Set Password

Last Updated on : 2021-08-30 03:44:14download

Set password


Set Password


Field name Type Description Default value
keyboardType KeyboardType The value of keyboardType for the input box ‘numeric’
passwordLength number The length of a password. 4. Recommended values: 4 to 8.
normalDotColor string The color of the dots that appear when no password is entered. ‘transparent’
activedDotColor string The color of the dots that appear after a password is entered. ‘#333’
containerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the outermost container. {}
passwordRowStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the password row. {}
dotStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> The style of the dots. {}
dotMarginHorizontal number The value of marginHorizontal of the dots. 10
renderPasswordItem (key: number, index: number) => JSX.Element | null; The rendering method of a custom password item. null
onChangeText (value: string) => string | null The onChangeText event of the input box. null
title string The title of the dialog box. ‘Set Password’
cancelText string The text of the Cancel button. ‘Cancel’
confirmText string The text of the OK button. ‘OK’
onConfirm () => void The callback of tapping the OK button. () => Dialog.close()
onCancel () => void The callback of tapping the Cancel button. () => Dialog.close()
dialogOption DialogCustomProps The first property of the Dialog.custom method. None
dialogElseOption DialogElse The second property of the Dialog.custom method. None


import { SetPasswordModal } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-gateway-sdk';
import { TYSdk, Dialog } from 'tuya-panel-kit';

// Normal use.{});

// The length of a password.{
    passwordLength: 8,

// Set the background color of the active dots.{
    activedDotColor: 'pink',

// Set the callback of tapping **OK**.{
  onConfirm: () => {
     setTimeout(() => {'Set successfully.', () => {} )
      }, 300);