Value-Added Services

Last Updated on : 2024-07-01 08:14:29download

Travel products offer a range of advanced features to users. Most of these features are free for the first year and require renewal the following year to continue access to all features. Without renewal, end users can only access basic features. For a combo device, only Bluetooth is available, while for a cellular device, all features will be disabled.

You can use the following method to verify the logic for the value-added services.

Renew value-added services

Class (protocol) Description
IODValueAddedServicesManager The value-added services.
ODValueAddedServicesModel The model for the value-added services.

Get value-added services

Check if the value-added service for an end user is valid. If the service has expired, disable the paid advanced value-added services and guide the end user to renewal.

API description

     * Get value-added service information based on device ID
     * @param devId device ID
     * @param listener callback
    fun fetchValueAddedServicesWithDevID(
        devId: String,
        listener: IThingResultCallback<ODValueAddedServicesModel?>


OutdoorUtils.fetchValueAddedServicesWithDevID(deviceId, new IThingResultCallback<ODValueAddedServicesModel>() {
    public void onSuccess(ODValueAddedServicesModel result) {

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        showToast("onError code=" + errorCode + " message=" + errorMessage);

ODValueAddedServicesModel data model

data class ODValueAddedServicesModel(
    // Required, the device UUID
    val uuid: String,
    // Required, the device ID
    val devId: String,
    // The capability set.
    val abilityMap: Map<String, DeviceValuesAddStatusBean>? = mutableMapOf(),

data class DeviceValuesAddStatusBean(
    // Required, the code for the value-added service capability. See the description of new constants.
    val externalCode: String,
    // Required. `true` indicates that the advanced capabilities for travel or navigation are valid. `false`  indicates that the advanced capabilities for travel or navigation are invalid. When the value is `false`, the following fields are empty.
    val isPidHadVAS: Boolean?,
    // Optional, the URL for value-added service purchase.
    val commodityUrl: String?,
    // Optional, the end time of the value-added service.
    val effectiveEndDate: Long = -1,
    // Optional, the start time of the value-added service.
    val effectiveStartDate: Long = -1,
    // Optional. `true` indicates the pop-up window appears. `false` indicates the pop-up window does not appear. This notification only applies when end users have activated the advanced capabilities for travel products. You can ignore this field for the navigation value-added service.
    var hadPopup: Boolean = false,
    // Optional. `true` indicates the value-added service is valid. `false` the value-added service is invalid due to expiration or non-purchase.
    val inService: Boolean?,
    // Optional. This parameter has a value when `inService` is true. The service provider: `god` for Tuya Smart, and `brand` for the brand owner.
    val serviceProvider: String?
) {
    fun getIsPidHadVAS(): Boolean? {
        return isPidHadVAS

Example of response parameters

"abilityMap":  {
"outdoor_data_cloud_store":  {
  "commodityUrl":  "url",
  "effectiveEndDate":  12213213213,
  "effectiveStartDate":  12213213213,
  "externalCode":  "outdoor_data_cloud_store",
  "hadPopup":  false,
  "inService":  true,
  "isPidHadVAS":  true,
  "serviceProvider":  "brand"
"travel_mapbox":  {
  "commodityUrl":  "url",
  "effectiveEndDate":  12213213213,
  "effectiveStartDate":  12213213213,
  "externalCode":  "travel_mapbox",
  "hadPopup":  false,
  "inService":  true,
  "isPidHadVAS":  true,
  "serviceProvider":  "brand"
"outdoor_track_record_090_day":  {
  "commodityUrl":  "url",
  "effectiveEndDate":  12213213213,
  "effectiveStartDate":  12213213213,
  "externalCode":  "outdoor_track_record_090_day",
  "hadPopup":  false,
  "inService":  true,
  "isPidHadVAS":  true,
  "serviceProvider":  "brand"
"devId":  "1234",
"uuid":  "1234"

Value-added service code

externalCode is the code for the value-added service.

outdoor_data_cloud_store            Cloud storage.
outdoor_track_record_007_day        7-day route retention.
outdoor_track_record_030_day        30-day route retention.
outdoor_track_record_090_day        90-day route retention.
outdoor_track_record_180_day        180-day route retention.
outdoor_track_record_365_day        365-day route retention.
outdoor_riding_voice_broadcast      Ride voice announcements.

Set renewal pop-up window

Check if the renewal pop-up window appears. If it appears, this method will be invoked in the callback for closing the pop-up window to update hadPopup in ODValueAddedServicesModel.

API description

     * Set the status of the value-added service pop-up box
     * @param devId device ID
     * @param hadPopup Reset the pop-up status
     * @param listener callback
    fun setValueAddedServicesPopWithDevID(devId: String,hadPopup:Boolean, listener: IThingResultCallback<Boolean?>)


OutdoorUtils.setValueAddedServicesPopWithDevID(deviceId, true, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
  public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {

  public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
    showToast("onError code=" + errorCode + " message=" + errorMessage);