Top Bar Component with Arc

Last Updated on : 2021-08-27 11:07:45download

Top bar component with arc


Top Bar Component with Arc


Field name Type Description Default value
title string The title of the top bar. ‘Top bar with arc’
color string The font and icon color of the top bar. ‘#FFF’
onBack () => void The tapping event of the Back button on the top bar. () => TYSdk.Navigator.pop()
barStyle ‘default’ | ‘light-content’ | ‘dark-content’ The value of barStyle for the status bar. ‘light-content’
topBarParams TopBarProps The properties of the top bar. {}
fill string The fill color. ‘#27b6ff’
arcWidth number The width of the arc. The width of the screen.
arcHeight number The height of the arc. 80
renderStatusBar () => JSX.Element | null The rendering function of the status bar. null
renderTopBar () => JSX.Element | null The rendering function of the top bar. null
renderArc () => JSX.Element | null The rendering function of the arc. null


import { TopBarWithArc } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-gateway-sdk';

// Normal use.
<TopBarWithArc  />

// Modify `barStyle`.
<TopBarWithArc barStyle="dark-content" />

// Modify the title.
<TopBarWithArc title="Custom title" />

// Modify the fill color.
<TopBarWithArc fill="pink" />

// Modify the height of the arc.
<TopBarWithArc arcHeight={60} />