Add Meeting Room

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:12:54download

Create a meeting room based on the meeting room group ID, meeting room name and type, and other information. The meeting room ID will be returned after the creation is successful.

API address

POST: /v2.0/iot-03/meeting-rooms

Request parameter

Description of body

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
nameString trueThe name of a specified meeting room, with up to 50 characters.
image_urlsList falseThe URL of up to 3 images for a specified meeting room.
typeString trueThe type of a specified meeting room. Valid values: normal: general meeting room. vip: VIP meeting room.
addressString trueThe location of a specified meeting room, with up to 100 characters.
longitudeString falseThe longitude of a specified meeting room.
latitudeString falseThe latitude of a specified meeting room.
parent_asset_idString trueThe group ID of specified meeting rooms.
range_typeString trueThe opening range of a specified meeting room. Valid values: all: The meeting room is open to all persons. personnel: The meeting room is open to specified persons.
range_idsList falseThe list of up to 100 IDs of the opening range. This field is required when the type of the opening range is personnel.
room_statusString trueThe status of a specified meeting room. Valid values: open: The meeting room is open for reservation. stop: The meeting room is suspended.
suspension_remarkString falseThe remarks on suspension, with up to 128 characters.
reservation_approvedString trueSpecifies whether to enable approval of the reservation. Valid values: Y: enable. N: disable.
approval_process_idString falseThe ID of the approval process for a specified meeting room. This field is required when the value of reservation_approved is Y.
preemptibleString trueIndicates whether a meeting room can be preempted by another person if the person who makes the reservation does not appear within the specified time. Valid values: Y: yes. N: no.
system_releaseString trueIndicates whether the reservation of a meeting room can be released by the system. Valid values: Y: enabled. N: disabled.
spaceInteger trueThe number of people that can be accommodated in a specified meeting room. The value must be greater than 0.
tag_codesList falseThe codes of meeting room labels.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultStringThe returned result.

Request example

POST: /v2.0/iot-03/meeting-rooms
  "name": "Meeting Room No. 11",
  "type": "normal",
  "address": "Building A, Grand Center",
  "parent_asset_id": "141230266758935****",
  "range_type": "all",
  "room_status": "open",
  "reservation_approved": "N",
  "preemptible": "Y",
  "system_release": "Y",
  "space": 12

Return example

    "result": "141230243019603****",
    "t": 1625554113377,
    "success": true

Error code

For more information, see error code.