Add Meeting Reservation

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:12:55download

Add a meeting reservation based on the meeting theme, start time, end time, participant ID list, CC ID list, attachments, description, creator, and other parameters. If the reservation is successful, the reservation ID will be returned.

API address

POST: /v2.0/iot-03/meeting-reservations

Request parameter

Description of body

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
topicString trueThe theme of a specified meeting.
start_timeLong trueThe 13-digit timestamp of the start time.
end_timeLong trueThe 13-digit timestamp of the end time.
meeting_room_idString falseThe ID of a specified meeting room.
participantsList trueThe IDs of participants in the meeting.
cc_participantsList falseThe IDs of persons who are mentioned in the carbon copy.
noticeBoolean trueIndicates whether to send push notifications.
notice_timeLong falseThe period for a push notification to be sent in advance of a meeting. Unit: seconds.
descriptionString falseThe description of a specified meeting, with no more than 256 characters.
creatorString trueThe ID of the user who creates the meeting.
attachmentsList falseThe information about a specified attachment.

Description of attachments

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
nameString falseThe name of a specified attachment.
urlString falseThe URL of a specified attachment.
sizeString falseThe size of a specified attachment.
typeString falseThe type of a specified attachment.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultStringThe reservation ID that is returned when the operation is successful.

Request example

POST: /v2.0/iot-03/meeting-reservations
  "topic": "Test Meeting"
  "start_time": 1625040238000,
  "end_time": 1625045462000,
  "meeting_room_id": "1410148741926678528",
  "participants": [
  "cc_participants": [],
  "notice": true,
  "notice_time": 180,
  "attachment_url": [
  "description": "The small meeting room has been upgraded.",
  "creator": "3",
  "attachments": [
      "name": "12222.jpg",
      "url": "http://****.com/12222.jpg"

Return example

    "result": "1410148835895808097",
    "t": 1625040656531,
    "success": true

Error code

For more information, see error code.