Get Service Tickets

Last Updated on : 2024-06-26 09:28:22download

Get users' service tickets on pages based on the product ID. You can query the service tickets by their types and status.

API address

GET: /v1.0/iot-01/ticket/feedbacks

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
reqPageQueryOrderReqVOquerytrueThe request parameters to query ticket information.

Description of req

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
product_idString falseThe product IDs. Multiple IDs are separated by a comma (,).
cate_pathString falseThe ID of the specified service ticket type.
in_state_listString falseThe enumeration values of status, separated with commas (,).
  • Finished: The service ticket is finished.
  • PendingUserFeedback: The user has not submitted a service ticket yet.
  • PendingUserConfirm: The service ticket is to be confirmed by the user.
  • Cancelled: The service ticket is canceled.
  • Processing: The service ticket is being processed.
  • WaitingForDistribute: The service ticket is to be allocated.
  • Pending: The service ticket is pending processing.
page_noInteger falseThe current page number.
page_sizeInteger falseThe number of items returned on each page.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultPageVOThe returned result.

Description of result

Parameter nameTypeDescription
totalIntegerThe total number of matched results.
page_sizeIntegerThe number of items returned on each page.
page_noIntegerThe current page number.
listListThe list of data on pages.
has_moreBooleanIndicates whether additional pages are available.

Description of list

Parameter nameTypeDescription
ticket_noStringThe number of the specified service ticket.
create_timeLongThe time when a service ticket is created.
update_timeLongThe time when a service ticket is updated.
state_codeStringThe status of the specified service ticket.
state_nameStringThe name of the specified status.
ticket_typeStringThe type of the specified service ticket.
handler_ownerStringThe account that has permission to handle the service ticket.
handler_owner_nick_nameStringThe nickname of the account that has permission to handle the service ticket.
owner_enterprise_nameStringThe company name on the Tuya Developer Platform, which is linked with the account that has permission to handle the service ticket.
handler_enterprise_nameStringThe company name on the Tuya Developer Platform, which is linked with the current assignee.
handlerStringThe current assignee to whom the service ticket is assigned.
handler_nick_nameStringThe nickname of the current assignee.
descriptionStringThe description of details.
app_nameStringThe name of the specified application.
product_nameStringThe product name.
user_accountStringThe user account.
evaluation_starIntegerThe review ratings.
evaluation_problem_solveBooleanIndicates whether the user's problem is resolved.
new_replyIntegerThe number of new replies from the user.
main_acct_idStringThe account that submits the service ticket.
is_operateBooleanSpecifies whether the account has operation permission.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/iot-01/ticket/feedbacks?productId=testxxxx&pageSIze=10&pageNo=1

Return example

    "result": {
        "page_no": 1,
        "list": [
                "ticket_type": "General service support/Device problems/Offline",
                "handler": "iotplatf***",
                "create_time": 1638255813812,
                "handler_nick_name": "This is a nickname",
                "evaluation_star": -1,
                "handler_owner_nick_name": "Nickname",
                "description": "Test reply",
                "is_operate": true,
                "product_name": "DIY Light Panel",
                "app_name": "Test apps",
                "owner_enterprise_name": "Tuya Smart",
                "update_time": 1638356077881,
                "handler_owner": "sun***",
                "main_acct_id": "ay15220305101785****",
                "ticket_no": "FBAY2021113****",
                "handler_enterprise_name": "Hangzhou Tuya Information Technology Co., Ltd.",
                "user_account": "",
                "state_code": "Processing",
                "new_reply": 0
        "total": 8,
        "has_more": true
    "t": 1638871293544,
    "success": true

Error code

For more information, see error code.