Search for Orders

Last Updated on : 2024-01-12 02:39:52download

Filter a list of orders according to the specified criteria.

API address

GET: /v1.0/sellercenter/order/search

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
mall_codeStringquerytrueThe code of a specified mall.
site_codeStringqueryfalseThe code of a specified site.
order_idStringqueryfalseThe order ID.
commodity_nameStringqueryfalseThe name of a specified commodity.
order_statusStringqueryfalseThe status of a specified order.
start_timeLongqueryfalseThe start time of placing an order.
end_timeLongqueryfalseThe end time of placing an order.
pageIntegerqueryfalseThe page number.
page_sizeIntegerqueryfalseThe number of items to be returned per page.
langStringqueryfalseThe language.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultPaginationModelThe search results.

Description of result

Parameter nameTypeDescription
totalIntegerThe total number.
pageIntegerThe number of pages.
data_listListThe list of results.
page_sizeIntegerThe page width.

Description of data_list

Parameter nameTypeDescription
order_idStringThe order ID.
order_type_codeStringThe code of a specified order type.
order_statusStringThe status of a specified order.
amount_originStringThe original price of a specified order.
amount_tradeStringThe transaction price of a specified order.
amount_paidStringThe paid amount of a specified order.
amount_restStringThe remaining amount to be paid.
price_trade_listListThe total price details of a specified order.
gmt_order_createLongThe time when the order is created.
commodity_listListThe list of commodities in the order.
currencyStringThe currency.
payment_listListThe list of payment for the order.
refund_statusIntegerThe status of refund.

Description of commodity_list

Parameter nameTypeDescription
commodity_codeStringThe code of a specified commodity.
specification_codeStringThe stock keeping unit (SKU) of a specified commodity.
commodity_nameStringThe name of a specified commodity.
iconUrlStringThe icon URL of a specified commodity.
currencyStringThe currency.
unit_price_originStringThe original unit price.
unit_price_tradeStringThe transaction unit price.
unit_nameStringThe unit, such as pieces and times.
quantityIntegerThe quantity of a specified commodity.
attach_jsonIntegerThe additional information about a specified commodity.

Description of price_trade_list

Parameter nameTypeDescription
keyStringThe detailed code of a price.
price_detail_nameStringThe detailed name of a price.
amountBigDecimalThe transaction price.
amount_couponBigDecimalThe coupon amount.
amount_originBigDecimalThe original price of a specified order.

Description of payment_list

Parameter nameTypeDescription
trade_amountStringThe amount of payment.
currencyStringThe currency.
paid_providerStringThe method of payment.
paid_typeStringThe payment type.
gmt_createLongThe time when it is created.
trade_statusStringThe status of payment.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/sellercenter/order/search?mall_code=MALL_CODE&site_code=SITE_CODE&order_id=ORDER_ID&commodity_name=COMMODITY_NAME&order_status=ORDER_STATUS&start_time=START_TIME&end_time=END_TIME&page=PAGE&page_size=PAGE_SIZE&lang=LANG

Return example

    "result": {
        "data_list": [
                "amount_paid": {
                    "Value": "0.00"
                "refund_status": -2,
                "amount_origin": {
                    "Value": "1.04"
                "amount_rest": {
                    "Value": "1.04"
                "amount_trade": {
                    "Value": "1.04"
                "payment_list": [
                "order_type_code": "INT_OEM_APP_MALL",
                "commodity_list": [
                        "icon_url": "ecommerce/1574312631184_1574312631_bo7di3rmtq.png",
                        "commodity_code": "CM93hvx7num2i3",
                        "quantity": 2,
                        "unit_price_origin": {
                            "Value": "0.02"
                        "attach_json": {
                            "amount_after_coupon": {
                                "Value": "0.00"
                            "commodity_amount_origin": {
                                "Value": "0.00"
                            "sku_value_list": [
                        "unit_price_trade": {
                            "Value": "0.02"
                        "specification_code": "SK93hvx7p8k1eg",
                        "currency": "CNY",
                        "commodity_name": "First Commodity"
                "order_status": "created",
                "currency": "CNY",
                "gmt_order_create": 1576848986974,
                "order_id": "SO20191220923442"
        "total": 1,
        "page": 1,
        "page_size": 10
    "t": 1635167502107,
    "success": true

Error code

For more information, see error code.