User Management

Last Updated on : 2024-06-12 10:22:55download

Tuya Smart Community App SDK supports login to a mobile app with a password.

To enhance data security, Tuya has optimized the verification code service for mobile phones and placed limits on users. To use the verification code service, contact your account manager of Tuya or submit a ticket to activate the service.

Register a user with a mobile phone number

The SDK enables registration with the mobile phone number and password and includes the APIs for the verification code service and user registration.

Get a verification code

API description

TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().sendVerifyCodeWithUserName(String userName, String region, String countryCode, int type, IResultCallback callback);


Parameter Description
userName The mobile phone number.
region The region in which the verification code service is available for the user. Default value: "".
countryCode The country code. Set the value to 86 to specify mainland China.
type The type of verification code. Set the value to 1 to specify a registration verification code.
callback The callback.

Register with the mobile phone number and password

API description

TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().registerAccountWithPhone(final String countryCode, final String phoneNumber, final String passwd, final String code, final IRegisterCallback callback);


Parameter Description
countryCode The country code. Set the value to 86 to specify mainland China.
phoneNumber The mobile phone number.
passwd The login password.
code The verification code.
callback The callback.


// Returns a verification code to a mobile phone.
TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().sendVerifyCodeWithUserName("13666666666", "", "86", 1, new IResultCallback() {
			public void onError(String code, String error) {
				Toast.makeText(mContext, "code: " + code + "error:" + error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

			public void onSuccess() {
				Toast.makeText(mContext, "Verification code returned successfully.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
// Registers an account with a mobile phone number and a password.
IRegisterCallback callback = new IRegisterCallback() {
	public void onSuccess(User user) {
		Toast.makeText(mContext, "Registered successfully.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
	public void onError(String code, String error) {
		Toast.makeText(mContext, "code: " + code + "error:" + error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().registerAccountWithPhone("86","13666666666","123456","124332", callback);

Log in to a user with a mobile phone number

API description

Enables login to the app with a mobile phone number and a password.

TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().loginWithPhonePassword(String countryCode, String phone, String passwd, final ILoginCallback callback);


Parameter Description
countryCode The country code. Set the value to 86 to specify mainland China.
phone The mobile phone number.
passwd The login password.
callback The callback.


// Enables login to the app with the mobile phone number and password.
TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().loginWithPhonePassword("86", "13666666666", "123456", new ILoginCallback() {
	public void onSuccess(User user) {
		Toast.makeText(mContext, "Logged in successfully. Username: " +TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().getUser().getUsername(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

	public void onError(String code, String error) {
		Toast.makeText(mContext, "code: " + code + "error:" + error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Reset the password

The SDK enables login password resetting with the mobile phone number and includes the APIs for the verification code service and password resetting.

Get a verification code

API description

Returns a verification code to a mobile phone. To enable this feature, the region in which the user is registered must support the verification code service.

TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().sendVerifyCodeWithUserName(String userName, String region, String countryCode, int type, IResultCallback callback);


Parameter Description
userName The mobile phone number.
region The region in which the verification code service is available for the user. Default value: "".
countryCode The country code. Set the value to 86 to specify mainland China.
type The type of verification code. Set the value to 3 to specify a verification code used for password resetting.
callback The callback.

Reset a password

API description

Resets the password of a user.

TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().resetPhonePassword(final String countryCode, final String phone, final String code, final String newPasswd, final IResetPasswordCallback callback);


Parameter Description
countryCode The country code. Set the value to 86 to specify mainland China.
phone The mobile phone number.
code The verification code.
newPasswd The new password.
callback The callback.


// Returns a verification code to a mobile phone.
TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().sendVerifyCodeWithUserName("13666666666", "", "86", 3, new IResultCallback() {
			public void onError(String code, String error) {
				Toast.makeText(mContext, "code: " + code + "error:" + error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

			public void onSuccess() {
				Toast.makeText(mContext, "Verification code returned successfully.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
// Resets the password for login with the mobile phone number.
TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().resetPhonePassword("86", "13555555555", "123456", "123123", new IResetPasswordCallback(){
	public void onSuccess() {
		Toast.makeText(mContext, "Password reset successfully.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

	public void onError(String code, String error) {
		Toast.makeText(mContext, "code: " + code + "error:" + error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Send different types of verification codes

Users can get different types of verification codes depending on their purposes.

API description

Verifies the validity of a verification code that can be used for login, registration, or password resetting.

TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().checkCodeWithUserName(String userName, String region, String countryCode, String code, int type, IResultCallback callback)


Parameter Description
userName The user’s mobile phone number.
region The region in which the verification code service is available for the user. Default value: "".
countryCode The country code. Set the value to 86 to specify mainland China.
code The verification code.
type The purpose of a verification code. Valid values:
  • 1: registration
  • 2: login
  • 3: password resetting
  • 8: user deletion
callback The callback.

Check whether a user’s region supports verification codes

A user can be registered with the verification code service only when the user’s region supports this service.

API description

TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().getWhiteListWhoCanSendMobileCodeSuccess(IWhiteListCallback callback);


Parameter Description
callback The callback.


TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().getWhiteListWhoCanSendMobileCodeSuccess(new IWhiteListCallback() {
			public void onSuccess(WhiteList whiteList) {
				Toast.makeText(mContext, "Support for the verification code service is checked successfully: " + whiteList.getCountryCodes(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

			public void onError(String code, String error) {
				Toast.makeText(mContext, "code: " + code + "error:" + error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

User management

Tuya IoT Platform supports user management. For example, bind users, modify user information, process session expiration, and delete users.

Change a user avatar

API description

Uploads a custom user avatar.

void uploadUserAvatar(File file, IBooleanCallback callback)


Parameter Type Description
file File The user avatar file.
callback IBooleanCallback The callback.


    new IBooleanCallback() {
        public void onSuccess() {

        public void onError(String code, String error) {


Change a nickname

API description

Changes a nickname.

void reRickName(String name, final IReNickNameCallback callback);


Parameter Type Description
name String The nickname.
callback IReNickNameCallback The callback.


    new IReNickNameCallback() {
        public void onSuccess() {
        public void onError(String code, String error) {


Synchronize user information

If user information such as the avatar or nickname is changed, this API method is used to synchronize the latest user information. If the user is logged in from multiple mobile phones and one of the mobile phones has user information changed, the changes are synchronized to the other mobile phone when the user information is checked on the mobile phone.

API description

Synchronizes user information.

void updateUserInfo(IResultCallback callback);


Parameter Type Description
callback IResultCallback The callback.


TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().updateUserInfo(new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {


    public void onSuccess() {
        User user = TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().getUser();

Log out of an anonymous account

API description

Logs out of an anonymous account. This type of account is deleted immediately after logout. Other types of accounts might be deleted seven days after delete requests are sent.

void touristLogOut(final ILogoutCallback callback)


Parameter Type Description
success ILogoutCallback The callback.


TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().touristLogOut(new ILogoutCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {

    public void onError(String code, String error) {


Log out of other types of accounts

Java example

TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().updateUserInfo(new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {


    public void onSuccess() {
        User user = TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().getUser();

Delete a user

API description

Deletes a user. During the week following this delete operation, if the user is logged in again, the delete request is canceled. If not, the user is permanently disabled and all its information is deleted after this week.

void cancelAccount(IResultCallback callback);


TuyaOSUser.getUserInstance().cancelAccount(new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {

    public void onSuccess() {
