID card.
card_noStringThe certificate number.
if_identifyIntegerIndicates whether a resident' identity is verified.
  • 0: No.
  • 1: Yes.
real_nameStringThe name of a resident.
real_name_statusIntegerIndicates whether a resident has passed real-name verification.
  • 0: The application for the real-name verification is not submitted.
  • 1: The resident has passed the real-name verification.
  • 2: The resident failed to pass the real-name verification.
space_tree_nameStringThe name of a specified house.
room_user_idStringThe ID of the relationship between a resident and a house.
room_addressStringThe address of a specified house.
room_user_type_textStringThe type of resident.
auth_timeLongThe time when the application of the real-name verification was submitted.
audit_timeLongThe time when the application of the real-name verification was reviewed.
move_out_timeLongThe time when the resident moved out of the house.
move_out_typeIntegerThe method in which the resident moved out of the house.
  • 0: removed by the property management company.
  • 1: removed by the owner.
  • 2: automatically move out when due.
gmt_createLongThe timestamp when the data was created.

Description of parent_id_list

Parameter nameTypeDescription
parent_id_listStringThe list of parent nodes.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/iot-02/community/room-user?blockId=136767399153950xxxx&roomUserId=139215249742181xxxx

Return example

    "emergency_contact_number": "",
    "household_registry_address": "",
    "sex": 1,
    "householder_id": "139566323965991xxxx",
    "mobile": "1300312xxxx",
    "real_name": "Peter",
    "if_identify": 0,
    "card_no": "",
    "user_id": "138258404436502xxxx",
    "employer": "",
    "emergency_contact": ""

Error code

For more information, see error code.