Temperature and Humidity Component with Gaussian Blur

Last Updated on : 2021-08-30 03:44:04download

Temperature and humidity component with a Gaussian blur


Temperature and Humidity Component with Gaussian Blur


Field name Type Description Default value
containerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the outermost container. {}
blurType ‘xlight’ | ‘light’ | ‘dark’ The type of blur. ‘xlight’
blurAmount number The amount of Gaussian blur. A larger value indicates a higher level of blur. Valid values: 0 to 100. 10
blurViewStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the blur container. {}
showSplit boolean Specifies whether to display a separator line. true
showTemperature boolean Specifies whether to display the temperature. true
temperatureLabel string The label text of the temperature. ‘Temperature’
temperatureValue number The value of the temperature. 20
temperatureUnit ‘℃’ | ‘℉’ The unit of the temperature. ‘℃’
temperatureIcon ImageSourcePropType The image of the temperature. If you do not set the value, the image is not displayed. Local image
showHumidity boolean Specifies whether to display the humidity. true
humidityLabel string The label text of the humidity. ‘Humidity’
humidityValue number The value of the humidity. 32
humidityUnit string The unit of the humidity. ‘%’
humidityIcon ImageSourcePropType The image of the humidity. Local image
labelStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> The style of the label text. {}
valueStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> The style of the numeric text. {}
unitStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> The style of the unit text. {}
iconStyle StyleProp<ImageStyle> The style of an image. {}
renderSplit () => JSX.Element | null The render function of the separator line. null
renderTemperature () => JSX.Element | null The render function of the temperature module. null
renderHumidity () => JSX.Element | null The render function of the humidity module. null


import { TempHumWithBlur } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-gateway-sdk';

// Normal use.
<TempHumWithBlur />

// Modify the temperature and humidity.
<TempHumWithBlur temperatureValue={10} humidityValue={88} />

// Modify the text style.
<TempHumWithBlur valueStyle={{ color: 'yellow' }} unitStyle={{ color: 'pink' }} />

// Modify the units of the temperature and humidity.
<TempHumWithBlur temperatureUnit="F" humidityUnit="‰" />

// Only display the temperature.
<TempHumWithBlur  showHumidity={false} />