Wired Device Pairing

Last Updated on : 2023-10-11 05:46:13download

A wired device connects to a router over an Ethernet cable. During the pairing process, users do not need to enter the name and password of the router.

Pairing process

AppBizBundle SDKDeviceCloudDevice enters pairingmode.Start searching for devices.1Get deviceinformation.Return the result.2alt[Search for devices.]Request a device activationtoken.3Request a device activation token.4Return the device activation token.5Return the device activationtoken.6Send a device activationcommand.7Send a device activationcommand.8Register the device with thecloud.9Device is registered.10Device is registered.11Device is registered.12alt[Activation and pairing]AppBizBundle SDKDeviceCloudWired Device Pairing

Register the pairing type

When the device pairing service is initialized, register the pairing type, which is ThingSmartActivatorTypeWiredModel.

API description

/// Initialize network configuration types
/// @param typeList Network configuration types
- (void)registerWithActivatorList:(NSArray<ThingSmartActivatorTypeModel *>*)typeList;

Parameter description

Parameters Description
typeList The list of pairing types.

Get a token

The SDK gets a pairing token from the cloud before it can start the pairing process. The token is valid for 10 minutes and expires immediately after the device is paired. A new token must be generated if the device needs to be paired again.

API description

- (void)getTokenWithHomeId:(long long)homeId

Parameter description

Parameters Description
homeId The ID of the home with which the device is bound.
success The success callback. A pairing token is returned.
failure The failure callback. An error message is returned.

Start searching

Pass in the registered typeList to start searching.

API description

/// Start searching
/// @param typeList Network configuration types
- (void)startSearch:(NSArray <ThingSmartActivatorTypeModel *>*)typeList;

Parameter description

Parameters Description
typeList The list of pairing types.

Stop searching

API description

/// Stop searching
/// @param typeList Network configuration types
/// @param clearCache Whether to clear the cache
- (void)stopSearch:(NSArray <ThingSmartActivatorTypeModel *>*)typeList clearCache:(BOOL)clearCache;

Parameter description

Parameters Description
typeList The list of pairing types.
clearCache Specifies whether to clear the cache search result.

Device search callback

After the wired device is discovered in the LAN, the callback returns the device information. If the operation fails, the callback returns the error message.

API description

/// Device search callback
/// @param service Search instance
/// @param type Network configuration type
/// @param device Discovered device
/// @param errorModel Error callback
- (void)activatorService:(id<ThingSmartActivatorSearchProtocol>)service
            activatorType:(ThingSmartActivatorTypeModel *)type
             didFindDevice:(nullable ThingSmartActivatorDeviceModel *)device
                     error:(nullable ThingSmartActivatorErrorModel *)errorModel;

Parameter description

Parameters Description
service The pairing service.
type The pairing type. ThingSmartActivatorTypeWiredModel is returned.
device The discovered device. The device model is returned on success. nil is returned on failure.
errorModel This model is returned if the operation fails or times out. nil is returned on success.

Activate a device

API description

/// Activate devices with a single network configuration type
/// @param type Network configuration type
/// @param deviceList Devices to be activated
- (void)startActive:(ThingSmartActivatorTypeModel *)type deviceList:(NSArray<ThingSmartActivatorDeviceModel *>*)deviceList;

Parameter description

Parameters Description
type The pairing type. ThingSmartActivatorTypeWiredModel is returned.
deviceList The list of devices to be activated. Currently, only one device is supported.

Activation callback

API description

// Device network configuration result callback
/// @param service Device network configuration implementation object
/// @param type Network configuration type
/// @param devices Devices being configured
/// @param errorModel Error encountered during network configuration
- (void)activatorService:(id<ThingSmartActivatorActiveProtocol>)service
           activatorType:(ThingSmartActivatorTypeModel *)type
       didReceiveDevices:(nullable NSArray<ThingSmartActivatorDeviceModel *> *)devices
                   error:(nullable ThingSmartActivatorErrorModel *)errorModel;

Parameter description

Parameters Description
service The pairing service.
type The pairing type. ThingSmartActivatorTypeWiredModel is returned.
devices The activated device.
errorModel This model is returned if pairing fails or times out. nil is returned on success.

Error codes

ThingSmartActivatorErrorModel is returned if pairing fails or times out.

@interface ThingSmartActivatorErrorModel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) ThingSmartActivatorDeviceModel *deviceModel;
@property (nonatomic) NSError *error;

ThingSmartActivatorDiscoveryError includes the definition of error codes. The following table lists the common error codes.

Error codes Description
ThingSmartActivatorDiscoveryErrorTimeout Pairing timeout.
ThingSmartActivatorDiscoveryErrorDeviceAlreadyBound Strong binding error. The device is already bound with a user. Pairing can work only after the device is unbound from the current user.
ThingSmartActivatorDiscoveryErrorAPPUnsupportProduct The app used for pairing is not bound with the product.
ThingSmartActivatorDiscoveryErrorTokenExpired Token expired.
ThingSmartActivatorDiscoveryErrorGuestNotSupportStrongBind A guest account is not allowed to pair a device of strong binding.
ThingSmartActivatorDiscoveryErrorRemoteApiParamIllegal Invalid parameter.



class zigbeeGatewaymodeConfigurationVC: UITableViewController {

    private var token: String = ""
    var deviceList:[ThingSmartActivatorDeviceModel] = []

    private var typeModel: ThingSmartActivatorTypeWiredModel = {
        let type = ThingSmartActivatorTypeWiredModel()
        type.type = ThingSmartActivatorType.wired
        type.typeName = NSStringFromThingSmartActivatorType(ThingSmartActivatorType.wired)
        type.timeout = 120
        return type

    lazy var discovery: ThingSmartActivatorDiscovery = {
        let discovery = ThingSmartActivatorDiscovery()
        discovery.register(withActivatorList: [self.typeModel])
        return discovery

    private func startSearch() {


extension zigbeeGatewaymodeConfigurationVC: ThingSmartActivatorSearchDelegate {
    func activatorService(_ service: ThingSmartActivatorSearchProtocol, activatorType type: ThingSmartActivatorTypeModel, didFindDevice device: ThingSmartActivatorDeviceModel?, error errorModel: ThingSmartActivatorErrorModel?) {

        if let device = device {
            guard let homeID = Home.current?.homeId else { return }
            ThingSmartActivator.sharedInstance()?.getTokenWithHomeId(homeID, success: { [weak self] (token) in
                guard let self = self else { return }
                typeModel.token = token ?? ""
                typeModel.spaceId = homeID
                let dList = [device]
                discovery.startActive(typeModel, deviceList: [device])
                SVProgressHUD.show(withStatus: NSLocalizedString("Activating", comment: "Active zigbeeGateway."))
            }, failure: { (error) in
                let errorMessage = error?.localizedDescription ?? ""
                SVProgressHUD.showError(withStatus: errorMessage)

    func activatorService(_ service: ThingSmartActivatorSearchProtocol, activatorType type: ThingSmartActivatorTypeModel, didUpdateDevice device: ThingSmartActivatorDeviceModel) {



extension zigbeeGatewaymodeConfigurationVC: ThingSmartActivatorActiveDelegate {
    func activatorService(_ service: ThingSmartActivatorActiveProtocol, activatorType type: ThingSmartActivatorTypeModel, didReceiveDevices devices: [ThingSmartActivatorDeviceModel]?, error errorModel: ThingSmartActivatorErrorModel?) {
        if (errorModel != nil) {
            SVProgressHUD.showError(withStatus: NSLocalizedString("Failed to Activate BLE Device", comment: ""))

        if (devices!.count > 0) {
            SVProgressHUD.showError(withStatus: NSLocalizedString("Success to Activate BLE Device", comment: ""))


/// Get token
- (void)getToken {
    ThingSmartActivator *wiredActivator = [[ThingSmartActivator alloc] init];
    [wiredActivator getTokenWithHomeId:homeId success:^(NSString *token) {
        NSLog(@"getToken success: %@", token);
        [self startConfigWi-Fi:token];
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"getToken failure: %@", error.localizedDescription);

/// Start search device
- (void)startConfigWi-Fi:(NSString *)token {
  ThingSmartActivatorTypeWiredModel *wiredModel = [[ThingSmartActivatorTypeWiredModel alloc] init];
  wiredModel.type = ThingSmartActivatorTypeWired;
  wiredModel.typeName = NSStringFromThingSmartActivatorType(ThingSmartActivatorTypeEZSearch);
  wiredModel.timeout = 120;
  wiredModel.spaceId = homeId;
  wiredModel.token = token;

  [self.discovery registerWithActivatorList:@[wiredModel]];
  [self.discovery setupDelegate:self];

  [self.discovery startSearch:@[wiredModel]];

/// device search callback
- (void)activatorService:(id<ThingSmartActivatorSearchProtocol>)service activatorType:(ThingSmartActivatorTypeModel *)type didFindDevice:(ThingSmartActivatorDeviceModel *)device error:(ThingSmartActivatorErrorModel *)errorModel {

    if (errorModel) {
        [self _connectWifiError:errorModel];

    if (device) {
        [self _handleDevice:device];

// device activate
- (void)_handleDevice:(ThingSmartActivatorDeviceModel *)deviceModel {
     ThingSmartActivatorTypeWiredModel *wiredModel = (ThingSmartActivatorTypeWiredModel *)[activatorGateway activatorTypeModelWith:ThingSmartActivatorTypeWired];
    [self.discovery startActive:wiredModel deviceList:@[deviceModel]];

/// device activate callback
- (void)activatorService:(id<ThingSmartActivatorActiveProtocol>)service
           activatorType:(ThingSmartActivatorTypeModel *)type
       didReceiveDevices:(nullable NSArray<ThingSmartActivatorDeviceModel *> *)devices
                   error:(nullable ThingSmartActivatorErrorModel *)errorModel {
     if (devices && devices.count > 0) {
        // handle successful device

- (ThingSmartActivatorDiscovery *)discovery {
    if (!_discovery) {
        _discovery = [[ThingSmartActivatorDiscovery alloc] init];
    return _discovery;