Device Pairing

Last Updated on : 2024-05-27 03:36:52download

Smart Industry App SDK provides the capabilities to implement multiple device pairing modes, such as Wi-Fi Easy Connect mode (EZ mode), access point (AP) mode, wired mode, sub-device mode, and QR code mode.

  • Wi-Fi EZ mode: It relies on communication between devices. Once a device is paired, other devices of the same type can be automatically paired.
  • AP mode: A mobile phone connects to the AP of a smart device. Then, both devices establish a socket connection to exchange data through a designated port.
  • Wired mode: A device that connects to a router through an Ethernet cable, for example, a wired Zigbee gateway and a wired camera.
  • Sub-device mode: A device that interacts with the app and the cloud through a gateway, for example, Bluetooth and Zigbee sub-devices.
  • QR code mode: A camera device scans the QR code on the app to get the pairing data.