Create Scene

Last Updated on : 2023-10-31 03:15:38download

This topic describes methods for scene conditions, conditional expressions, scene actions, and effective periods.

Classes and their functions:

Class name Description
ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory The utility class that provides methods to quickly create conditions for smart scenes.
ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder The utility class that provides methods to quickly create conditional expressions for smart scenes.
ThingSmartSceneActionFactory The utility class that provides methods to quickly create actions for smart scenes.
ThingSmartScenePreConditionFactory The utility class that provides methods to quickly create conditions for automations.

Create scene conditions

The ThingSmartSceneConditionModel class is used to create scene conditions, supporting the following condition types.

  • Weather conditions: Includes temperature, humidity, weather, PM2.5, air quality, sunrise, sunset, and more. When users select weather conditions, they can choose the current city.
  • Device conditions: Users can set the status of a device feature as a condition. When the condition is met, the action in the scene will be triggered. The same device cannot be used as a condition and an action at the same time. Otherwise, operation conflicts might occur.
  • Schedule: An action can be scheduled to run at a specific time.
  • PIR sensor-specific conditions: A condition type derived from device conditions. For example, no movement is detected within two minutes.
  • Geofence: Trigger an action when people enter or leave a geofence.
  • Home members come home: Trigger an action when a home member comes home, which is mostly used for door locks.
  • Calculation: A condition type derived from device conditions. Add a duration to a specific feature of the device. For example, a PIR sensor detects no movement for 10 minutes.
  • Time before or after sunrise/sunset: A condition type derived from the sunrise/sunset conditions. Trigger an action at a specified time before or after sunrise/sunset.

Condition model

Fields in ThingSmartSceneConditionModel

Parameters Type Required Description
conditionId string No The condition ID.
entityId string Yes The ID of the condition entity.
entityType ThingConditionAutoType Yes The condition type.
entitySubIds string Yes The ID of the condition’s sub-entity. Multiple values are separated with commas (,).
expr array Yes The conditional expression.
extraInfo dictionary No The extended information about the condition.
iconUrl string No The URL of the condition icon.
condType ThingSConditionExpressionType Yes There are two types of conditional expressions: simple match and exact match.

ThingConditionAutoType enum

Enum type Enum value Description
AutoTypeDevice 1 Device status
AutoTypeWhether 3 Weather conditions
AutoTypeTimer 6 Schedule
AutoTypePir 7 PIR sensor
AutoTypeGeofence 10 Geofence
AutoTypeLockMemberGoHome 11 When home members come home
AutoTypeConditionCalculate 13 Duration
AutoTypeSunsetriseTimer 16 Time before or after sunrise/sunset
AutoTypeManual 99 Tap-to-Run, serving as a placeholder.

ThingSConditionExpressionType enum

Enum type Enum value Description
ThingSConditionExpressionTypePrecise 1 Exact match on the conditional expression.
ThingSConditionExpressionTypeSimple 2 Simple match on the conditional expression. When the DP type is string or raw, this enum is used.

Models for condition DPs

  • Call getAllConditionListWithFahrenheit:windSpeedUnit:homeId:success:failure or getConditionCategoryListWihtHomeId:conditionCategoryParams:success:failure to get the DP data for weather conditions.

  • Call getCondicationDeviceDPListWithDevId:success:failure to get the DP data for device conditions.

  • ThingSmartSceneDPModel is the DP object model for device and weather conditions.

Fields in ThingSmartSceneDPModel

Parameters Type Required Description
entityId string Yes The product ID (PID). If the condition is a device, a value is specified. If it is weather, no value is specified.
entitySubId string Yes The DP ID. The ID of weather-specific DP:
  • temp: Temperature
  • humidity: Humidity
  • condition: Weather conditions
  • pm25: PM2.5
  • aqi: Air quality index
  • windSpeed: Wind speed
  • sunsetrise: Sunrise/sunset
entityName string Yes The DP name.
entityType int Yes The applicable condition type for the DP. Example:
  • 1: Device condition.
  • 3: Weather condition.
  • 7: PIR sensor condition.
valueRangeJson array No The value range of the DP. For weather and device conditions, if the DP type is enum, values are specified.
dpModel ThingSmartSchemaModel Yes The model for DP details.
operators string No The string of the operator. For example, “[”==“]”

Fields in ThingSmartSchemaModel

Parameters Type Required Description
dpId string Yes The DP ID.
code string Yes The identifier of the DP, also known as DP code.
name string Yes The DP name.
mode string Yes The DP data transfer type.
  • rw: Send and report
  • ro: Report only
  • wr: Send only
property ThingSmartSchemaPropertyModel Yes The model for DP property details.

Fields in ThingSmartSchemaPropertyModel

Parameters Type Required Description
type string Yes The data type of the DP. Valid values: Boolean, enum, value, string, and raw.
unit string No The unit of the DP. For example, the temperature unit is °C or °F.
min double No The minimum value of the DP.
max double No The maximum value of the DP.
step double No The step of the DP.
scale int No The scale of the DP.
range array No The value range of the DP.

Device conditions

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *)createDeviceConditionWithDevice:(ThingSmartDeviceModel *)device
                                                           dpModel:(ThingSmartSceneDPModel *)dpModel
                                                         exprModel:(ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)exprModel

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
device ThingSmartDeviceModel The device model.
dpModel ThingSmartSceneDPModel The DP model.
exprModel ThingSmartSceneExprModel The expression model.



- (void)buildDeviceCondition {
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *deviceValueExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createValueExprWithType:@"1" operater:@"==" chooseValue:1000 exprType:kExprTypeDevice];
    ThingSmartSceneDPModel *dpModel = [[ThingSmartSceneDPModel alloc] init];
    ThingSmartDeviceModel *deviceModel = [[ThingSmartDeviceModel alloc] init];

    ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *conditionModel = [ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory createDeviceConditionWithDevice:deviceModel dpModel:dpModel exprModel:deviceValueExpr];


func buildDeviceCondition() {
    let deviceValueExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createValueExpr(withType: "1", operater: "==", chooseValue: 1000, exprType: .device)
    let dpModel = ThingSmartSceneDPModel()
    let deviceModel = ThingSmartDeviceModel()
    let conditionModel = ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory.createDeviceCondition(withDevice: deviceModel, dpModel: dpModel, exprModel: deviceValueExpr)

Weather conditions

Call getCityInfoWithLatitude:longitude:success:failure or getCityInfoWithCityId:success:failure to get the city information that is required to create weather conditions.

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *)createWhetherConditionWithCity:(ThingSmartCityModel *)city
                                                          dpModel:(ThingSmartSceneDPModel *)dpModel
                                                        exprModel:(ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)exprModel;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
city ThingSmartCityModel The city information model.
dpModel ThingSmartSceneDPModel The DP model.
exprModel ThingSmartSceneExprModel The expression model.



- (void)buildWeatherCondition {
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *weatherEnumExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createEnumExprWithType:@"789" chooseValue:@"1000" exprType:kExprTypeWhether];
    ThingSmartCityModel *cityModel = [[ThingSmartCityModel alloc] init];
    ThingSmartSceneDPModel *dpModel = [[ThingSmartSceneDPModel alloc] init];

    ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *weatherCondition = [ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory createWhetherConditionWithCity:cityModel dpModel:dpModel exprModel:weatherEnumExpr];


func buildWeatherCondition() {
    let weatherEnumExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createEnumExpr(withType: "789", chooseValue: "1000", exprType: .whether)
    let cityModel = ThingSmartCityModel()
    let dpModel = ThingSmartSceneDPModel()
    let weatherCondition = ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory.createWhetherCondition(withCity: cityModel, dpModel: dpModel, exprModel: weatherEnumExpr)


API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *)createTimerConditionWithExprModel:(ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)exprModel;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
exprModel ThingSmartSceneExprModel The expression model.



- (void)buildTimerCondition {
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *timeExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createTimerExprWithTimeZoneId:[NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone].name loops:@"1111111" date:@"20231010" time:@"20:30"];

    ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *timerCondition = [ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory createTimerConditionWithExprModel:timeExpr];


func buildTimerCondition() {
    let timeExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createTimerExpr(withTimeZoneId: NSTimeZone.default.identifier, loops: "1111111", date: "20231010", time: "20:30")
    let timerCondition = ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory.createTimerCondition(with: timeExpr)

PIR sensor

If the entityType is AutoTypePir(7) in ThingSmartSceneDPModel, the condition type is for PIR sensors. Then, you can call the following method to create PIR sensor conditions.

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *)createPirConditionWithDevice:(ThingSmartDeviceModel *)device
                                                        dpModel:(ThingSmartSceneDPModel *)dpModel
                                                      exprModel:(ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)exprModel;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
device ThingSmartDeviceModel The device model.
dpModel ThingSmartSceneDPModel The DP model.
exprModel ThingSmartSceneExprModel The expression model.



- (void)buildPirDeviceCondition {
    ThingSmartDeviceModel *deviceModel = [[ThingSmartDeviceModel alloc] init];
    ThingSmartSceneDPModel *dpModel = [[ThingSmartSceneDPModel alloc] init];
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *enumExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createEnumExprWithType:@"789" chooseValue:@"1000" exprType:kExprTypeDevice];

    ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *pirCondition = [ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory createPirConditionWithDevice:deviceModel dpModel:dpModel exprModel:enumExpr];


func buildPirDeviceCondition() {
    let deviceModel = ThingSmartDeviceModel()
    let dpModel = ThingSmartSceneDPModel()
    let enumExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createEnumExpr(withType: "789", chooseValue: "1000", exprType: .device)
    let pirCondition = ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory.createPirCondition(withDevice: deviceModel, dpModel: dpModel, exprModel: enumExpr)


Geofencing depends on Apple-specific capabilities and is subject to the following limitations.

  • The app must be allowed to access the user’s location with the Always Allow permission. Otherwise, the geofence condition cannot be triggered.
  • The system location services must be always on.
  • The minimum radius of a geofence is 100 meters. If the radius is too large, the condition might not be triggered as expected.
  • Up to 20 geofences can be set. Any excess geofences are invalid.

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *)createGeoFenceConditionWithGeoType:(GeoFenceType)type
                                                             geoTitle:(NSString *)geoTitle;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
type GeoFenceType The type of the geofence. See GeoFenceType.
latitude double The latitude of the center of the geofence.
longitude double The longitude of the center of the geofence.
radius double The radius of the geofence, in meters. 100 meters is recommended. A larger value might compromise the accuracy of the trigger.
geoTitle string The name of the center of the geofence.

GeoFenceType enum

Enum type Enum value Description
kGeoFenceTypeReach 0 The user arrives at a specific place.
kGeoFenceTypeExit 1 The user leaves a specific place.
kGeoFenceTypeNotSet 2 Unknown type



- (void)buildGeofenceCondition {
    ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *geofenceCondition = [ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory createGeoFenceConditionWithGeoType:kGeoFenceTypeReach geoLati:30.30288959184809 geoLonti:120.0640840491766 geoRadius:100 geoTitle:@"XX"];


func buildGeofenceCondition() {
    let geofenceCondition = ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory.createGeoFenceCondition(withGeoType: .reach, geoLati: 30.30288959184809, geoLonti: 120.0640840491766, geoRadius: 100, geoTitle: "XX")

When home members come home

The steps to create a condition of when home members come home.

  1. Call getLockDeviceListWithHomeId:success:failure to get the list of devices that support the condition of when home members come home.
  2. Call getHomeMemberListWithSuccess:failure in the ThingSmartDeviceKit SDK to get the list of home members by home ID.
  3. Call the following method to generate the condition model by using the ID and name of the selected home members.
    The value of entitySubIds is the corresponding entitySubIds in devConds returned by getAllConditionListWithFahrenheit:windSpeedUnit:homeId:success:failure.

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *)memberBackHomeConditionWithDevId:(NSString *)devId
                                                       entitySubIds:(NSString *)entitySubIds
                                                          memberIds:(NSString *)memberIds
                                                        memberNames:(NSString *)memberNames;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
devId string The device ID.
entitySubIds string An array of IDs of subtypes.
memberIds string An array of IDs of the selected home members, separated with commas (,).
memberNames string An array of names of the selected home members, separated with commas (,).



- (void)buildMemberGoingHomeCondition {
    ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *memberGoingHomeCondition = [ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory memberBackHomeConditionWithDevId:@"vdevo155919804483178" entitySubIds:@"1,2,3,4,5,6,7" memberIds:@"id1,id2,id3" memberNames:@"name1,name2,name3"];


func buildMemberGoingHomeCondition() {
    let memberGoingHomeCondition = ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory.memberBackHomeCondition(withDevId: "vdevo155919804483178", entitySubIds: "1,2,3,4,5,6,7", memberIds: "id1,id2,id3", memberNames: "name1,name2,name3")


The steps to create a calculation condition.

  1. Determine if condCalExtraInfo in ThingSmartSceneDPModel calType is duration. If it is, proceed with the following steps. maxSeconds in condCalExtraInfo specifies the maximum duration. The unit is in seconds.
  2. Process valueRangeJson in ThingSmartSceneDPModel. Traverse the data in valueRangeJson and duplicate each piece of data. Add a flag to the duplicate to indicate its support for adding a time property.
  3. After the duration is selected, pass the required properties to the following method to generate a condition model.

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *)calculateConditionWithDeviceModel:(ThingSmartDeviceModel *)deviceModel
                                                             dpModel:(ThingSmartSceneDPModel *)dpModel
                                                           exprModel:(ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)exprModel

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
deviceModel ThingSmartDeviceModel The device model.
dpModel ThingSmartSceneDPModel The DP model.
exprModel ThingSmartSceneExprModel The expression model.
durationTime double The duration, in seconds.



- (void)buildCalculateCondition {
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *expr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder buildCalculateExprWithDpId:@"123" dpType:@"enum" selectedValue:@"123"];
    ThingSmartSceneDPModel *dpModel = [[ThingSmartSceneDPModel alloc] init];
    ThingSmartDeviceModel *deviceModel = [[ThingSmartDeviceModel alloc] init];

    ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *calcaulateCondition = [ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory calculateConditionWithDeviceModel:deviceModel dpModel:dpModel exprModel:expr durationTime:100];


func buildCalculateCondition() {
    let expr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.buildCalculateExpr(withDpId: "123", dpType: "enum", selectedValue: "123")
    let dpModel = ThingSmartSceneDPModel()
    let deviceModel = ThingSmartDeviceModel()
    let calcaulateCondition = ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory.calculateCondition(with: deviceModel, dpModel: dpModel, exprModel: expr, durationTime: 100)

Time before or after sunrise/sunset

  • Call getCityInfoWithLatitude:longitude:success:failure or getCityInfoWithCityId:success:failure to get the city information that is required to create a condition.
  • Specify the time before or after sunrise/sunset and pass it to createSunsetriseTimerExprWithCity:type:deltaMinutes: to generate the expression object.
  • Use the city information model and expression model to generate the condition model.

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *)createSunsetriseTimerConditionWithCity:(ThingSmartCityModel *)city
                                                                ExprModel:(ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)exprModel

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
city ThingSmartCityModel The city information model.
exprModel ThingSmartSceneExprModel The expression model.



- (void)buildSunsetriseCondition {
    ThingSmartCityModel *cityModel = [[ThingSmartCityModel alloc] init];
    cityModel.cityId = 5621253; = @"Hangzhou";

    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *sunsetExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createSunsetriseTimerExprWithCity:cityModel type:kSunTypeSet deltaMinutes:30];

    ThingSmartSceneConditionModel *sunsetriseCondition = [ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory createSunsetriseTimerConditionWithCity:cityModel ExprModel:sunsetExpr];


func buildSunsetriseCondition() {
    let cityModel = ThingSmartCityModel()
    cityModel.cityId = 5621253 = "Hangzhou"
    let sunsetriseExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createSunsetriseTimerExpr(withCity: cityModel, type: .set, deltaMinutes: 30)
    let sunsetriseCondition = ThingSmartSceneConditionFactory.createSunsetriseTimerCondition(withCity: cityModel, exprModel: sunsetriseExpr)

Create conditional expressions

Classes and their functions:

Class name Description
ThingSmartSceneExprModel Store the expr for scene conditions.
ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder The utility class that generates conditional expressions for automation scenes.

Use ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder to create a ThingSmartSceneExprModel object and generate the required conditional expr. expr is an array and its outermost layer must be an array. Each object in the array represents a condition. For example, @[@"$temp",@"<",@15] indicates the condition where the temperature is lower than 15°C.

The ThingSmartSceneExprModel class is used for conditional expressions. The conditional expression supports the following types of conditions.

  • Device conditions. The data type of the DP can be Boolean, enum, value, string, or raw.
  • Weather conditions. The data type of the DP can be enum and value.
  • Schedule condition.
  • Time before or after sunrise/sunset.
  • Geofence.
  • Calculation.
  • When home members come home.


  • Examples of expr for weather conditions:

    • Temperature: @[@[@“$temp”,@“<”,@15]]
    • Humidity: @[@[@“$humidity”,@“==”,@“comfort”]]
    • Weather: @[@[@“$condition”,@“==”,@“snowy”]]
    • PM2.5: @[@[@“$pm25”,@“==”,@“fine”]]
    • Air quality: @[@[@“$aqi”,@“==”,@“fine”]]
    • Sunrise and sunset: @[@[@“$sunsetrise”,@“==”,@“sunrise”]]
  • Examples of expr for schedule conditions:

    A schedule condition is specified with a dictionary, for example, {timeZoneId = "Asia/Shanghai",loops = "0000000",time = "08:00",date = "20180308"}. Each bit of loops represents the day of the week, Sunday through Saturday. 1 indicates the schedule is on, while 0 indicates the schedule is off. expr is an array, so the dictionary for schedule conditions must also be enclosed in an array.

  • Examples of expr for device conditions:

    A device condition is specified with an array to represent a specific condition value. The concatenated expr for the selected condition can be @[@[@“$dp1”,@“==”,@YES]], indicating the light is turned on. dp1 is the name of the DP provided by ThingSmartSceneDPModel.

  • Examples of expr for sunrise/sunset conditions:

    The time before or after sunrise/sunset is specified with a dictionary, for example { "type":"sunrise", "cityId":"1442827101764976691", "sunrise":10}. type indicates sunset or sunrise. cityId indicates the city ID. sunrise is dynamic, with the value taken from the type, indicating the specific time before or after sunrise/sunset.

  • Examples of expr for geofence conditions:

    The expr of a geofence condition is an array. For example, [[“$action”, “==”, “exit”]]. It indicates the condition when the user leaves a geofence. You can change the last value to enter to indicate the condition when the user enters a geofence.

  • Examples of expr for calculation conditions:

    The expr for calculation conditions is a multidimensional array. For example, [[[["$dp1","==","nopir"],"condCalculate","$calObj"],"==",true]]. The first $dp1 indicates the DP ID is 1. nopir indicates the enum value selected by the user. This value might be a boolean, depending on the DP type. Other values are fixed.

  • Examples of expr for conditions of when home members come home:

    The expr is a multidimensional array, for example, [[[“$devId”,“lockRecognition”,“$allData”],“inRange”,“41241544,37190406”]]. The last element is dynamic, which is a string of home member IDs separated by commas, while the others are fixed.

The expressions for device and weather conditions are created by DP. ExprType distinguishes between the device condition and the weather condition.

ExprType type

Enum type Enum value Description
kExprTypeWhether 0 Weather condition
kExprTypeDevice 1 Device condition

Boolean DP

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)createBoolExprWithType:(NSString *)type

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
type string The DP ID.
isTrue bool The Boolean value, either yes or no.
exprType ExprType The expression type, distinguishing between the device condition and the weather condition. See ExprType.



- (void)buildBOOLExpr {
    // device
    ExprType deviceType = kExprTypeDevice;
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *deviceBoolExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createBoolExprWithType:@"123" isTrue:YES exprType:deviceType];

    // weather
    ExprType weatherType = kExprTypeWhether;
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *weatherBoolExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createBoolExprWithType:@"123" isTrue:YES exprType:weatherType];


func buildBOOLExpr() {
    // device
    let deviceType: ExprType = .device
    let deviceBoolExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createBoolExpr(withType: "123", isTrue: true, exprType: deviceType)

    // weather
    let weatherType: ExprType = .whether
    let weatherBoolExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createBoolExpr(withType: "123", isTrue: true, exprType: weatherType)

Enum DP

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)createEnumExprWithType:(NSString *)type
                                         chooseValue:(NSString *)chooseValue

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
type string The selected DP ID, for example, 24, PM2.5.
chooseValue string The selected DP value, for example, white.
exprType ExprType The expression type, distinguishing between the device condition and the weather condition. See ExprType.



- (void)buildEnumExpr {
    // device
    ExprType deviceType = kExprTypeDevice;
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *deviceEnumExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createEnumExprWithType:@"789" chooseValue:@"1000" exprType:deviceType];

    // weather
    ExprType weatherType = kExprTypeWhether;
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *weatherEnumExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createEnumExprWithType:@"789" chooseValue:@"1000" exprType:weatherType];


func buildEnumExpr() {
    // device
    let deviceType: ExprType = .device
    let deviceEnumExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createEnumExpr(withType: "789", chooseValue: "1000", exprType: deviceType)

    // weather
    let weatherType: ExprType = .whether
    let weatherEnumExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createEnumExpr(withType: "789", chooseValue: "1000", exprType: weatherType)

Value DP

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)createValueExprWithType:(NSString *)type
                                             operater:(NSString *)operateString

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
type string The selected DP ID, for example, 24, PM2.5.
operateString string The operator string. Valid values: ==, >, and <.
value long The selected DP value, for example, 250.
exprType ExprType The expression type, distinguishing between the device condition and the weather condition. See ExprType.



- (void)buildValueExpr {
    // device
    ExprType deviceType = kExprTypeDevice;
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *deviceValueExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createValueExprWithType:@"1" operater:@"==" chooseValue:1000 exprType:deviceType];

    // weather
    ExprType weatherType = kExprTypeWhether;
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *weatherValueExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createValueExprWithType:@"1" operater:@"==" chooseValue:1000 exprType:weatherType];


func buildValueExpr() {
    // device
    let deviceType: ExprType = .device
    let deviceValueExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createValueExpr(withType: "1", operater: "==", chooseValue: 1000, exprType: deviceType)

    // weather
    let weatherType: ExprType = .whether
    let weatherValueExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createValueExpr(withType: "1", operater: "==", chooseValue: 1000, exprType: weatherType)

Raw DP

When the DP type is string or raw, call this method to generate an expression object.

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)createRawExprWithType:(NSString *)type

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
type string The selected DP ID, for example, 24, PM2.5.
exprType ExprType The expression type, distinguishing between the device condition and the weather condition. See ExprType.



- (void)buildRawExpr {
    // device
    ExprType deviceType = kExprTypeDevice;
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *deviceRawExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createRawExprWithType:@"456" exprType:deviceType];

    // No raw or string DPs exist for weather.
    ExprType weatherType = kExprTypeWhether;
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *weatherRawExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createRawExprWithType:@"456" exprType:weatherType];


func buildRawExpr() {
    // device
    let deviceType: ExprType = .device
    let deviceRawExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createRawExpr(withType: "456", exprType: deviceType)

    // No raw or string DPs exist for weather.
    let weatherType: ExprType = .whether
    let weatherRawExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createRawExpr(withType: "456", exprType: weatherType)


API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)createTimerExprWithTimeZoneId:(NSString *)timeZoneId
                                                      loops:(NSString *)loops
                                                       date:(NSString *)date
                                                       time:(NSString *)time;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
timeZoneId string The time zone of the device, for example, Asia/Shanghai.
loops string The recurring pattern. For example, 1111111 indicates the schedule repeats every day, Sunday through Saturday.
date string The schedule date, for example, 20220517.
time string The schedule time, for example, 17:26.



- (void)buildTimerExpr {
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *timeExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createTimerExprWithTimeZoneId:[NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone].name loops:@"1111111" date:@"20231010" time:@"20:30"];


func buildTimerExpr() {
    let timeExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createTimerExpr(withTimeZoneId: NSTimeZone.default.identifier, loops: "1111111", date: "20231010", time: "20:30")

Time before or after sunrise/sunset

+ (ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)createSunsetriseTimerExprWithCity:(ThingSmartCityModel *)city

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
city ThingSmartCityModel The city information model.
SunType SunType The sunrise/sunset type. See SunType.
minutes long The time before or after sunrise/sunset, in minutes.

SunType enum

Enum type Enum value Description
kSunTypeNotDetermin 0 Unknown type
kSunTypeRise 1 Sunrise
kSunTypeSet 2 Sunset



- (void)buildSunsetriseTimerExpr {
    ThingSmartCityModel *cityModel = [ThingSmartCityModel new];
    cityModel.cityId = 23; = @"Shanghai";
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *sunsrise = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder createSunsetriseTimerExprWithCity:cityModel type:kSunTypeRise deltaMinutes:100];


func buildSunsetriseTimerExpr() {
    let cityModel = ThingSmartCityModel()
    cityModel.cityId = 23 = "Shanghai"
    let sunserrise = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.createSunsetriseTimerExpr(withCity: cityModel, type: .rise, deltaMinutes: 100)


API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)buildGeofenceExprWithType:(GeoFenceType)type;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
type GeoFenceType The type of the geofence. See GeoFenceType.

GeoFenceType enum

Enum type Enum value Description
kGeoFenceTypeReach 0 The user arrives at a specific place.
kGeoFenceTypeExit 1 The user leaves a specific place.
kGeoFenceTypeNotSet 2 Unknown type



- (void)buildGeofenceExpr {
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *reachExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder buildGeofenceExprWithType:kGeoFenceTypeReach];


func buildGeofenceExpr() {
    let reachExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.buildGeofenceExpr(with: .reach)


API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)buildCalculateExprWithDpId:(NSString *)dpId dpType:(NSString *)dpType selectedValue:(id)selectedValue;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
dpId string The selected DP ID.
dpType string The selected DP type. Only enum and Boolean are applicable.
selectedValue id The selected DP value. The type can be NSString and NSNumber. For example, 200, YES.



- (void)buildCalculateExpr {
    // dpType only supports enum and bool.
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *expr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder buildCalculateExprWithDpId:@"123" dpType:@"enum" selectedValue:@"123"];


func buildCalculateExpr() {
    let expr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.buildCalculateExpr(withDpId: "123", dpType: "enum", selectedValue: "123")

When home members come home

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneExprModel *)buildMemberBackHomeExprWithMemberIds:(NSString *)memberIds;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
memberIds string An array of IDs of the selected home members, separated with commas (,). For example, “123,456,789”.



- (void)buildMemberGoingHomeExpr {
    ThingSmartSceneExprModel *memberGoingHomeExpr = [ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder buildMemberBackHomeExprWithMemberIds:@"123,456,789"];


func buildMemberGoingHomeExpr() {
    let memberGoingHomeExpr = ThingSmartSceneConditionExprBuilder.buildMemberBackHomeExpr(withMemberIds: "123,456,789")

Create scene actions

The scene action class is ThingSmartSceneActionModel and the actionExecutor property represents the type of scene action. The following action types are supported:

  • dpIssue: Device
  • deviceGroupDpIssue: Group
  • ruleTrigger: Trigger a scene
  • ruleEnable: Enable automation
  • ruleDisable: Disable automation
  • delay: Delay the action
  • appPushTrigger: Message center notification
  • mobileVoiceSend: Phone call notification
  • smsSend: SMS notification

After you create the ThingSmartSceneActionModel object, set its properties, especially entityId, actionExecutor, and executorProperty. These three properties describe the object, type, and specific content of an action.

Action type Description
  • Set entityId to the value of devId.
  • Set actionExecutor to dpIssue.
  • executorProperty is a dictionary. For example, {"1":YES} specifies an action of setting DP 1 to YES, applying to Boolean DPs, such as the light on/off status. You can call the method of getting the list of DPs for device tasks to get the DP ID and its valid values.
  • Set entityId to the value of groupId.
  • Set actionExecutor to deviceGroupDpIssue.
  • Other properties are the same as those of device actions.
Trigger a scene
  • Set entityId to the value of sceneId.
  • Set actionExecutor to ruleTrigger.
  • executorProperty is not required.
Enable automation
  • Set entityId to the value of sceneId.
  • Set actionExecutor to ruleEnable.
  • executorProperty is not required.
Disable automation
  • Set entityId to the value of sceneId.
  • Set actionExecutor to ruleDisable.
  • executorProperty is not required.
Delay the action
  • Set entityId to delay.
  • Set actionExecutor to delay.
  • executorProperty specifies a delay expressed with a dictionary. For example, {@"minutes":@"1",@"seconds":@"30"} specifies a delay of 1 minute and 30 seconds. Currently, the delay can be up to five hours or 300 minutes.
Message center notification
  • entityId is not required.
  • Set actionExecutor to appPushTrigger.
  • executorProperty is not required.
Phone call notification
  • entityId is not required.
  • Set actionExecutor to mobileVoiceSend.
  • executorProperty is not required.
SMS notification
  • entityId is not required.
  • Set actionExecutor to smsSend.
  • executorProperty is not required.

Device action

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneActionModel *)deviceActionWithFeature:(ThingSmartSceneCoreFeatureModel *)feature
                                                  devId:(NSString *)devId
                                             deviceName:(NSString *)deviceName;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
feature ThingSmartSceneCoreFeatureModel The feature model of the device.
devId string The device ID.
deviceName string The name of the device.



- (void)buildDeviceAction{
    ThingSmartDeviceModel *deviceModel = [ThingSmartDevice deviceWithDeviceId:@"vdevo157381285723945"].deviceModel;
    ThingSmartSceneCoreFeatureModel *featureModel = nil;
    ThingSmartSceneActionModel *deviceAction = [ThingSmartSceneActionFactory deviceActionWithFeature:featureModel devId:deviceModel.devId];


func buildDeviceAction() {
    let deviceModel = ThingSmartDevice.init(deviceId: "vdevo157381285723945")!.deviceModel
    var featureModel: ThingSmartSceneCoreFeatureModel!
    let deviceAction = ThingSmartSceneActionFactory.deviceAction(withFeature: featureModel, devId: deviceModel.devId, deviceName:

Group action

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneActionModel *)groupActionWithFeature:(ThingSmartSceneCoreFeatureModel *)feature
                                               groupId:(NSString *)groupId
                                             groupName:(NSString *)groupName;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
feature ThingSmartSceneCoreFeatureModel The feature model of the group.
groupId string The group ID.
groupName string The name of the group.



- (void)buildGroupAction {
    ThingSmartGroupModel *groupModel = [ThingSmartGroup groupWithGroupId:@""].groupModel;
    ThingSmartSceneCoreFeatureModel *featureModel = nil;
    ThingSmartSceneActionModel *groupAction = [ThingSmartSceneActionFactory groupActionWithFeature:featureModel groupId:groupModel.groupId];


func buildGroupAction() {
    let groupModel = ThingSmartGroup.init(groupId: "")!.groupModel
    var featureModel: ThingSmartSceneCoreFeatureModel!
    let groupAction = ThingSmartSceneActionFactory.groupAction(withFeature: featureModel, groupId: groupModel.groupId, groupName:

Tap-to-Run action

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneActionModel *)createTriggerSceneActionWithSceneId:(NSString *)sceneId sceneName:(NSString *)sceneName;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
sceneId string The scene ID.
sceneName string The scene name.



- (void)buildSelectTapToRunAction {
    ThingSmartSceneActionModel *selectTapToRunAction = [ThingSmartSceneActionFactory createTriggerSceneActionWithSceneId:@"Test scene ID" sceneName:@"Test scene name"];


func buildSelectTapToRunAction() {
    let selectTapToRunAction = ThingSmartSceneActionFactory.createTriggerSceneAction(withSceneId: "Test scene ID", sceneName: "Test scene name")

Automation action

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneActionModel *)createSwitchAutoActionWithSceneId:(NSString *)sceneId sceneName:(NSString *)sceneName type:(AutoSwitchType)type;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
sceneId string The scene ID.
sceneName string The scene name.
type AutoSwitchType The type of automation operation. See AutoSwitchType.

AutoSwitchType enum

Enum type Enum value Description
kAutoSwitchTypeEnable 0 Enable automation.
kAutoSwitchTypeDisable 1 Disable automation.



- (void)buildSelectAutomationAction {
    ThingSmartSceneActionModel *automationAction = [ThingSmartSceneActionFactory createSwitchAutoActionWithSceneId:@"Test scene ID" sceneName:@"Test scene name" type:kAutoSwitchTypeEnable];


func buildSelectAutomationAction() {
    let automationAction = ThingSmartSceneActionFactory.createSwitchAutoAction(withSceneId: "Test scene ID", sceneName: "Test scene name", type: AutoSwitchType(rawValue: 0)!)

Delay the action

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneActionModel *)createDelayActionWithHours:(NSString *)hours minutes:(NSString *)minutes seconds:(NSString *)seconds;

Parameter description

Parameters Type Description
hours string Hour(s)
minutes string Minute(s)
seconds string Second(s)



- (void)buildDelayAction {
    ThingSmartSceneActionModel *delayAction = [ThingSmartSceneActionFactory createDelayActionWithHours:@"0" minutes:@"0" seconds:@"60"];


func buildDelayAction() {
    let delayAction = ThingSmartSceneActionFactory.createDelayAction(withHours: "0", minutes: "0", seconds: "60")

Message center notification

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneActionModel *)createSendNotificationAction;



- (void)buildNotificationAction {
    ThingSmartSceneActionModel *notificaitonAction = [ThingSmartSceneActionFactory createSendNotificationAction];


func buildNotificationAction() {
    let notificaitonAction = ThingSmartSceneActionFactory.createSendNotificationAction()

SMS notification

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneActionModel *)createSmsAction;



- (void)buildSendSMSAction {
    ThingSmartSceneActionModel *sendSMSAction = [ThingSmartSceneActionFactory createSmsAction];


func buildSendSMSAction() {
    let sendSMSAction = ThingSmartSceneActionFactory.createSmsAction()

Phone call notification

API description

+ (ThingSmartSceneActionModel *)createCallAction;



- (void)buildSendCallAction {
    ThingSmartSceneActionModel *sendCallAction = [ThingSmartSceneActionFactory createCallAction];


func buildSendCallAction() {
    let sendCallAction = ThingSmartSceneActionFactory.createCallAction()

Create effective period

The effective period only works for automation scenes, without applying to tap-to-run. The ThingSmartScenePreConditionModel class is used to create the effective period, supporting the following types.

  • All day
  • Daytime
  • Nighttime
  • Custom. The user specifies the start and end times.

Condition model

Fields in ThingSmartScenePreConditionModel

Parameters Type Required Description
scenarioId string No The scene ID.
conditionId string No The condition ID.
condType string Yes The type of effective period. Valid values: allDay, daytime, night, and custom.
expr dictionary Yes The expression for the effective period.


API description

+ (ThingSmartScenePreConditionModel *)scenePreconditionWithParam:(TSmartScenePreconditionParam *)preconditionParam;

Parameter description

Fields in TSmartScenePreconditionParam

Parameters Type Description
sceneID string The scene ID. It has a value when a scene is edited, while it has no value when a scene is created.
conditionID string The condition ID. It has a value when a scene is edited, while it has no value when a scene is created.
preconditionType TSmartScenePreconditionType The type of the effective period. See TSmartScenePreconditionType.
beginDate string The start time. It applies to a custom effective period and defaults to 00:00 for other types.
endDate string The end time. It applies to a custom effective period and defaults to 23:59 for other types.
loops string The recurring pattern. For example, 1111111, the digits from left to right represent Sunday through Saturday. 1111111 indicates the schedule repeats every day. 0111111 indicates the schedule repeats every week Monday through Saturday.
cityId string The city ID.
cityName string The city name.
timeZoneId string The time zone.

TSmartScenePreconditionType enum

Enum type Enum value Description
TSmartScenePreconditionTypeUnknow -1 Unknown
TSmartScenePreconditionTypeAllDay 0 All day
TSmartScenePreconditionTypeDaytime 1 Daytime
TSmartScenePreconditionTypeNight 2 Nighttime
TSmartScenePreconditionTypeCustom 3 Custom



- (void)buildPrecondition {
    TSmartScenePreconditionParam *precondParam = [[TSmartScenePreconditionParam alloc] init];
    precondParam.preconditionType = TSmartScenePreconditionTypeAllDay;
    precondParam.sceneID = @"1001";
    precondParam.conditionID = @"100001";
    precondParam.loops = @"1000111";
    precondParam.timeZoneId = [NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone].name;

    ThingSmartScenePreConditionModel *precondition = [ThingSmartScenePreConditionFactory scenePreconditionWithParam:precondParam];


func buildPrecondition() {
    let precondParam = TSmartScenePreconditionParam()
    precondParam.preconditionType = .allDay
    precondParam.sceneID = "1001"
    precondParam.conditionID = "100001"
    precondParam.loops = "1000111"
    precondParam.timeZoneId = TimeZone.current.identifier

    let precondition = ThingSmartScenePreConditionFactory.scenePrecondition(with: precondParam)