Wi-Fi AP Mode

Last Updated on : 2024-05-27 05:45:07download

This topic describes the access point (AP) to pair devices. It is a connection capability for pairing over Wi-Fi. In the pairing process, a mobile phone connects to the AP of the smart device and broadcasts the Wi-Fi credentials and pairing token over the LAN to enable the smart device to get this information for network connection and pairing. With a high success rate and good reliability, this mode adapts to 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz dual-band routers. However, users need to manually switch between the Wi-Fi bands connected to the mobile phone.

Initialize IActivator


Parameter Type Required Description
mode ActivatorMode Yes The pairing mode.


APActivator apActivator = (APActivator) ActivatorService.activator(ActivatorMode.AP);

Get a pairing token


Parameter Type Required Description
assetId String Yes The ID of the specified asset or space.
callback IndustryDataCallBack Yes The callback.


// Get the asset activation token.
ActivatorService.activatorToken("assetId", new IndustryDataCallBack<String>() {
            public void onSuccess(String s) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: " + s);

            public void onFailure(@NonNull String s, @NonNull String s1) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onFailure: " + s);

Initialize pairing parameters


Parameter Type Description
ssid String The SSID of the Wi-Fi network.
password String The password of the Wi-Fi network.
token String The token.


WiFiActivatorParams params = new WiFiActivatorParams.Builder()
                .setWifi("your_ssid", "your_password")

Register IActivatorListener to listen for pairing result

IDevice object

Method Description
getDeviceId(): String The device ID.
getUUID(): String The UUID of the device.
getName(): String The name of the device.
getIcon(): String The device icon.
getProductId(): String The product ID.
getCategory(): String The abbreviation of the product category. For example, kg for a switch and cz for a socket. For more information, see Standard Instruction Set.
getCapability(): Int The networking capability. Valid values:
  • 0: Wi-Fi
  • 1: Wired
  • 2: GPRS
  • 3: NB-IoT
  • 10: Bluetooth
  • 11: Bluetooth mesh
  • 12: Zigbee
  • 13: Infrared
  • 14: Zigbee
getProtocolAttribute(): Long The protocol support.
getTimezoneId(): String The time zone of the device.
isCloudOnline(): Boolean The connection status of the device on the internet.
isLocalOnline(): Boolean The connection status of the device on the LAN.
isOnline(): Boolean Indicates whether the device is online on the LAN or internet.
getLatitude(): String The latitude of the device.
getLongitude(): String The longitude of the device.
getDps(): Map<String, Any> Get the data point (DP) of the device.
publishDps(dps: DpCommand, callback: IndustryCallBack) Control a DP.
getSchemas(): Map<String, DpSchema> Get the DP schema.
addDeviceListener(listener: IDeviceListener) Set a device listener.
removeDeviceListener(listener: IDeviceListener) Remove a device listener.
getWifiSignalStrength(callback: IndustryValueCallBack) Get the Wi-Fi signal strength.
getDevAttribute(): Long Device capability flags:
  • Bit0: Pairing-free
  • Bit1: DP 31 protocol query
  • Bit2: Local linkage
  • Bit3: Wi-Fi network scan
  • Bit4: Google Local Home
  • Bit5: Pegasus pairing
  • Bit6: Device control over Bluetooth
  • Bit7: Security alarm
  • Bit8: Shared device
  • Bit9: Sunrise/sunset-based schedule
  • Bit10: Failover
  • Bit11: OTA capability
  • Bit12: Alternative Wi-Fi network
  • Bit14: Tuya standard protocol
  • Bit15: Custom protocol
  • Bit16: Industry capability
  • Bit17: OCPP protocol
  • Bit18: EV charging industry protocol
  • Bit19: Things data model
newOtaManager(): IDeviceOtaManager Get the device OTA management instance.
newBackupManager(): IDeviceWifiBackupManager The alternative Wi-Fi network. To check if this feature is supported, review the bit12 value returned by getDevAttribute().


apActivator.setListener(new IActivatorListener() {
            public void onSuccess(@Nullable IDevice iDevice) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: ");


            public void onError(@NonNull String s, @NonNull String s1) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onError: ");


Start pairing



Stop pairing

