Last Updated on : 2024-06-06 01:48:26download
This topic describes how to enable a device with a camera to scan the QR code on the mobile app for pairing.
Class and protocol
Class (protocol) | Description |
ThingSmartActivator | Device pairing methods. |
ThingSmartActivatorDelegate | Device pairing callbacks. |
API description
Get the pairing token
- (void)getTokenWithHomeId:(long long)homeId
Parameter | Description |
homeId | The ID of the home with which the device is bound. |
success | The success callback. A pairing token is returned. |
failure | The failure callback. An error message is returned to indicate the cause. |
API description
Start pairing
- (void)startConfigWiFi:(ThingActivatorMode)mode
ssid:(NSString *)ssid
password:(NSString *)password
token:(NSString *)token
Parameter | Description |
mode | The pairing mode. |
ssid | The SSID of the target Wi-Fi network. |
password | The password of the target Wi-Fi network. |
token | The pairing token. |
timeout | The timeout period. |
API description
Stop pairing
- (void)stopConfigWiFi;
API description
The delegate callback for the pairing result.
- (void)activator:(ThingSmartActivator *)activator didReceiveDevice:(ThingSmartDeviceModel *)deviceModel error:(NSError *)error;
Parameter | Description |
activator | The ThingSmartActivator object for pairing. |
deviceModel | The device model returned on success. nil is returned on failure. |
error | The error message returned on failure. nil is returned on success. |
Before the pairing process, the SDK requests a pairing token from the cloud in the networked state and then generates a QR code for the token and the Wi-Fi’s SSID and password. The token is valid for 10 minutes and expires immediately after the device is paired.
Device pairing depends on the home, requiring a device to be bound to a specific home. When requesting a pairing token, pass in the home ID. Once the device is activated using this token, it will be included in the device list of the corresponding home.
- (void)getToken {
[[ThingSmartActivator sharedInstance] getTokenWithHomeId:homeId success:^(NSString *token) {
NSLog(@"getToken success: %@", token);
// TODO: startConfigWiFi
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"getToken failure: %@", error.localizedDescription);
func getToken() {
ThingSmartActivator.sharedInstance()?.getTokenWithHomeId(homeId, success: { (token) in
print("getToken success: \(token)")
// TODO: startConfigWiFi
}, failure: { (error) in
if let e = error {
print("getToken failure: \(e)")
Concatenate the pairing token and Wi-Fi credentials (SSID and password) into a string based on the following code block. Then, use the string to generate a QR code.
NSDictionary *dictionary = @{
@"s": self.ssid,
@"p": self.pwd,
@"t": self.token
NSData *jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:dictionary options:0 error:nil];
self.wifiJsonStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:jsonData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
let dictionary = [
"s": self.ssid,
"p": self.pwd,
"t": self.token
let jsonData = dictionary, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.Element)
self.wifiJsonStr = String(data: jsonData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
Generate a QR code with wifiJsonStr
. Put the device in pairing mode and point it at the QR code on the app. Upon successful scanning, the device will emit a sound. Listen for the pairing result through the following method.
[[ThingSmartActivator sharedInstance] startConfigWiFi:ThingActivatorModeQRCode ssid:self.ssid password:self.pwd token:self.token timeout:100];
ThingSmartActivator.sharedInstance()?.startConfigWiFi(ThingActivatorModeQRCode, ssid: self.ssid, password: self.pwd, token: self.token, timeout: 100)
Stop the pairing process.
[[ThingSmartActivator sharedInstance] stopConfigWiFi];
The delegate callback ThingSmartActivatorDelegate
returns the pairing result.
// deviceModel contains the information about the paired device.
- (void)activator:(ThingSmartActivator *)activator didReceiveDevice:(ThingSmartDeviceModel *)deviceModel error:(NSError *)error;
func activator(_ activator: ThingSmartActivator!, didReceiveDevice deviceModel: ThingSmartDeviceModel!, error: Error!)
There are three binding modes for associating a Tuya-enabled device with a home, each with varying unbinding processes.
The smart camera defaults to strong binding mode due to its audio and video streaming and privacy features. Switching to a different binding mode is not allowed. If you do need to change the mode and have assessed the risk, submit a service ticket.
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