Device List Panel

Last Updated on : 2021-11-05 06:06:15download



Device List Panel


Field name Type Description Default value
dataSource Array<DevInfo> The source of the device list. []
tabs Array The tabs that are used to switch between device lists. None
panelStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the drag-and-drop component. {}
containerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the outermost container for the component. {}
tabBarStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of tabBar. {}
highestPosition number The highest position to which the component can be dragged and dropped. 0
initialPosition number The initial position of the component. The middle of the screen height.
autoShrinkDistance number The distance at which the component is automatically aligned top or bottom. 50
isShowIconMore boolean Specifies whether to show the More icon in the top-right corner of a device. true
initialTab string The key of the initially selected tab bar. None
children React.ReactNode The sub nodes. None
ListEmptyComponent React.ComponentType<any> | React.ReactElement | null The component that appears when the device list is empty. {}
onIconMor ePress function The event that occurs when the More icon in the top-right corner of a device is tapped. None
onTabChange function The event that occurs when tabs are switched. None
customRenderItem ListRenderItem The function to render custom device items. None
customRenderTabBar function The function to render custom tab bars. None
customRenderList function The function to render custom device lists. None


import React, { FC, useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { DeviceListPanel, GatewayUtils } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-gateway-sdk';
import { DevInfo, TopBar } from 'tuya-panel-kit';

const { getAllSubDevList } = GatewayUtils;

const Example: FC = () => {
  const tabConfig = [
      key: '0',
      title: 'Bluetooth device list',
      activeTextStyle: { color: '#00B996' },
      textStyle: { color: '#000' },
      key: '1',
      title: 'Zigbee device list',
      activeTextStyle: { color: '#00B996' },
      textStyle: { color: '#000' },

  const [deviceList, setDeviceList] = useState<Array<DevInfo>>([]);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const getDeviceList = async () => {
    const list = await getAllSubDevList();

  return (
    <DeviceListPanel tabs={tabConfig} highestPosition={TopBar.height} dataSource={deviceList} />