Modify Resident Information

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:13:11download

Modify the information about a specified resident, such as the identity type and political status. A response is returned to indicate whether the operation is successful. >Note: You cannot modify the mobile phone number.

API address

PUT: /v1.0/iot-02/community/householder/{block_id}/{householder_id}

Request parameter

Description of body

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
block_idString trueThe ID of a community.
householder_idString trueThe ID of a resident.
real_nameString trueThe name of a resident.
sexInteger trueGender.
  • 1: Male.
  • 2: Female.
mobileString trueThe mobile phone number.
card_typeInteger falseThe type of certificate. 1: ID card.
card_noString falseThe certificate number.
if_identifyInteger falseIndicates whether a resident' identity is verified.
  • 0: No.
  • 1: Yes.
apply_sourceInteger falseRequest origin.
  • 0: enrolled by the property management company.
  • 1: registered on the app.
  • 2: invited by an owner.
household_registry_typeInteger falseThe type of household registration.
  • 1: agricultural household.
  • 2: non-agricultural household.
household_registry_addressString trueHousehold registration address.
marital_statusInteger trueMarital status.
  • 0: unknown.
  • 1: unmarried.
  • 2: married.
  • 3: divorced.
  • 4: separated.
  • 5: widowed.
employerString trueWork unit.
political_statusInteger truePolitical status.
  • 1: member of Communist Party of China.
  • 2: member of Communist Youth League.
  • 3: masses.
emergency_contactString falseThe emergency contact.
emergency_contact_numberString falseThe emergency contact information, such as a mobile phone number.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultBooleanIndicates whether the operation is successful.

Request example

PUT: /v1.0/iot-02/community/householder/136767399153950xxxx/139215249742181xxxx
  "block_id": "138230001889922xxxx",
  "real_name": "Jack",
  "sex": 1,
  "mobile": "1566901xxxx",
  "card_type": 1,
  "card_no": "32122119901010xxxx",
  "household_registry_type": 1,
  "marital_status": 2,
  "employer": "Hangzhou xxxx Co., LTD",
  "political_status": 1,
  "emergency_contact": "Jane",
  "emergency_contact_number": "1566901xxxx",
  "household_registry_address": "CHN,110000,110100,110118,110118109; Beijing/Municipal District/Miyun District/Bulaotun Town"

Return example


Error code

For more information, see error code.