Brand Search

Last Updated on : 2022-03-07 01:37:21



Brand Search


Field name Data type Description Default value
header JSX.Element The custom content of a list header. null
offset number The height of a header. 0
sectionItemOpacity number The value of actionOpacity of an item in the list. Valid values: 0 to 1. 0.7
sectionItemStyle StyleProp The style of a list item. null
sectionItemTextStyle StyleProp The style of the headline font for a list item. null
sectionItemSubTextStyle StyleProp The style of the subtitle font for a list item. null
sectionHeaderStyle StyleProp The style of the header for a list item. null
sectionHeaderTextStyle StyleProp The style of the header font for a list item. null
itemHeight number The height of a list item. 60
onPress function The event of tapping a list item. null
letterTopImage number The favorites icon at the top of the alphabetical list. null
letterTopStyle StyleProp The style of the favorites icon at the top of the alphabetical list. null
letterTopActiveStyle StyleProp The style of the active favorites icon at the top of the alphabetical list. null
letterMainStyle StyleProp The style of the container for the alphabetical list. null
letterItemStyle StyleProp The style of the alphabetical list. null
letterItemTextStyle StyleProp The style of the font for the alphabetical list. null
letterItemTextActiveStyle StyleProp The style of the active font for the alphabetical list. null
letterItemOpacity number The value of actionOpacity for the alphabetical list. Valid values: 0 to 1. 0.7
sections Array The items of the list. []
initialNumToRender number The number of lists rendered initially. 100
animated Boolean Specify whether to enable the animation effect. Default value: true. true
placeholderText string The placeholder text in the search box. null
reset string The custom text reset in the search box. Enter up to 12 characters. null
researchBtnOpacity number The value of actionOpacity for the Reset button next to the search box. Valid values: 0 to 1. 0.7
researchTextStyle StyleProp The style of the text font of the reset button beside the search box. null
researchStyle StyleProp The style of the search bar. null
researchInputStyle StyleProp The style of the search box. null
searchListItemOpacity number The value of actionOpacity for the items in the search result. Valid values: 0 to 1. 0.7
searchListItemStyle StyleProp The style of the items in the search result. null
searchListTextStyle StyleProp The style of the headline font for items in the search result. null
searchListSubTextStyle StyleProp The style of the subtitle font for items in the search result. null


import { LetterSearch } from 'tuya-panel-remote-sdk'

class LetterSearch extends Component { 
  render() { 
    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        <LetterSearch  sections={data}  />