Get Service Ticket Details

Last Updated on : 2023-06-20 12:34:14

Get the details of a specified service ticket by the ticket ID.

API address

GET: /v1.0/iot-01/ticket/feedbacks/{feedback_id}

Request parameter

Parameter name Type IN Required Description
feedback_id String uri true The ID of a specified service ticket.

Return parameter

Parameter name Type Description
result OrderInfoResVO The returned result.

Description of result

Parameter name Type Description
id Long The ID of a specified service ticket.
ticket_no String The number of a specified service ticket.
state_code String The code of specified status.
state_name String The name of specified status.
ticket_type String The type of a specified service ticket.
handle_owner String The account that has permissions to handle the service ticket.
handle_owner_nick_name String The nickname of the account that has permissions to handle the service ticket.
assignee String The current assignee to whom the service ticket is assigned.
assignee_nick_name String The nickname of the current assignee.
app_name String The name of a specified app.
app_version String The version of a specified app.
product_name String The product name.
product_id String The product ID.
uuid String The universally unique identifier (UUID).
device_id String The device ID.
requester String The account of a specified requester.
requester_name String The nickname of the requester.
mobile_system String The operating system of the requester’s mobile phone.
mobile_type String The model of the requester’s mobile phone.
mobile_lang String The language of the requester’s mobile phone.
tech_ticket_nos List The linked service tickets.
urge Integer The number of reminders.
is_follow Boolean Specifies whether to follow the service ticket.
is_operate Boolean Specifies whether it is operable.
create_time Long The time when a service ticket is created.
is_unbind_device Boolean Specifies whether the service ticket requests to unbind a device.
requester_mobile String The requester’s mobile phone number.
requester_email String The requester’s email address.
device_region String The region where the device is deployed. This field only applies to the service ticket of unbinding a device.
user_registered_time Long The time when the user was registered.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/iot-01/ticket/feedbacks/FBAY20211129****

Return example

{ "result": { "app_version": "3.25.11", "mobile_lang": "zh", "mobile_type": "IN2020", "is_unbind_device": false, "is_operate": true, "urge": 0, "uuid": "vdevo1638170067****x", "mobile_system": "11", "handler_owner": "sun***", "ticket_no": "FBAY20211129****", "product_id": "vstqajhcockr****", "tech_ticket_nos": [ ], "id": "146521777987439****", "requester_name": "", "requester": "86-166****4039", "requester_mobile": "86-166****4039", "device_id": "vdevo16381700676****", "user_registered_time": 1638169140000, "handler_owner_nick_name": "Nickname", "requester_email": "", "product_name": "DIY Light Panel", "app_name": "Test apps", "assignee_nick_name": "Sam", "assignee": "****", "state_code": "Finished" }, "t": 1639376449858, "success": true }

Error code

For more information, see error code.