Device Service

Last Updated on : 2024-05-27 04:26:48download

This topic describes the device service, allowing you to manage devices using MQTT and Bluetooth tools.

MQTT tool

Subscribe to and publish MQTT messages.

Subscribe to a topic


Parameter Type Required Description
topic String Yes The topic to subscribe to.
callback IMQTTSubscribeCallback Yes The subscription callback.


MQTTHelper.subscribe("topic", new IMQTTSubscribeCallback() {
            public void onError(String s, String s1) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onError: " + s);


            public void onSuccess() {
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");


Unsubscribe from a topic


Parameter Type Required Description
topic String Yes The topic to unsubscribe from.
callback IMQTTSubscribeCallback Yes The unsubscription callback.


MQTTHelper.unsubscribe("topic", callback);

Publish a message on specified topic


Parameter Type Required Description
topic String Yes The topic to publish.
data String Yes The content to publish.
callback IndustryCallBack Yes The publishing callback.


MQTTHelper.publish("topic", data, new IndustryCallBack() {
            public void onError(int code, String msg) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onError: " + msg);


            public void onSuccess() {
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");


Register message listener


Parameter Type Required Description
listener IMQTTListener Yes The message listener.


MQTTHelper.registerMessageListener(new IMQTTListener() {
            public void onReceiveError(topic: String, code: String, msg: String) {


            public void onReceiveSuccess(topic: String, protocol: Int, jsonData: String) {


Remove message listener


Parameter Type Required Description
listener IMQTTListener Yes The message listener.



Bluetooth tool

Common properties

BleConnectBean object

Property Type Required Description
devId String Yes The device ID.
directConnect boolean Yes Indicates whether a direct connection is used.
level int Yes The level.
scanTimeout int Yes The scan timeout.
autoConnect boolean Yes Indicates whether an automatic connection is used.
extInfo ExtInfo Optional The additional information.

Connect to an offline device


Parameter Type Required Description
beans List Yes The list of BleConnectBean objects.


List<BleConnectBean> beans = new ArrayList<>();
BleConnectBean bleConnectBean = new BleConnectBean(
        "your_dev_id", // Set devId
        false, // Set directConnect
        0, // Set level
        30000, // Set scanTimeout
        false, // Set autoConnect
        null // (Optional) Set extInfo. Passing in null indicates no extInfo.

Disconnect a device


List<BleConnectBean> beans = new ArrayList<>();
BleConnectBean bleConnectBean = new BleConnectBean(
        "your_dev_id", // Set devId
        false, // Set directConnect
        0, // Set level
        30000, // Set scanTimeout
        false, // Set autoConnect
        null // (Optional) Set extInfo. Passing in null indicates no extInfo.

Device management

Common properties


Method Description
getDeviceId(): String The device ID.
getUUID(): String The UUID of the device.
getName(): String The name of the device.
getIcon(): String The device icon.
getProductId(): String The product ID.
getCategory(): String The abbreviation of the product category. For example, kg for a switch and cz for a socket. For more information, see Standard Instruction Set.
getCapability(): Int The networking capability. Valid values:
  • 0: Wi-Fi
  • 1: Wired
  • 2: GPRS
  • 3: NB-IoT
  • 10: Bluetooth
  • 11: Bluetooth mesh
  • 12: Zigbee
  • 13: Infrared
  • 14: Zigbee
getProtocolAttribute(): Long The protocol support.
getTimezoneId(): String The time zone of the device.
isCloudOnline(): Boolean The connection status of the device on the internet.
isLocalOnline(): Boolean The connection status of the device on the LAN.
isOnline(): Boolean Indicates whether the device is online on the LAN or internet.
getLatitude(): String The latitude of the device.
getLongitude(): String The longitude of the device.
getDps(): Map<String, Any> Get the data point (DP) of the device.
publishDps(dps: DpCommand, callback: IndustryCallBack) Control a DP.
getSchemas(): Map<String, DpSchema> Get the DP schema.
addDeviceListener(listener: IDeviceListener) Set a device listener.
removeDeviceListener(listener: IDeviceListener) Remove a device listener.
getWifiSignalStrength(callback: IndustryValueCallBack) Get the Wi-Fi signal strength.
getDevAttribute(): Long Device capability flags:
  • Bit0: Pairing-free
  • Bit1: DP 31 protocol query
  • Bit2: Local linkage
  • Bit3: Wi-Fi network scan
  • Bit4: Google Local Home
  • Bit5: Pegasus pairing
  • Bit6: Device control over Bluetooth
  • Bit7: Security alarm
  • Bit8: Shared device
  • Bit9: Sunrise/sunset-based schedule
  • Bit10: Failover
  • Bit11: OTA capability
  • Bit12: Alternative Wi-Fi network
  • Bit14: Tuya standard protocol
  • Bit15: Custom protocol
  • Bit16: Industry capability
  • Bit17: OCPP protocol
  • Bit18: EV charging industry protocol
  • Bit19: Things data model
newOtaManager(): IDeviceOtaManager Get the device OTA management instance.
newBackupManager(): IDeviceWifiBackupManager The alternative Wi-Fi network. To check if this feature is supported, review the bit12 value returned by getDevAttribute().

DpCommand object

Property Type Required Description
publishMode DpsPublishMode Yes The data transfer type.
dps List Yes The DP data set.

Get device details

Load the device object by device ID.


Parameter Type Required Description
deviceId String Yes The device ID.


// Method 1:
DeviceService.load("deviceId", new IndustryValueCallBack<IDevice>() {
            public void onSuccess(IDevice iDevice) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");


            public void onError(int i, String s) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onError: " + s);


// Method 2:
IDevice device = DeviceService.device("deviceId")
if (device != null) {


Rename device


Parameter Type Required Description
deviceId String Yes The ID of the target device.
newName String Yes The new name of the device.
callback IndustryCallBack Yes The callback for renaming a device.


DeviceService.rename("deviceId", "newName", new IndustryCallBack() {
            public void onSuccess() {
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");

            public void onError(int i, String s) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onError: " + s);


Remove device


Parameter Type Required Description
deviceId String Yes The ID of the target device.
callback IndustryCallBack Yes The callback for removing a device.


DeviceService.remove("deviceId", new IndustryCallBack() {
            public void onSuccess() {
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");

            public void onError(int i, String s) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onError: " + s);


Factory reset


Parameter Type Required Description
deviceId String Yes The device ID.
callback IndustryCallBack Yes The callback.


DeviceService.resetFactory("deviceId", new IndustryCallBack() {
            public void onSuccess() {
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");

            public void onError(int i, String s) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onError: " + s);


Register device listener

IDevice listens for device information, including but not limited to:

  • The DP data.
  • The name of the device.
  • The online status of the device.


Parameter Description
listener The listener for device status.


iDevice.addDeviceListener(new IDeviceListener() {
    public void onDpUpdate(String s, String s1) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onDpUpdate: ");

    public void onRemoved(String s) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onRemoved: ");

    public void onStatusChanged(String s, boolean b) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onStatusChanged: ");

    public void onNetworkStatusChanged(String s, boolean b) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onNetworkStatusChanged: ");

    public void onDevInfoUpdate(String s) {


Remove device listener


Parameter Description
listener Remove a listener for device status.



Control device


Parameter Type Required Description
dpCommand DpCommand Yes The DP command.
callback IndustryCallBack Yes The success callback.

Example of creating dpCommand

DpCommand dpCommand = new DpCommand.Builder()


iDevice.publishDps(dpCommand, new IndustryCallBack() {
                    public void onSuccess() {
                        Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");

                    public void onError(int i, String s) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "onError: ");


Exit page and destroy listener

API description


Device firmware updates

Common properties

FirmwareUpgradeInfo object

Property Type Description
desc String The description of the update.
upgradeStatus Int The update status.
  • 0: No update available
  • 1: An update available
  • 2: Updating
  • 5: Wait for the device to wake up
version String The new version of the firmware.
currentVersion String The current version of the firmware.
timeout Int The timeout period.
upgradeType Int Types of updates
  • 0: Update notification
  • 2: Forced update
  • 3: Check for update
type Int Types of firmware update channel
  • 0: Main network module, Wi-Fi module, and Bluetooth module.
  • 1: Bluetooth module
  • 2: GPRS module
  • 3: Zigbee module
  • 5: 433 MHz module
  • 6: NB-IoT module
  • 9: MCU module
  • 10 to 19: Extended modules
typeDesc String The description of the firmware update channel.
lastUpgradeTime Long The last update time.
firmwareDeployTime Long The firmware deployment time.
fileSize Long The size of the firmware update. Unit: bytes.
controlType Int Indicates whether device control is allowed during the update.
  • YES: The device can be used during the update.
  • NO: The device cannot be used during the update.
upgradingDesc String The description shown when the firmware is being updated.
downloadingDesc String The description shown when the update is being downloaded.
remind String The description shown when the update verification fails.
canUpgrade Boolean? Indicates whether the update verification succeeds.
  • null: No verification is required to start an update.
  • false: The update verification fails, with the update being denied. You can show remind to inform the user about the failure.
  • true: The update verification succeeds, with the update being accepted.
devType Int The type of the device.
  • 0: Ordinary device
  • 1: Low power device
waitingDesc String The description for waiting for the device to wake up.
upgradeMode Int The type of firmware update, available starting from v3.35.5.
  • 0: Generic firmware update
  • 1: PID-specific firmware update

DeviceUpgradeStatusBean object

Property Type Description
devId String The device ID.
firmwareType int The type of firmware.
statusText String The description of the status.
statusTitle String The title of the status.
progress int The progress. In certain conditions, the value might be less than 0. If any, ignore this type of value.
status DevUpgradeStatusEnum The update status.
  • 2: Updating
  • 3: Update succeeded
  • 4: Update failed
  • 5: Wait for the device to wake up
  • 6: The update has been downloaded
  • 7: Update timeout
  • 100: The app is preparing, for example, connecting to a Bluetooth device, or downloading the update.
upgradeMode Int Firmware update modes
  • 0: Generic firmware update
  • 1: PID-specific firmware update, available starting from v3.35.5
errorMsg String The error message.
errorCode Int The error code returned on failure.

Get the update information

iDevice.newOtaManager().fetchFirmwareUpgradeInfo(new IndustryDataCallBack<List<FirmwareUpgradeInfo>>() {
    public void onSuccess(List<FirmwareUpgradeInfo> firmwareUpgradeInfos) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");

    public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onFailure: ");

Start update


Parameter Type Description
upgradeInfoList List The update information.



Continue with update


Parameter Type Description
isContinue Boolean Indicates whether to continue the update task.



Cancel update


Parameter Type Description
firmwareType Int The type of firmware.
callback IndustryNormalCallback The callback.


iDevice.newOtaManager().cancelOTA(0, new IndustryNormalCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");

    public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onFailure: ");

Get update status


iDevice.newOtaManager().fetchUpgradingInfo(new IndustryDataCallBack<DeviceUpgradeStatusBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(DeviceUpgradeStatusBean deviceUpgradeStatusBean) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");

    public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onFailure: ");

Listen for callback


iDevice.newOtaManager().registerOTAListener(new IDeviceOtaListener() {
    public void firmwareUpgradeStatus(DeviceUpgradeStatusBean deviceUpgradeStatusBean) {
        Log.d(TAG, "firmwareUpgradeStatus: ");

Alternative network

You can call iDevice.getDevAttribute() & (1 << 12) to check whether a specific device supports the alternative network.

  • 1: Support
  • 0: Not support

Common properties

ConnectWifiInfoBean object

Property Type Description
devId String The device ID.
tId String The message ID.
ssid String The SSID of the Wi-Fi network.
signal Int The Wi-Fi signal strength.
network Int The network status.
version Int The protocol version.
hash String The hash value of the connected Wi-Fi network.

BackupWifiInfoListBean object


Property Type Description
devId String The device ID.
tId String The message ID.
maxNum String The maximum number of SSIDs that the device can store.
backupList MutableList The list of alternative Wi-Fi networks. The type is [BackupWifiInfoBean].

BackupWifiInfoBean object

Property Type Description
ssid String The SSID of the Wi-Fi network.
hash String The hash value of the Wi-Fi password.
passwd String The password of the Wi-Fi network.

BackupWifiResultBean object


Property Type Description
devId String The device ID.
tId String The message ID.
ssid String The SSID of the Wi-Fi network.
resCode Int The response code.
ssidList MutableList The list of Wi-Fi SSIDs.

Query current Wi-Fi information


Parameter Type Required Description
callback IndustryDataCallBack Yes The callback.


iDevice.newBackupManager().fetchConnectWifiInfo(new IndustryDataCallBack<ConnectWifiInfoBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(ConnectWifiInfoBean connectWifiInfoBean) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");

    public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onFailure: ");

Query alternative Wi-Fi networks


iDevice.newBackupManager().fetchBackupWifiInfoList(new IndustryDataCallBack<BackupWifiInfoListBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(BackupWifiInfoListBean backupWifiInfoListBean) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");


    public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onFailure: ");


Set the list of alternative Wi-Fi networks


Parameter Description
backupWifiList The bean of the alternative Wi-Fi network.
callback The callback.


ArrayList<BackupWifiInfoBean> backupWifiList = new ArrayList<>();
                // Set the password of the added Wi-Fi network.
                BackupWifiInfoBean backupWifiBean = new BackupWifiInfoBean();

                iDevice.newBackupManager().setBackupWifiInfoList(backupWifiList, new IndustryDataCallBack<BackupWifiResultBean>() {
                    public void onSuccess(BackupWifiResultBean backupWifiResultBean) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");

                    public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "onFailure: ");

Switch to a new Wi-Fi network


Parameter Type Description
ssid String The name of the Wi-Fi network.
password String The password of the Wi-Fi network.
callback IndustryDataCallBack The callback.


iDevice.newBackupManager().switchToTargetWifi("ssid", "password", new IndustryDataCallBack<SwitchWifiResultBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(SwitchWifiResultBean switchWifiResultBean) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");

    public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onFailure: ");


Switch to an alternative Wi-Fi network


Parameter Type Description
hash String The hash value of the Wi-Fi password.
callback IndustryDataCallBack The callback.


iDevice.newBackupManager().switchToBackupWifi("hash", new IndustryDataCallBack<SwitchWifiResultBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(SwitchWifiResultBean switchWifiResultBean) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");

    public void onFailure(String s, String s1) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onFailure: ");