Push Notifications Management

Last Updated on : 2024-08-22 02:51:09download

This topic introduces how to manage the push of messages.

The ThingSmartBusinessExtensionKit component offers more features than the ThingSmartMessage. If you are still using ThingSmartMessage, please refer to this document.

Query the status of message push switch

You can query the status of a message push switch by message type. Messages fall into the following types:

  • Alert
  • Home message
  • Notification
  • Marketing message

API description

- (void)getMessagePushSwitchStatusWithType:(ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchType)type
                            success:(ThingSuccessBOOL _Nullable)success
                            failure:(ThingFailureError _Nullable)failure;


Parameter Description
type The message type. Valid values:
  • ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchTypeDeviceAlarm: alert
  • ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchTypeFamily: home message
  • ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchTypeNotice: notification
  • ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchTypeMarketing: marketing message
success The success callback, which returns the status of the message push switch.
failure The failure callback, which returns a failure reason.

Sample code


[[ThingSmartMessagePushSetting new] getMessagePushSwitchStatusWithType:ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchTypeFamily success:^(BOOL result) {

} failure:^(NSError *error) {



ThingSmartMessagePushSetting().getMessagePushSwitchStatus(with: .family) { result in

} failure: { error in


Set the status of message push switch

API description

- (void)setMessagePushSwitchStatusWithRequestModel:(ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchRequestModel *_Nonnull)requestModel
                    success:(__nullable ThingSuccessHandler)success
                    failure:(__nullable ThingFailureError)failure;


Parameter Description
requestModel The request model.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback, which returns a failure reason.

Data model of ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchRequestModel

Field Description
type The message type. Valid values:
  • ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchTypeDeviceAlarm: alert
  • ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchTypeFamily: home message
  • ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchTypeNotice: notification
  • ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchTypeMarketing: marketing message
open The switch status.

Sample code


ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchRequestModel *requesModel = [[ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchRequestModel alloc] init];
requesModel.open = open;
requesModel.type = type;
[[ThingSmartMessagePushSetting new] setMessagePushSwitchStatusWithRequestModel:requesModel success:^{

} failure:^(NSError *error) {



let requestModel = ThingSmartMessagePushSwitchRequestModel()
requestModel.open = true
requestModel.type = .family
ThingSmartMessagePushSetting().setMessagePushSwitchStatusWith(requestModel) {

} failure: { erro in


Query the status of device alert push switch

Users can receive device alerts through three channels: system message push, phone call, and SMS message. For these channels, you can set their switch status respectively. To activate phone call or SMS notifications, you need to purchase a value-added service. For more information, contact your account manager. In addition, you can integrate Advanced Functions UI BizBundle to access the service purchase page for users.

API description

- (void)getDeviceAlarmSwitchStatusWithPushChannel:(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannel)pushChannel
success:(ThingSuccessBOOL _Nullable)success
failure:(ThingFailureError _Nullable)failure;


Parameter Description
pushChannel The message push channel. Valid values:
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSystem: system message push
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelPhone: phone call
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSMS: SMS message
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelAll: all channels
success The success callback, which returns the status of the message push switch.
failure The failure callback, which returns a failure reason.

Sample code


[[ThingSmartMessagePushSetting new] getDeviceAlarmSwitchStatusWithPushChannel:ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSystem success:^(BOOL result) {

} failure:^(NSError *error) {



ThingSmartMessagePushSetting().getDeviceAlarmSwitchStatus(with: .system) { result in

} failure: { error in


Set the status of device alert push switch

API description

- (void)setDeviceAlarmSwitchStatusWithRequestModel:(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmSwitchRequestModel *_Nonnull)requestModel
success:(__nullable ThingSuccessHandler)success
failure:(__nullable ThingFailureError)failure;


Parameter Description
requestModel The request model.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback, which returns a failure reason.

Data model of ThingSmartDeviceAlarmSwitchRequestModel

Field Description
pushChannel The message push channel. Valid values:
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSystem: system message push
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelPhone: phone call
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSMS: SMS message
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelAll: all channels
open The switch status.

Sample code


ThingSmartDeviceAlarmSwitchRequestModel *requestModel = [[ThingSmartDeviceAlarmSwitchRequestModel alloc] init];
requestModel.open = YES;
requestModel.pushChannel = ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSystem;
[[ThingSmartMessagePushSetting new] setDeviceAlarmSwitchStatusWithRequestModel:requestModel success:^{

} failure:^(NSError *error) {



let requestModel = ThingSmartDeviceAlarmSwitchRequestModel()
requestModel.open = true
requestModel.pushChannel = .system
ThingSmartMessagePushSetting().setDeviceAlarmSwitchStatusWith(requestModel) {

} failure: { erro in


Query the throttle time for device alerts

API description

- (void)getDeviceAlarmThrottleTimeWithPushChannel:(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannel)pushChannel
                                      success:(ThingSuccessInt _Nullable )success
                                      failure:(ThingFailureError _Nullable )failure;


Parameter Description
pushChannel The message push channel. Valid values:
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSystem: system message push
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelPhone: phone call
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSMS: SMS message
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelAll: all channels
success The success callback, which returns the throttle time in minutes.
failure The failure callback, which returns a failure reason.

Sample code


[[ThingSmartMessagePushSetting new] getDeviceAlarmThrottleTimeWithPushChannel:ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSystem success:^(int result) {

} failure:^(NSError *error) {



ThingSmartMessagePushSetting().getDeviceAlarmThrottleTime(with: .system) { time in

} failure: { error in


Set a throttle time for device alerts

API description

- (void)setDeviceAlarmThrottleTimeWithRequestModel:(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmThrottleTimeRequestModel *_Nonnull)requestModel
                           success:(__nullable ThingSuccessBOOL)success
                           failure:(__nullable ThingFailureError)failure;


Parameter Description
requestModel The request model.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback, which returns a failure reason.

Data model of ThingSmartDeviceAlarmThrottleTimeRequestModel

Field Description
pushChannel The message push channel. Valid values:
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSystem: system message push
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelPhone: phone call
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSMS: SMS message
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelAll: all channels
minute The throttle time in minutes.

Sample code


ThingSmartDeviceAlarmThrottleTimeRequestModel *requestModel = [[ThingSmartDeviceAlarmThrottleTimeRequestModel alloc] init];
requestModel.minute = 10;
requestModel.pushChannel = ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSystem;
[[ThingSmartMessagePushSetting new] setDeviceAlarmThrottleTimeWithRequestModel:requestModel success:^(BOOL result) {

} failure:^(NSError *error) {



let requestModel = ThingSmartDeviceAlarmThrottleTimeRequestModel()
requestModel.minute = 10
requestModel.pushChannel = .system
        ThingSmartMessagePushSetting().setDeviceAlarmThrottleTimeWith(requestModel) { result in

} failure: { error in


Query the configuration details for device alerts

API description

- (void)getDeviceAlarmServiceInfoWithRequestModel:(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceRequestModel *_Nonnull)requestModel
                                      success:(void(^_Nullable)(NSArray <ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceInfoEntity *>* _Nullable result))success
                                      failure:(ThingFailureError _Nullable )failure;


Parameter Description
requestModel The request model.
success The success callback, which returns a list of device alert configurations.
failure The failure callback, which returns a failure reason.

Data model of ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceRequestModel

Field Description
pushChannel The message push channel. Valid values:
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSystem: system message push
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelPhone: phone call
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSMS: SMS message
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelAll: all channels
homeId The home ID.
deviceId The device ID.

Data model of ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceInfoEntity

Field Description
configId The configuration ID.
configName The configuration name.
selected Specifies whether the configuration is selected.

Sample code


ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceRequestModel *requestModel = [[ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceRequestModel alloc] init];
requestModel.deviceId = deviceId;
requestModel.pushChannel = pushChannel;
requestModel.homeId = familyId;

[[ThingSmartMessagePushSetting new] getDeviceAlarmServiceInfoWithRequestModel:requestModel success:^(NSArray<ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceInfoEntity *> * _Nullable result) {

} failure:^(NSError *error) {



let requestModel = ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceRequestModel()
requestModel.homeId = 123
requestModel.deviceId = "xx"
requestModel.pushChannel = .system
ThingSmartMessagePushSetting().getDeviceAlarmServiceInfo(requestModel) { list in

} failure: { error in


Set configuration details for device alerts

API description

- (void)setDeviceAlarmServiceInfoWithRequestModel:(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceUpdateRequestModel *_Nonnull)requestModel
                                      success:(ThingSuccessBOOL _Nullable )success
                                      failure:(ThingFailureError _Nullable )failure;


Parameter Description
requestModel The request model.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback, which returns a failure reason.

Data model of ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceUpdateRequestModel

Field Description
pushChannel The message push channel. Valid values:
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSystem: system message push
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelPhone: phone call
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSMS: SMS message
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelAll: all channels
homeId The home ID.
deviceId The device ID.
configIds The configuration ID list.

Sample code


ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceUpdateRequestModel *requestModel = [[ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceUpdateRequestModel alloc] init];
requestModel.deviceId = deviceId;
requestModel.pushChannel = pushChannel;
requestModel.configIds = configIds;
requestModel.homeId = familyId;
[[ThingSmartMessagePushSetting new] setDeviceAlarmServiceInfoWithRequestModel:requestModel success:^(BOOL result) {

} failure:^(NSError *error) {



let requestModel = ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServiceUpdateRequestModel()
requestModel.homeId = 123
requestModel.deviceId = "xx"
requestModel.pushChannel = .system
requestModel.configIds = ["xx","xx"]
ThingSmartMessagePushSetting().setDeviceAlarmServiceInfoWith(requestModel) { result in

} failure: { erro in


Query the purchase information of device alert service

Currently, you can query the purchase information of the phone call or SMS notification service.

API description

- (void)getDeviceAlarmPurchaseInfoWithPushChannel:(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannel)pushChannel
                                                 success:(void(^_Nullable)(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPurchaseEntity * _Nullable result))success
                                             failure:(ThingFailureError _Nullable )failure;


Parameter Description
pushChannel The message push channel. Valid values:
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelPhone: phone call
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSMS: SMS message
success The success callback, which returns the purchase information.
failure The failure callback, which returns a failure reason.

Data model of ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPurchaseEntity

Field Description
expireDate The expiration time.
packageStatus The purchase status. Valid values:
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServicePurchaseStatusNotBuy: not purchased
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServicePurchaseStatusBuy: purchased
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServicePurchaseStatusOverDue: expired
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmServicePurchaseStatusUsageExceeded: service limit reached
remainingTimes The remaining number of times.
packageDesc The description.

Sample code


[[ThingSmartMessagePushSetting new] getDeviceAlarmPurchaseInfoWithPushChannel:channel success:^(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPurchaseEntity * _Nullable result) {

} failure:^(NSError *error) {



ThingSmartMessagePushSetting().getDeviceAlarmPurchaseInfo(with: .phone) { result in

} failure: { error in


Query the list of devices with alerts of a home

Currently, you can query the list of devices with alerts pushed through phone calls or SMS messages.

API description

- (void)getDeviceAlarmListWithRequestModel:(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmListRequestModel *_Nonnull)requestModel
                             success:(void(^_Nullable)(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmListEntity * _Nullable result))success
                             failure:(ThingFailureError _Nullable )failure;


Parameter Description
requestModel The request model.
success The success callback, which returns a device list.
failure The failure callback, which returns a failure reason.

Data model of ThingSmartDeviceAlarmListRequestModel

Field Description
pageNumber The page number.
pageSize The page size.
homeId The home ID.
pushChannel The message push channel. Valid values:
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelPhone: phone call
  • ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelSMS: SMS message

Data model of ThingSmartDeviceAlarmListEntity

Field Description
hasMore Specifies whether more data is available.
devices The device list.

Data model of ThingSmartDeviceAlarmItemEntity

Field Description
deviceId The device ID.
name The device name.
iconUrl The device icon.
selectedNum The number of alert configurations selected for a device.
totalNum The total number of alert configurations.

Sample code


ThingSmartDeviceAlarmListRequestModel *requestModel = [[ThingSmartDeviceAlarmListRequestModel alloc] init];
requestModel.pushChannel = ThingSmartDeviceAlarmPushChannelPhone;
requestModel.pageNumber = 1;
requestModel.pageSize = 15;
requestModel.homeId = familyId;
[[ThingSmartMessagePushSetting new] getDeviceAlarmListWithRequestModel:requestModel success:^(ThingSmartDeviceAlarmListEntity * _Nullable result) {

} failure:^(NSError *error) {



let requestModel = ThingSmartDeviceAlarmListRequestModel()
requestModel.homeId = 123
requestModel.pageSize = 15
requestModel.pageNumber = 1
 requestModel.pushChannel = .phone
ThingSmartMessagePushSetting().getDeviceAlarmList(with: requestModel) { list in

} failure: { error in
