Tuya IPC SDK provides the interface package for communication with Connected by Tuya (CBT) IP cameras (IPCs) and the cloud to accelerate the application development process. The following chapters describe the components of the IPC SDK, including the following features:
- Preview the images captured by an IPC in real time.
- Play the video footage recorded by the IPC and stored on an SD card.
- The app records live videos collected by the IPC.
- Play audio from the IPC and talk to the IPC.
- Send commands to or receive responses from the IPC.
- Store video data in the cloud.
- Detect alarms.
CBT IPC Capabilities
- Device pairing
- Wi-Fi Easy Connect (EZ) mode (Smart Config)
- Hotspot mode (AP mode)
- QR code mode
- P2P video
- Live video streaming
- Memory card-stored video playback
- Video original data
- Low power doorbell
- Battery management
- Sleep and wake
- Doorbell call
- Cloud storage
- Cloud storage service subscription
- Event cloud storage
- Cloud video playback
- Alarms
- Message list
- Audio and video message playback
- Expansion ability
- PTZ control
- Memory card management
- Detect alarms
- Others
The preceding capabilities can vary depending on the IPC manufacturers.