Device Pairing Prompt

Last Updated on : 2021-08-30 03:44:22download

Device pairing prompt


Device Pairing Prompt


Field name Type Description Default value
title string The title of the prompt. ‘Sub-Device in Pairing Mode (Flashing Indicator)’
desc string Description ‘If the indicator is not flashing, reset the device. The following methods are available to reset common sub-devices:’
contentPaddingHorizontal number The horizontal inner margin of the component. 20
titleNumberOfLines number The value of numberOfLines of the title. 3
descNumberOfLines number The value of numberOfLines for the description. 3
dataSource Array<TipItem> The list of common device resetting methods. []
itemNumberOfLines number The value of numberOfLines for the dataSource list. 2
appHelpUrl string The URL of the pairing prompt page. ‘device_gw_sub_device_help_list’
appSearchUrl string The URL of the device search page. ‘device_only_search_config_gw_sub’
dividerColor string The color value of the separator line component Divider. ‘#E8E8E8’
containerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the outermost container. {}
addButtonText string The text of the button to add a device. ‘Flashing Indicator’
addButtonStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the button to add a device. {}
addButtonTextStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> The text style of the button to add a device. {}
addButtonWrapperStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the outermost container for the button to add a device. {}
closeButtonSize number The size of the Close button. 16
closeButtonIcon string The icon of the Close button. ‘close’
closeButtonIconColor string The color of the Close button. ‘#FFF’
closeButtonStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the Close button. {}
closeButtonTextStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> The text style of the close button {}
closeButtonWrapperStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the outermost container for the Close button. {}
moreButtonText string The text of the More button. ‘More Reset Methods >’
moreButtonStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the button to view more details. {}
moreButtonTextStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> The text style of the button to view more details. {}
titleStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> The style of the title. {}
descStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> The style of the description. {}
tipListStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the device resetting method list. {}
maskStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the mask. { backgroundColor: ‘rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.7)’ }
onMaskPress () => void The event of tapping the mask. () => Popup.close()
renderTipItem (tipItem: { index: number; item: TipItem }) => JSX.Element | null The renderItem method of the device resetting method list. null
renderSeparatorComponent () => JSX.Element | null The ItemSeparatorComponent method of the device resetting method list. null
closeModal () => void The event of tapping the Close button. () => Popup.close()
moreButtonOnPress (url: string) => void The event of tapping the button to view more details. (url: string) => { Popup.close(); setTimeout(() => { TYSdk.native.jumpTo(‘tuyaSmart://’ + url + ‘? gwId=’ + TYSdk.devInfo.devId); }, 300);}
addButtonOnPress (url: string) => void The event of tapping the button to pair devices. (url: string) => { Popup.close(); setTimeout(() => { TYSdk.native.jumpTo(‘tuyaSmart://’ + url + ‘? gwId=’ + TYSdk.devInfo.devId); }, 300);}


Field name Type Description Default value
icon string The URL of the image. None
name string The name of the device. None
content string The description of the device resetting method. None


import { AddDeviceTipModal } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-gateway-sdk'
// The data source, or the list of device resetting methods.
const dataSource = [
      name: 'Sensor',
      icon: '',
      content: 'Power on and press the reset button for 5 seconds.',
      name: 'Socket',
      icon: '',
      content: 'Power on and press the reset button for 5 seconds.',
      name: 'Light',
      icon: '',
      content: 'Power on, and switch on, off, on, off, and then on again.',

// Normal use.{

// Modify the title and description.{
   title: 'Pairing Prompt',
   desc: 'Pairing Description',

// Modify the horizontal spacing of content.{
   contentPaddingHorizontal: 40,

// Modify the button style.{
    addButtonStyle: {
      backgroundColor: 'lightblue',
    addButtonTextStyle: {
      color: '#333',
    moreButtonTextStyle: {
      color: 'red',