Area Management

Last Updated on : 2024-04-03 10:06:48download

Get first-level area list

API description

ThingCommercialLightingProject.newProjectInstance(long projectId)
            .getAreaList(IThingResultCallback<List<AreaBean>> callback);

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.


            new IThingResultCallback<List<AreaBean>>() {
            public void onSuccess(List<AreaBean> result) {
                    //success callback

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                  // error callback

Get sub-area list

API description

ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(long projectId, long areaId).getSubAreaList(
    IThingResultCallback<List<AreaBean>> listener

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.
areaId The area ID.


ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(long projectId, long areaId).getSubAreaList(
    new IThingResultCallback<List<AreaBean>>() {
            public void onSuccess(List<AreaBean> result) {
                    //success callback

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                  // error callback

Get area hierarchy list

API description

Get the list of first-level hierarchy.

ThingCommercialLightingProject.newProjectInstance(long projectId).getAreaLevels(
    boolean needUnassignedArea,
    boolean needPublicArea,
    IThingResultCallback<AreaListInProjectResponse> callback
) ;

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.
needUnassignedArea Specifies whether to return the unassigned area.
needPublicArea Specifies whether to return the public area.


ThingCommercialLightingProject.newProjectInstance(projectId).getAreaLevels(needUnassignedArea, needPublicArea, new IThingResultCallback<AreaListInProjectResponse>() {
            public void onSuccess(AreaListInProjectResponse result) {
                //success callback

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                    //error callback

Get area information

API description

ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(long projectId, long areaId).getAreaInfo(
    IThingResultCallback<SimpleAreaBean> callback

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.
areaId The area ID.


        ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(projectId, areaId).getAreaInfo(new IThingResultCallback<SimpleAreaBean>() {
            public void onSuccess(SimpleAreaBean result) {
                //success callback

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                    //error callback

Get area relation ID

API description

SimpleAreaBean # getRelationId()

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.
areaId The area ID.


ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(projectId, areaId).getAreaInfo(new IThingResultCallback<SimpleAreaBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(SimpleAreaBean result) {
        long relationId = result.getRelationId();

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
            //error callback

Get device list in an area

API description

ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(long projectId, long areaId).queryDeviceListInArea(
    String tag, int limit, String offsetKey, IThingResultCallback<LightingDeviceListBean> callback

Parameter description

Parameter Description
tag The criteria for the device list, defaulting to an empty string.
limit The number of items returned per page.
offsetKey The current page number. The page number starts at 1 and is incremented by 1 for subsequent pages.
callback The callback.


        ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(mProjectId, mAreaId).queryDeviceListInArea("", 20,
                "1", new IThingResultCallback<LightingDeviceListBean>() {
                    public void onSuccess(LightingDeviceListBean result) {
                        //success callback0

                    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                            //error callback

Create area

Create area (for indoor or parking lot projects)

API description

    long projectId,
    long currentAreaId,
    String name,
    int roomLevel,
    IThingResultCallback<SimpleAreaBean> callback

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.
currentAreaId The ID of the area. If not specified, it defaults to 0.
name The name of the area.
roomLevel The ID of the area hierarchy.


ThingCommercialLightingArea.getLightingAreaManager().createArea(projectId, currentAreaId, name, roomLevel, new           IThingResultCallback<SimpleAreaBean>() {
            public void onSuccess(SimpleAreaBean result) {
                //success callback

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                    //error callback

Create area (for outdoor projects)

API description

    long projectId,
    long currentAreaId,
    String name,
    int roomLevel,
    double longitude,
    double latitude,
    String address,
    IThingResultCallback<SimpleAreaBean> callback

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.
currentAreaId The ID of the area. If not specified, it defaults to 0.
name The name of the area.
roomLevel The ID of the area hierarchy.
longitude The longitude of the area.
latitude The latitude of the area.
address The address of the area.
callback The callback.


ThingCommercialLightingArea.getLightingAreaManager().createArea(projectId, currentAreaId, name, roomLevel, longitude, latitude, address, new IThingResultCallback<SimpleAreaBean>() {
            public void onSuccess(SimpleAreaBean result) {
                //success callback

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                    //error callback

Create sub-area (for indoor or parking lot projects)

API description

ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(long projectId, long areaId).createSubArea(
    String subAreaName,
    IThingResultCallback<SimpleAreaBean> callback

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.
areaId The area ID.
subAreaName The name of the sub-area.


ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(projectId, areaId).createSubArea(subAreaName, new IThingResultCallback<SimpleAreaBean>() {
            public void onSuccess(SimpleAreaBean result) {
                //success callback

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                    //error callback

Create sub-area (for outdoor projects)

API description

ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(long projectId, long areaId).createSubArea(
        String subAreaName,
    double longitude,
    double latitude,
    String address,
    IThingResultCallback<SimpleAreaBean> callback

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.
areaId The area ID.
subAreaName The name of the sub-area.
longitude The longitude of the area.
latitude The latitude of the area.
address The geographical location of the area.


ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(projectId, areaId).createSubArea(subAreaName, longitude, latitude, address, new IThingResultCallback<SimpleAreaBean>() {
            public void onSuccess(SimpleAreaBean result) {
                //success callback

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                    //error callback

Modify area

Modify area (for indoor or parking lot projects)

API description

ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(long projectId, long areaId).updateName(
    String name,
    IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.
areaId The area ID.
name The name of the area.


ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(projectId, areaId).updateName(name, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
            public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
                //success callback

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                    //error callback

Modify area (for outdoor projects)

API description

ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(long projectId, long areaId).updateAreaInfo(
    String name,
    double longitude,
    double latitude,
    String address,
    IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.
areaId The area ID.
name The name of the area.
longitude The longitude of the area.
latitude The latitude of the area.
address The geographical location of the area.


ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(projectId, areaId).updateAreaInfo(name,longitude,latitude,address, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
            public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
                //success callback

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                    //error callback

Delete area

API description

ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(long projectId, long areaId).delete(
    IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback

Parameter description

Parameter Description
projectId The project ID.
areaId The area ID.


ThingCommercialLightingArea.newAreaInstance(long projectId, long areaId).delete(
   new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
            public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
                //success callback

            public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
                    //error callback

Transfer device

Transfer devices from one area to another. The following figure shows how it works.

Area Management

API description

        .newAreaInstance(long projectId, long areaId)
        .transferDevices(List<String> devIds,DefaultDeviceTransferListener transferListener)

Parameter description

Parameter Description
devIds The list of device IDs.
transferListener The callback for device transfer and its result.

Callbacks in DefaultDeviceTransferListener:

public abstract class DefaultDeviceTransferListener implements IDeviceTransferListener {

    public void onFilterMeshDeviceFail(String errorMsg, String errorCode) {
            // Callback for failure in filtering Bluetooth mesh device

    public void removeDeviceFromGroupByLocalError(long groupId, List<String> devIds, String errorMsg, String errorCode) {
            // Failed to remove the device from the local group

    public void removeDeviceFromGroupByCloudError(long groupId, List<String> devIds, String errorMsg, String errorCode) {
            // Failed to remove device from cloud group 

    public void saveDevicesToNewAreaError(long areaId, List<String> devIds, String errorMsg, String errorCode) {
            // Failed to assign the device to the new area

    public void createNewGroupError(long areaId, List<String> devIds, String errorMsg, String errorCode) {
               // Failed to create a new group 

    public void bindDeviceToGroupByLocalError(long groupId, String devId, String errorMsg, String errorCode) {
            // Failed to locally bind a mesh device with the group

    public void bindDeviceToGroupByGroupError(long groupId, List<String> devId, String errorMsg, String errorCode) {
            // Failed to bind a mesh device with the group in the cloud

    public void onTransferStateChanged(@TransferState int state) {
            // Ignore

    public void onDeviceOperationByLocal(@TransferState int state, @DeviceOperationType int operationType,
                                         List<ComplexDeviceBean> deviceBeans, boolean success) {
        // Ignore

    public void onResult(List<FilterGroup> filterGroups) {
            // Deprecated result callbacks. Do not use them, you can use handleResult callbacks.

        // Final result callback, which will be invoked at the end of the process
    public abstract void handleResult(TransferResultSummary transferResultSummary);

        // Exception callback, invoking this callback means the device transfer operation has an exception, and the handleResult callback will not be triggered
    public abstract void onError(String errorMsg, String errorCode);