Wi-Fi Lock Audio and Video Capability

Last Updated on : 2024-06-13 02:45:52download

This topic describes the API methods that you can use to implement audio and video capabilities for Wi-Fi locks, for example, live streaming and two-way talk.


Class name Description
ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice Wi-Fi lock operation class, encapsulating audio and video capabilities, inherited from ThingSmartDevice.
ThingSmartWiFiLockDeviceDelegate Wi-Fi lock protocol delegate, extended from ThingSmartDeviceDelegate.



/// Device uploads images DP 212
/// @param device The lock
/// @param message The data reported by the lock
- (void)onLockMessageArrived:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device
                     message:(NSDictionary *)message;

/// The callback for live streaming reporting DP 63
/// @param device The lock
/// @param model The data reported by the lock
- (void)onVideoRequestRealtime:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device
                         model:(NSString *)model;

/// Report the remote unlocking request image DP 9
/// @param device The lock
/// @param time Countdown
- (void)unlockRequestCountdown:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device

/// Report the alert image DP 45
/// @param device The lock
/// @param time Countdown
- (void)alarmRequestCountdown:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device

/// Report the response to remote unlocking DP 50
/// @param device The lock
- (void)onRemoteUnlockReport:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device;

/// Report the response to force double locking DP 13
/// @param device The lock
- (void)onForceLockUpReport:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device;


// Initialization
self.lockDevice = [[ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice alloc] initWithDeviceId:self.device.deviceModel.devId];
// Set the delegate
self.lockDevice.delegate = self;

// Remote unlocking request DP 63
- (void)onVideoRequestRealtime:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device model:(NSString *)model{

// Device uploads images DP 212
- (void)onLockMessageArrived:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device message:(nonnull NSDictionary *)message{

// The image for remote unlocking request DP 9
- (void)unlockRequestCountdown:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device time:(NSInteger)time{

// The image for alert request DP 45
- (void)alarmRequestCountdown:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device time:(NSInteger)time{

// Report the response to remote unlocking DP 50
- (void)onRemoteUnlockReport:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device{

// Report the response to force double locking DP 13
- (void)onForceLockUpReport:(ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice *)device{

Remote unlocking

API description

Implements remote operations, including unlocking, locking, unlocking rejection, and locking rejection.

- (void)remoteLockWithDevId:(NSString *)devId
                    success:(nullable ThingSuccessBOOL)success
                    failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure;

Parameter description

Parameters Description
devId The device ID.
open Specifies whether to unlock the door. YES: Unlock. NO: Lock.
confirm Specifies whether to accept unlocking. YES: Accept. NO: Reject.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback.

The success callback only represents a successful API call, which does not guarantee the lock has executed the specified command. When confirm is YES, the device status changes. onRemoteUnlockReport returns the result of the command execution. When confirm is NO, the device status does not change, with no data reported. In this case, the success callback can indicate that a rejection command is executed.


    [self.lockDevice remoteLockWithDevId:devId
                                 success:^(BOOL result) {
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {

Capture image again

API description

The device captures an image, uploads it to the cloud storage, and then reports the image path through onLockMessageArrived.

Do not call this method more than once within a 15-second interval.

- (void)reTakePhoto:(BOOL)needTake

Parameter description

Parameters Description
needTake Specifies whether to capture an image again.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback.


[self.lockDevice reTakePhoto:YES success:^{
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {

Force double locking

API description

Force double lock the door. onForceLockUpReport returns the result on success.

- (void)enforceLock:(BOOL)needLock

Parameter description

Parameters Description
needLock Specifies whether to implement force double locking.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback.


[self.lockDevice enforceLock:YES
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {

Get the latest image URL

API description

Returns the URL of the latest image from cloud storage. This request is made along with getPopupPictureAddressWithDevId.

- (void)getLatestPopupInfoWithDevId:(NSString *)devId
                            success:(nullable ThingSuccessID)success
                            failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure;

Parameter description

Parameters Description
devId The device ID.
fileType The type of image.
  • Unlocking-triggered image capture.
  • Alert-triggered image capture.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback.

Return values

Field Description
filePath The path of the image in cloud storage.
fileKey The key used to decrypt the image.
bucket The bucket in which the image is stored.


    [self.lockDevice getLatestPopupInfoWithDevId:self.lockDevice.deviceModel.devId
                                         success:^(id result) {
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {

Get URL of captured image

API description

Returns the URL of the image captured and uploaded to cloud storage. This request is made along with onLockMessageArrived or getLatestPicture.

- (void)getPopupPictureAddressWithDevId:(NSString *)devId
                                 bucket:(NSString *)bucket
                               filePath:(NSString *)filePath
                               success:(nullable ThingSuccessID)success
                               failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure;

Parameter description

Parameters Description
devId The device ID.
bucket The bucket in which the image is stored.
filePath The encrypted URL of the image in cloud storage.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback.

Return values

Field Description
fileUrl The path of the image in cloud storage.
mediaUrl The path of the video in cloud storage.
angle The rotation angle configured on the Tuya IoT Development Platform. Valid values: 0, 90, 180, and 270.


fileUrl is an encrypted URL. onLockMessageArrived or getLatestPopupInfoWithDevId must be called to get the value of fileKey and decrypt the URL. Tuya provides the control TYEncryptImage to decrypt and display the image.


// Query the URL of the cover image.
[self.lockDevice getPopupPictureAddressWithDevId:self.lockDevice.deviceModel.devId
                                         success:^(id result) {
            NSInteger angle = [result[@"angle"] integerValue];
            NSString *fileUrl = result[@"fileUrl"];

        } failure:^(NSError *error) {


// Get the image after decrypting the image URL.
UIImageView *imageView = [UIImageView new];
[imageView ty_setAESImageWithPath:fileUrl
                        completed:^(UIImage * _Nullable image, NSURL * _Nullable url, TYEncryptWebImageFromType from, TYEncryptWebImageStage stage, NSError * _Nullable error) {

Get video streaming view object

Property description

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) UIView *videoView;

Register a P2P listener


// Initialization
self.lockDevice = [[ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice alloc] initWithDeviceId:self.device.deviceModel.devId];
// Set the delegate
self.lockDevice.delegate = self;

P2P connection

Before live video streaming, a P2P connection must be created. The P2P connection status is subject to your maintenance. The SDK can only send commands to and receive responses from the device.

API description

Create a P2P connection

- (void)p2pConnect;

Close a P2P connection

- (void)p2pDisConnect;

Whether P2P connection is built

- (BOOL)isP2pConnected;

Whether P2P connection in progress

- (BOOL)isP2pConnecting;

Play live video

After a P2P connection is created, live video streaming can be started.

API description

Start live video streaming

- (void)startPreviewWithDefinition:(NSInteger)definition

Stop live video streaming

- (void)stopPreview;

Parameter description

Parameters Description
definition The video definition mode.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback.

The video definition mode.

Mode Value
Standard definition (SD) 0x2
High definition (HD) 0x4


[self.lockDevice startPreviewWithDefinition:0x2
            											} failure:^(NSError *error) {

[self.lockDevice stopPreview];

Local recording

During live video streaming or record playback, the ongoing videos can be recorded on a mobile phone.

During video recording, do not switch between video definition modes or modify the audio channel switch and two-way talk settings.

Start video recording

API description

- (void)startRecordWithRotateDirection:(ThingSmartVideoRotateDirection)direction
                              filePath:(NSString *)filePath;

Video recording requires the read and write permissions of the album.

Parameter description

Parameters Description
direction The angle of rotation.
filePath The specified storage directory.

Stop video recording

API description

- (void)stopRecordAndFetchPath;

Callback parameter description

On success, the callback returns the video storage path (path) and binary video stream (data).

Whether recording in progress

API description

- (BOOL)isRecording;


if ([self.lockDevice isRecording]) {
        [self.lockDevice stopRecordAndFetchPath];
        [self.lockDevice startRecordWithRotateDirection:ThingSmartVideoRotateDirectionRight

Screenshot video

After screenshot

API description

- (UIImage *)snapShootWithRotateDirection:(ThingSmartVideoRotateDirection)direction
                              savedAtPath:(NSString *)filePath
                             thumbnilPath:(NSString *)thumbnilPath;

Parameter description

Parameters Description
direction The angle of rotation.
filePath The specified storage directory.
thumbnilPath The success callback.

Callback parameter description

On success, the callback returns the image storage path (path) and binary image stream (data).


[self.lockDevice snapShootWithRotateDirection:ThingSmartVideoRotateDirectionRight

Audio settings

During video streaming or playback, the audio channel can be turned on or off. By default, audio is muted.

API description

Turn on/off audio channel

- (void)enableMute:(BOOL)mute;
Audio mode Value
mute YES: Turn on mute. NO: Turn off mute.

Whether to turn on audio

- (BOOL)isMuting;


BOOL isMuted = [self.lockDevice isMuting];
[self.lockDevice enableMute:!isMuted];

Two-way talk

After a P2P connection is created, a two-way talk with the device can be turned on. Before the talk, the app must be granted access to the microphone of the mobile phone.

Turn on/off two-way talk

Turn on or off transmission of audio data from the mobile phone to the device.

- (void)startTalk;
- (void)stopTalk;

Whether two-way talk supported or turned on

- (BOOL)isSupportedTalk;
- (BOOL)isTalking;


BOOL isTalking = [self.lockDevice isTalking];
BOOL isSupportedTalk = [self.lockDevice isSupportedTalk];


Indicates whether the device is equipped with a pickup. If so, the video from the device has sound.

API description

- (BOOL)isSupportedSound;

Returns the default two-way talk mode.

API description

- (ThingSmartCameraTalkbackMode)supportedAudioMode;


BOOL isSupportedSound = [self.lockDevice isSupportedSound];
ThingSmartCameraTalkbackMode mode = [self.lockDevice supportedAudioMode];


API description

Destroys the allocated resource if a feature is not used. This helps to avoid possible errors. Get the cameraType of the ThingSmartWiFiLockDevice object, and then call the destroy method in ThingSmartCameraType.