Query Sub-Store List

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:13:03download

Query the details of the sub-store list.

API address

GET: /v1.0/iot-03/retail/shops/{shop_id}/sub-shops

Request parameter

Parameter name Type IN Required Description
shop_id String uri false The ID of a specified store.
page_size Integer query false The number of entries per page.
last_row_key String query false The row key of the last entry on each page.

Return parameter

Parameter name Type Description
result CursorPage The returned result.

Description of result

Parameter name Type Description
has_more Boolean Whether there is a next page of results.
list List The list.
last_row_key String The row key of the last entry on each page.

Description of last_row_key

Parameter name Type Description
parent_shop_id String The ID of a specified parent store.
province_code Integer The code of a specified province.
city_code Integer The code of a specified city.
district_code Integer The code of a specified district.
address String The detailed address.
shop_layout_plan String The layout plan of a specified store.

Description of list

Parameter name Type Description
shop_id String The ID of a specified store.
parent_shop_id String The ID of a specified parent store.
shop_name String The name of a specified store.
province_code Integer The code of a specified province.
province_name String The name of a specified province.
city_code Integer The code of a specified city.
city_name String The name of a specified city.
district_code Integer The code of a specified district.
district_name String The name of a specified district.
address String The detailed address.
business_hours List The list of business hours.
shop_layout_plan String The layout plan of a specified store.

Description of business_hours

Parameter name Type Description
opening_time Long The opening time.
closing_time Long The closing time.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/iot-03/retail/shops/140508990268466xxxx/sub-shops?page_size=2

Return example

{ "result": { "last_row_key": "140512544139986xxxx", "list": [ { "address": "xxx Center", "city_code": 456, "province_code": 123, "shop_name": "xxxx Sub-store 1", "shop_layout_plan": "", "province_name": "xxx Province", "district_name": "xxx District", "shop_id": "140512408370785xxxx", "city_name": "xxx City", "district_code": 789, "parent_shop_id": "140508990268466xxxx" }, { "address": "xxx Center", "city_code": 456, "province_code": 123, "shop_name": "xxx Sub-store 2", "shop_layout_plan": "", "province_name": "xxx Province", "district_name": "xxx District", "shop_id": "140512544139986xxxx", "city_name": "xxx City", "district_code": 789, "parent_shop_id": "140508990268466xxxx" } ], "has_more": false }, "t": 1623843012311, "success": true }

Error code

For more information, see error code.

Description of province_code, city_code, and district_code

For more information about Chinese cities, see Administrative Division Code of the People’s Republic of China.