Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Combo

Last Updated on : 2024-05-09 09:31:26download

The Wi-Fi protocol is a popular solution to integrate with the MCU standard protocol. Connect the device’s MCU to a Wi-Fi module or Wi-Fi and Bluetooth combo module through a serial port, enabling the device to connect to the internet. Tuya provides one-stop services including network modules, mobile apps, and cloud services, to help you implement an internet connection for your current product.

The following wireless protocols are supported:

  • Wi-Fi
  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth combo

Two power consumption options:

  • Standard power consumption
  • Low power consumption

How it works

Compared to other wireless protocols, Wi-Fi modules can connect to the internet through routers without gateways. They feature large data transmission and high speed.

The following block diagram shows how communication works.

Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Combo

The Wi-Fi module communicates with the MCU through a serial port by default. For more information, see Serial Communication Protocol.

Recommended development process

  1. Create a product and download the MCU SDK.

  2. Port the MCU SDK to your project.

  3. Use the module simulation mode in the Module Debugging Assistant to test the serial communication, network status indicator, and product functionality.

  4. Connect a Wi-Fi module or Wi-Fi and Bluetooth combo module to the MCU, connect the module to the cloud using the mobile app, and test all product features.

  5. Test the end product for quality assurance.

Command list

Basic features

Command Description
0x00 Heartbeat check
0x01 Query product information
0x37 (Optional) Sync new feature settings
0x02 Query working mode
0x03 Report network status
0x04 Reset Wi-Fi
0x05 Reset Wi-Fi and select pairing mode
0x06 Send command to device
0x07 Report status (async)
0x22 Report status (sync)
0x34 Report status (record-type)
0x08 Query status
0x0f Get module’s memory
0x24 (Optional) Get Wi-Fi signal strength
0x25 (Optional) Disable heartbeats
0x2a (Optional) Pair via serial port
0x2b Request network status
0x2d Get module’s MAC address

Extended features

The extended features help you implement services for specific industries or scenarios.

  • MCU OTA Update
  • Production testing
  • Time service
  • Weather service
  • File transfer
  • Robot vacuum mapping
  • Infrared and radio frequency service
  • Smart fan product service
  • Voice service

For more information, see Extended Features.