Get Product Data Overview

Last Updated on : 2023-07-28 06:24:51download

Get an overview of various data of the specified product based on the product ID. The data is related to the device activation, app users, user feedback, and device faults under the specified product.

API address

GET: /v1.0/statistics-datas-survey

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
product_idStringqueryfalseThe product ID. If you do not set the parameter, all your product IDs will be returned.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultObjectThe returned result.

Description of result

Parameter nameTypeDescription
dev_activeObjectThe overview of activated device data.
App_registerObjectThe overview of app user data.
user_feedbackObjectThe overview of user feedback.
dev_faultObjectThe overview of device faults.

Description of dev_fault

Parameter nameTypeDescription
today_dev_faultStringThe number of failed devices today.
yesterday_dev_faultStringThe number of failed devices yesterday.
all_dev_faultStringThe total number of failed devices.
compared_with_yesterday_dev_faultStringThe ratio of today's active failed devices to yesterday's active failed devices. A value of 2 means that the number of today's active devices is twice that of yesterday.

Description of user_feedback

Parameter nameTypeDescription
today_feedbackStringThe number of feedback records today.
all_feedbackStringThe total number of feedback records.
compared_with_yesterday_feedbackStringThe ratio of today's feedback records to yesterday's feedback records. A value of 2 means that the number of today's active devices is twice that of yesterday.

Description of dev_active

Parameter nameTypeDescription
today_activeStringThe number of devices activated today.
yesterday_activeStringThe number of devices activated yesterday.
all_activateStringThe total number of activated devices.
near7_day_activeStringThe number of devices activated in the last seven days.
last7_day_activeStringThe number of devices activated within the seven days starting from 14 days ago.
compared_with_yesterday_activeStringThe ratio of today's active devices to yesterday's active devices. A value of 2 means that the number of today's active devices is twice that of yesterday.

Description of App_register

Parameter nameTypeDescription
today_addStringThe number of users registered today.
yesterday_addStringThe number of users registered yesterday.
all_addStringThe total number of registered users.
today_liveStringThe number of active users today.
yesterday_liveStringThe number of active users yesterday.
compared_with_yesterday_addStringThe ratio of today's registered devices to yesterday's registered devices. A value of 2 means that the number of today's active devices is twice that of yesterday.
compared_with_yesterday_liveStringThe ratio of today's active devices to yesterday's active devices. A value of 2 means that the number of today's active devices is twice that of yesterday.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/statistics-datas-survey?product_id=12345

Return example

    "result": {
        "user_feedback": {
            "all_feedback": "2",
            "today_feedback": "0",
            "compared_with_yesterday_feedback": "0%"
        "dev_fault": {
            "compared_with_yesterday_dev_fault": "0.00%",
            "all_dev_fault": "0",
            "yesterday_dev_fault": "0",
            "today_dev_fault": "0"
        "dev_active": {
            "all_activate": "5237",
            "compared_with_yesterday_active": "0.00%",
            "today_active": "0",
            "yesterday_active": "0"
        "App_register": {
            "all_add": "7915",
            "today_add": "0",
            "compared_with_yesterday_live": "0.00%",
            "yesterday_add": "0",
            "compared_with_yesterday_add": "0.00%"
    "t": 1545286977957,
    "success": true

Error code

For more information, see error code.