User Service

Last Updated on : 2024-05-27 03:48:51download

This topic describes user services, allowing you to access login information and log in or out of a user account.

Common properties

IUser methods

Method Description
getUserId(): String The unique identifier of the user.
getUserName(): String The name of the user.
getSpaceType(): Int The space type
  • 1: The space system.
  • 2: The asset system.

Get user login information


IUser user = UserService.user();

User login


Parameter Type Required Description
projectCode String Yes The project code.
userName String Yes The username.
password String Yes The password.
callback IndustryValueCallBack<IUser> Yes The callback.


UserService.loginWithParams("projectCode", "userName", "password", new IndustryValueCallBack<IUser>() {
    public void onSuccess(IUser iUser) {
        Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "login success : " + s, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


    public void onError(int i, String s) {
        Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "login fail : " + s, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

User logout


Parameter Type Required Description
callBack IndustryCallBack Yes The callback object for handling the logout result.


UserService.logout(new IndustryCallBack() {
    public void onSuccess() {
        Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "logout success", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onError(int i, String s) {
        Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "logout fail", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Query user information


Parameter Type Required Description
callback IndustryValueCallBack Yes The callback.


UserService.fetchUserInfo(new IndustryValueCallBack<UserInfo>() {
    public void onSuccess(UserInfo userInfo) {
        // Success. Process user information.
        // ...

    public void onError(int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        // Failure. Process error messages.
        // ...

Check whether the user is logged in


boolean isLogin = UserService.isLogin();
if (isLogin) {
    // The logic for login status.

Register a listener for login session expiration

After you register a listener for login session expiration, this callback will be triggered when the user changes their password or remains inactive for a period. A successful callback indicates that the login has expired and prompts the user to log in again.


UserService.setLoginExpiredListener(new LoginExpiredListener() {
    public void onLoginExpired() {
        // The logic for login session expiration.