Query Monitoring Information

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:13:10download

Query the core monitoring data of industrial devices.

API address

GET: /v1.1/iot-03/si/devices/core-monitoring

Request parameter

Parameter name Type IN Required Description
tuya_device_id String false The ID of a Tuya device.
device_code String false The code of a specified device.
device_name String false The device name. Fuzzy search is supported.
device_model_code String false The code of a specified device model. Multiple models are separated by a comma (,).
customer_code String false The code of a specified customer.
production_time_start Long false The start time, which can be queried by production time.
production_time_end Long false The end time, which can be queried by production time.
is_online Boolean false Check whether the device is online.
failure Boolean false Indicates whether a failure occurs.
page_no Integer false The current page number. Default value: 1, which means the first page.
page_size Integer false The number of items returned on each page. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100.

Return parameter

Parameter name Type Description
result TyPage The returned result.

Description of result

Parameter name Type Description
page_size Long The number of items returned on each page.
data List The data body.
total Long The total quantity.
page_no Long The current page number.
has_more Boolean Specifies whether to return the next page.

Description of data

Parameter name Type Description
tuya_product_id String Tuya product ID.
is_online Boolean The online status of a specified device.
device_model_code String The code of a specified device model.
gateway_id String The gateway ID.
device_name String The device name.
running_status String The running status.
daily_running_time Long The daily running time.
core_data List The core monitoring data.
tuya_device_id String The ID of a Tuya device.
failure Boolean Indicates whether a failure occurs.
total_running_time Long The total running time.
device_type_code String The code of a specified device type.
device_code String The code of a specified device.

Description of core_data

Parameter name Type Description
name String The name of the data.
description String The description of the data.
code String The code of the data.
value String The value of the data.
report_time Long The 13-bit timestamp when the data is reported.

Request example

GET: /v1.1/iot-03/si/devices/core-monitoring

Return example

{ "result": { "data": [ { "tuya_product_id": "uls***", "core_data": [ { "code": "process_count", "report_time": 1637820536543, "name": "Processing Quantity", "value": "66" }, { "code": "process_count", "report_time": 1637820533543, "name": "Processing Quantity", "value": "39" }, { "code": "process_count", "report_time": 1637820531543, "name": "Processing Quantity", "value": "31" }, { "code": "process_count", "report_time": 1637820528543, "name": "Processing Quantity", "value": "35" }, { "code": "process_count", "report_time": 1637820524543, "name": "Processing Quantity", "value": "45" }, { "code": "process_count", "report_time": 1637566124208, "name": "Processing Quantity", "value": "43" } ], "total_running_time": 212257000, "gateway_id": "vdev***", "running_status": "", "tuya_device_id": "vdevo***", "device_name": "CNC Virtual", "daily_running_time": 0, "device_type_code": "dz", "failure": true, "device_code": "cnc", "is_online": true, "device_model_code": "xjdz" } ], "page_no": 1, "total": 1, "has_more": false, "page_size": 20 }, "t": 1638201609569, "success": true }

Error code

For more information, see error code.