Guest Access Control

Last Updated on : 2022-02-17 06:56:38download

This topic describes how to use the guest access control module of the Smart Community App SDK. Multiple features are supported. For example, create guest passes, get a list of passes, cancel an invitation, and configure pass information.

Feature overview

  • You must first query the current community ID in the house management module.

  • Required class

    Class name Description
    getVisitorInstance() Manages guest access control.
  • Visit reason data model TuyaCommunityVisitorReasonBean

    Property Type Description
    visitorReasonId String The ID of a visit reason.
    visitorReason String The visit reason.
    remark String The remarks.
    timeLimitType int The type of time limit. Valid values:
    • 1: hour
    • 2: day
    • 3: no limit
    timeLimitValue int The value of a time limit.
  • Visit pass information TuyaCommunityVisitorInfoBean

    Property Type Description
    visitorId String The ID of the guest.
    visitorName String The name of the guest.
    visitorPhone String The mobile phone number of the guest.
    sex String The gender of the guest. Valid values:
    • 0: male
    • 1: female
    visitorReason String The visit reason.
    visitorAddressId String The ID of the destination address. The value is the same as roomId for a house ID.
    visitorAddress String The destination address.
    visitorTime long The visit time.
    visitorStatus int The visit state. Valid values:
    0: not visit
    1: visited
    2: delayed and not visit
    visitorFrom int The source of the guest. Valid values:
    1: registered by the property management staff
    2: invited by an owner
    hasCar int Specifies whether the guest drives a car. Valid values:
    • 1: yes
    • 2: no
    carNum String The license plate number.
    visitorFace String The biometric identity.
    startTime long The start time of a visit.
    endTime long The end time of a visit.
    intervieweeName String The name of the host.
    intervieweePhone String The mobile phone number of the host.
    visitorCapabilityList List The type of access control method: Valid values: 1: QR code 2: biometric identity

  • Pass list data model TuyaCommunityVisitorInfoBean

    Property Type Description
    visitorId String The ID of the guest.
    visitorName String The name of the guest.
    phone String The mobile phone number of the guest.
    sex String The gender of the guest. Valid values:
    • 0: male
    • 1: female
    visitorReason String The visit reason.
    visitorAddress String The destination address.
    intervieweeName String The name of the host.
    intervieweePhone String The mobile phone number of the host.
    visitorTime long The visit time.
    visitorStatus int The visit state. Valid values:
    0: not visit
    1: visited
    2: delayed and not visit
    visitorStatusStr String The string of the visit state.
    visitorFrom int The source of the guest. Valid values:
    1: registered by the property management staff
    2: invited by an owner
    applyTime long The time when the guest information is submitted.
    startTime logn The start time of a visit.
    endTime long The end time of a visit.
    carNum String The license plate number.

Query the list of visit reasons

Returns a list of visit reasons that are provided by guests in real time when they submit guest information to generate guest passes.

API description

void getVisitorReasonList(String communityId, ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<ArrayList<TuyaCommunityVisitorReasonBean>> callback);

Request parameter

Parameter Type Description
communityId String The community ID.

Return parameter

Parameter Description
onSuccess(ArrayList bean) The list of visit reasons.
onFailure(String s, String s1) The failure callback.
  • s: the error code.
  • s1: the error message.


TuyaCommunitySDK.getVisitorInstance().getVisitorReasonList(communityId, new ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<ArrayList<TuyaCommunityVisitorReasonBean>>() {
			public void onSuccess(ArrayList<TuyaCommunityVisitorReasonBean> bean) {

			public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {


Query whether a community allows guest vehicle access

Indicates whether a guest drives a car. This information is provided by guests when they submit guest information to generate guest passes. This API method can be called to check whether a community allows guest vehicle access.

In the response, a Boolean value is returned. true indicates that guest vehicle access is allowed. false indicates that guest vehicle access is not allowed.

API description

void getCarConfig(String communityId, ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<Boolean> callback);

Request parameter

Parameter Description
communityId The community ID.

Return parameter

Parameter Description
onSuccess(Boolean aBoolean) Indicates whether guest vehicle access is allowed in the community. Valid values:
  • true: yes
  • false: no

onFailure(String s, String s1) The failure callback.
  • s: the error code.
  • s1: the error message.


TuyaCommunitySDK.getVisitorInstance().getCarConfig(communityId, new ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<Boolean>() {
			public void onSuccess(Boolean aBoolean) {

			public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {

Generate a guest pass

Generates a guest pass after guests submit the name, gender, mobile phone number, visit reason, and other required information.

This API method can be used to query a list of visit reasons and whether guests drive to the community.

API description

void createPass(String communityId, String visitorName, String visitorPhone, int sex, String visitorReason, long startTime, long endTime, String visitorAddressId, int driveCar, @Nullable String carNum, TuyaCommunityVisitorFromEnum visitorFrom, ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<String> callback);

Request parameter

Parameter Required Type Description
communityId Yes String The community ID.
visitorName Yes String The name of the guest.
visitorPhone Yes String The mobile phone number of the guest.
sex Yes int The gender of the guest. Valid values:
  • 0: male
  • 1: female
visitorReasonId Yes String The ID of the visit reason.
startTime Yes long The time when the guest arrives at the community.
endTime Yes long The time when the guest leaves the community.
roomId Yes String The room ID.
driveCar No int Specifies whether the guest drives to the community. Valid values:
  • 1: yes
  • 2: no
You must call the API method that indicates whether guest vehicle access is allowed and the return value is true. Then, this parameter can be set. Otherwise, the setting of this parameter is invalid.
carNum No (required for a driving visit) String The license plate number.
visitorFrom Yes enum(TuyaCommunityVisitorFromEnum) The source of the guest. Valid values:
1: registered by the property management staff
2: invited by an owner


TuyaCommunitySDK.getVisitorInstance().createPass(communityId,visitorName,visitorPhone, TuyaCommunityGenderType.Female,visitorReason,startTime,endTime,rommId,driveCar,carNum, TuyaCommunityVisitorFromEnum.Owner,new ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<String>() {
			public void onSuccess(String s) {

			public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {
				callback.onFailure(s, s1);

Cancel an invitation

Cancels a visit prior to the start time of the guest’s visit. Then, the guest is not allowed to visit the community. The guest can be invited to visit again.

API description

void cancelPass(String communityId, String visitorId, ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<Boolean> callback);

Request parameter

Parameter Type Description
communityId String The community ID.
visitorId String The guest ID. The value is included in the list of passes.

Return parameter

Parameter Description
onSuccess(Boolean aBoolean) The success callback. Valid values:
  • true: canceled successfully.
  • false: failed to cancel the invitation.
onFailure(String s, String s1) The failure callback.
  • s: the error code.
  • s1: the error message.


TuyaCommunitySDK.getVisitorInstance().cancelPass(communityId, visitorId, new ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<Boolean>() {
			public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {

			public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {

Query guest pass information

Returns details of a guest pass, including the name, gender, visit start time, visit end time, destination, and whether the guest arrives.

API description

void getVisitorPassInfo(String communityId, String visitorId, ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<TuyaCommunityVisitorInfoBean> callback);

Request parameter

Parameter Type Description
communityId String The community ID.
visitorId String The guest ID. The value is included in the list of passes.

Return parameter

Parameter Description
onSuccess(TuyaCommunityVisitorInfoBean tuyaCommunityVisitorInfoBean) The details of the pass.
onFailure(String s, String s1) The failure callback.
  • s: the error code.
  • s1: the error message.


TuyaCommunitySDK.ggetVisitorInstance().getVisitorPassInfo(communityId, visitorId, new ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<TuyaCommunityVisitorInfoBean>() {
			public void onSuccess(TuyaCommunityVisitorInfoBean tuyaCommunityVisitorInfoBean) {

			public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {

Query a list of passes

Returns a list of passes for a user. Passes in the following states are included: not visit, delayed and not visit, canceled, and visited. Entries can be returned on pages.

API description

void getVisitorRecordList(String communityId, String roomId, int pageNo, int pageSize, ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<TuyaCommunityVisitorRecordListBean> callback);

Request parameter

Parameter Type Description
communityId String The community ID.
roomId String The room ID.
pageNo int The number of the current page.
pageSize int The number of entries per page.

Return parameter

Parameter Description
onSuccess(TuyaCommunityVisitorRecordListBean bean The list of returned passes.
onFailure(String s, String s1) The failure callback.
  • s: the error code.
  • s1: the error message.


TuyaCommunitySDK.getVisitorInstance().getVisitorRecordList(communityId, roomId, pageNo, pageSize,
				new ITuyaCommunityResultCallback<TuyaCommunityVisitorRecordListBean>() {
					public void onSuccess(TuyaCommunityVisitorRecordListBean bean) {

					public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {
