Query Meeting Room

Last Updated on : 2024-06-26 09:25:55download

Query a meeting room by ID. The returned result includes the basic information about the meeting room.

API address

GET: /v2.0/iot-03/meeting-rooms/{room_id}

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
room_idStringuritrueThe ID of a specified meeting room.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultMeetingRoomDetailResThe returned result.

Description of result

Parameter nameTypeDescription
idStringThe ID of a specified meeting room.
nameStringThe name of a specified meeting room.
image_urlsListThe image of a specified meeting room.
typeStringThe type of a specified meeting room. Valid values:
  • normal: normal meeting room.
  • vip: VIP meeting room.
addressStringThe location of a specified meeting room.
longitudeStringThe longitude of a specified meeting room.
latitudeStringThe latitude of a specified meeting room.
parent_asset_idStringThe group ID of a specified meeting room.
range_typeStringThe opening range of a specified meeting room. Valid values:
  • all: all staff.
  • personnel: the specified personnel.
range_idsListThe list of IDs that can be used to reserve a specified meeting room.
room_statusStringThe status of a specified meeting room. Valid values:
  • open: The meeting room is open and available.
  • stop: The meeting room is suspended and unavailable.
suspension_remarkStringThe remarks on suspension.
reservation_approvedStringSpecifies whether to enable approval of the reservation. Valid values:
  • Y: Approval is required.
  • N: Approval is not required.
approval_process_idStringThe ID of the approval process for a specified meeting room.
preemptibleStringSpecifies whether a meeting room can be occupied by another person if the person who makes the reservation does not appear within the specified time. Valid values:
  • Y: yes.
  • N: no.
system_releaseStringSpecifies whether the reservation of a meeting room can be automatically released by the system. Valid values:
  • Y: yes.
  • N: no.
spaceIntegerThe number of people that can be accommodated in a specified meeting room.
tag_codesListThe tag code of a specified meeting room.
template_idStringThe ID of a specified rule template.

Request example

GET: /v2.0/iot-03/meeting-rooms/1410175631475462***

Return example

    "tid": "e4fefb713787027e",
    "result": {
        "approval_process_id": "",
        "address": "Floor 1",
        "latitude": "",
        "meeting_template_res": {
            "blacklist_config": {
                "enable_blacklist": "N"
            "default_config": true,
            "sign_config": {
                "enable_sign": "N"
            "template_name": "Default Template",
            "template_id": "153189437637080****",
            "reservation_config": {
                "min_minute": 15,
                "booking_date": [
                "end_time": "23:00",
                "start_time": "07:00",
                "max_hour": 3,
                "max_day": 7,
                "release_time": 10
        "image_urls": [
        "range_type": "all",
        "type": "normal",
        "range_ids": [
        "space": 1,
        "room_status": "open",
        "preemptible": "Y",
        "parent_asset_id": "144818941421475****",
        "name": "Room 1",
        "tag_codes": [
        "template_id": "153189437637080****",
        "id": "153442952273519****",
        "reservation_approved": "N",
        "system_release": "Y",
        "suspension_remark": "",
        "longitude": ""
    "t": 1655265745113,
    "success": true

Error code

For more information, see error code.