About 2,700 smart product categories build an ecosystem for the internet of everything.
With a few clicks in a graphic interface to develop product firmware, requiring no programming skills.
Use plug-and-play network modules to create a smart product by writing only a small amount of code to the MCU.
Provide standardized open-source product solutions and design reference, greatly reducing development costs.
Functions such as fault alerts and scene automation can be configured on the platform, without adding complexity on the devices.
Create a smart product, select required functions from the standard function library, and quickly complete development without coding.
Select an interface template and try it online with no-code. You can also design an interface in the graphic panel console or develop a user interface based on SDKs.
Select appropriate network modules according to the categories and specifications, and choose one embedded development method from no-code, MCU low-code, and TuyaOS.
Without processing complex logic at devices, you can configure multilingual UI and pairing information, set scenario automation, enable toggles on the app, and integrate smart speakers.
The automation testing solutions help you complete software and hardware validation. Network modules can be purchased online, and order status is updated timely to facilitate delivery.
More than 100 product development cases varying from electrical and lighting products, home appliances, to security sensors.
Remote control, timing, and countdown. Control devices as the user wishes.
Light up more possibilities.
Tell your system if something is open or closed.