Query Meeting Rooms on Pages

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:13:01download

Query the list of meeting rooms that meet the specified criteria. If multiple labels are passed in, the returned result shows the meeting rooms that meet all these labels.

API address

GET: /v2.0/iot-03/meeting-rooms

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
parent_asset_idStringqueryfalseThe group ID of specified meeting rooms.
nameStringqueryfalseThe name of a specified meeting room.
typeStringqueryfalseThe type of a specified meeting room.
room_statusStringqueryfalseThe status of a specified meeting room.
range_typeStringqueryfalseThe opening range of a specified meeting room.
reservation_approvedStringqueryfalseSpecifies whether to enable approval of the reservation.
spaceIntegerqueryfalseThe number of people that can be accommodated in a specified meeting room.
tag_codesStringqueryfalseThe code of a meeting room label, separated with commas (,).
page_sizeIntegerqueryfalseThe number of items returned on each page.
page_noIntegerqueryfalseThe page number.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultPageThe list of meeting rooms on pages.

Description of result

Parameter nameTypeDescription
totalLongThe total entries of meeting rooms that meets the criteria.
listListThe list of meeting rooms.
has_moreBooleanSpecifies whether to return the next page.

Description of list

Parameter nameTypeDescription
idStringThe ID of a specified meeting room.
nameStringThe name of a specified meeting room.
image_urlStringThe URL of the first image for a specified meeting room.
typeStringThe type of a specified meeting room. Valid values: normal: general meeting room. vip: VIP meeting room.
addressStringThe location of a specified meeting room.
longitudeStringThe longitude of a specified meeting room.
latitudeStringThe latitude of a specified meeting room.
parent_asset_idStringThe group ID of specified meeting rooms.
range_typeStringThe opening range of a specified meeting room. Valid values: all: The meeting room is open to all persons. personnel: The meeting room is open to specified persons.
room_statusStringThe status of a specified meeting room. Valid values: open: The meeting room is open for reservation. stop: The meeting room is suspended.
suspension_remarkStringThe remarks on suspension.
reservation_approvedStringSpecifies whether to enable approval of the reservation. Valid values: Y: enable. N: disable.
approval_process_idStringThe ID of the approval process for a specified meeting room.
preemptibleStringIndicates whether a meeting room can be occupied by another person if the person who makes the reservation does not appear within the specified time. Valid values: Y: yes. N: no.
system_releaseStringIndicates whether the reservation of a meeting room can be released by the system. Valid values: Y: enabled. N: disabled.
spaceIntegerThe number of people that can be accommodated in a specified meeting room.

Request example

GET: /v2.0/iot-03/meeting-rooms?parent_asset_id=1410069474429693***&reservation_approved=Y

Return example

    "result": {
        "list": [
                "approval_process_id": "1409770198688333907",
                "address": "F12, Building A, Grand Center",
                "image_url": "www.tuya.com",
                "latitude": "111.4",
                "range_type": "personnel",
                "type": "vip",
                "space": 12,
                "room_status": "open",
                "preemptible": "Y",
                "parent_asset_id": "1410069474429693952",
                "name": "VIP Meeting Room No. 44",
                "id": "1410148741926678528",
                "reservation_approved": "Y",
                "system_release": "Y",
                "suspension_remark": "",
                "longitude": "108.3"
                "approval_process_id": "1409770198688333907",
                "address": "F12, Building A, Grand Center",
                "image_url": "",
                "latitude": "111.4",
                "range_type": "personnel",
                "type": "vip",
                "space": 12,
                "room_status": "open",
                "preemptible": "N",
                "parent_asset_id": "1410069474429693952",
                "name": "VIP Meeting Room No. 3",
                "id": "1410146314074779648",
                "reservation_approved": "Y",
                "system_release": "N",
                "suspension_remark": "",
                "longitude": "108.3"
        "total": 2,
        "has_more": false
    "t": 1625053155389,
    "success": true

Error code

For more information, see error code.