Curtain Roller Animation

Last Updated on : 2022-03-07 01:37:55download



Curtain Roller Animation


Field name Type Description Default value
style StyleProp The style of the component. null
width number The width of the curtain roller. 250
height number The height of the curtain roller. 280
initPercent number The initial open percentage. Valid values: 0 to 1. 0.5
buttonWidth number The width of the thumb. 40
type string The type of animation. Valid values:
  • close
  • open
  • pause
rollerPosition object The position of the curtain roller. { top: cx(26), left: cx(20)}
animateTime number The duration of the animation. Unit: seconds. 8
bgImage string The background image of the curtain. null
bgImageStyle StyleProp The style of the background image for the curtain. null
rollerImage string The image of the curtain roller. null
rollerStyle StyleProp The view style of the curtain roller. null
rollerImageStyle StyleProp The image style of the curtain roller. null
buttonImage string The image of the thumb. null
buttonImageStyle StyleProp The image style of the thumb. null
onChange function Callback for the end of the animation. null
onMove function Animation execution callback. null


import { RollerAnimate } from 'tuya-panel-remote-sdk'
import Res from './res';
const { roller, button, background } = Res;

// Image available
class RollerAnimate extends Component { 
  render() { 
    return  <RollerAnimate
import { RollerAnimate } from 'tuya-panel-remote-sdk'
// No image available
class RollerAnimate extends Component { 
  render() { 
    return <RollerAnimate type={null}/>; 