Last Updated on : 2024-11-20 08:51:48download
This topic describes the APIs used to implement Zigbee services.
typedef struct {
CHAR_T *manu_name;
CHAR_T *model_id;
} TY_Z3_DEV_S;
Functional specification
The product information.
Member description
Parameter name | Description |
manu_name | The manufacturer name of the device. |
model_id | The model ID of the device. |
typedef struct {
TY_Z3_DEV_S *devs;
UINT16_T dev_num;
Functional specification
The list of allowlisted devices.
Member description
Parameter name | Description |
devs | The array of device information. For more information, see TY_Z3_DEV_S. |
dev_num | The length of the array of device information. |
typedef struct {
VOID (*join)(TY_Z3_DESC_S *dev);
VOID (*leave)(CONST CHAR_T *dev_id);
VOID (*report)(TY_Z3_APS_FRAME_S *frame);
VOID (*notify)(VOID);
VOID (*upgrade_end)(CONST CHAR_T *dev_id, INT_T rc, UCHAR_T version);
VOID (*version)(CONST CHAR_T *dev_id, UCHAR_T version);
Functional specification
The Zigbee device management callbacks.
Member description
Parameter name | Description |
join | The callback to invoke when an allowlisted Zigbee sub-device joins the network. For more information, see join. |
leave | The callback to invoke when an allowlisted Zigbee sub-device leaves the network. For more information, see leave. |
report | The callback to invoke when an allowlisted Zigbee sub-device reports data. For more information, see report. |
notify | The callback to invoke when an allowlisted Zigbee sub-device syncs status. For more information, see notify. |
upgrade_end | The callback to invoke when an allowlisted Zigbee sub-device completes a firmware update. For more information, see upgrade_end. |
version | The callback to invoke when an allowlisted Zigbee sub-device reports its new firmware version number. For more information, see version. |
typedef struct {
UINT16_T node_id;
UINT16_T profile_id;
UINT16_T cluster_id;
UCHAR_T src_endpoint;
UCHAR_T dst_endpoint;
UINT16_T group_id;
UCHAR_T cmd_type;
UCHAR_T cmd_id;
UCHAR_T frame_type;
UINT16_T manufacturer_code;
CHAR_T disable_ack;
UINT16_T msg_length;
UCHAR_T *message;
Functional specification
The Zigbee Cluster Library (ZCL) data frame.
Member description
Member | Description |
id | The MAC address of the sub-device. |
node_id | The network address of the sub-device. |
profile_id | The Zigbee profile ID. |
cluster_id | The Zigbee cluster ID. |
src_endpoint | The source endpoint. |
dst_endpoint | The destination endpoint. |
group_id | The group ID, used for multicast. |
cmd_type | The types of ZCL:
cmd_id | The ZCL command ID. |
frame_type | The types of data transmission:
disable_ack | Specifies whether to disable the response acknowledgment (ACK):
msg_length | The length of ZCL payload. |
message | The ZCL payload. |
typedef struct {
UINT16_T profile_id[MAX_EP_NUM];
UINT16_T device_id[MAX_EP_NUM];
UINT16_T endpoint[MAX_EP_NUM];
UCHAR_T ep_num;
UCHAR_T uc_num;
UINT16_T node_id;
CHAR_T manu_name[MANU_NAME_LEN+1];
CHAR_T model_id[MODEL_ID_LEN+1];
CHAR_T rejoin_flag;
CHAR_T power_source;
UCHAR_T version;
Functional description
The Zigbee device information.
Member description
Member | Description |
id | The MAC address of the sub-device. |
profile_id | The Zigbee profile ID. |
device_id | The device ID of the Zigbee device. |
cluster_id | The Zigbee cluster ID. |
endpoint | The Zigbee endpoint. |
ep_num | The number of endpoints. |
uc_num | The number of clusters. |
node_id | The network address of the sub-device. |
manu_name | The manufacturer name. |
model_id | The model ID of the Zigbee device. |
rejoin_flag | The rejoin flag. |
power_source | The types of power source:
version | The application version. |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_svc_init(ty_cJSON *cfg)
Functional description
Initializes Tuya-specific Zigbee services.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
cfg | JSON configuration |
Description of JSON configuration
"storage_path": "./", // The data storage path.
"cache_path": "/tmp/", // The firmware storage path.
"dev_name": "/dev/ttyUSB0", // The serial port of the Zigbee device.
"cts": 0, // Specifies whether to support hardware flow control.
"thread_mode": 1, // Specifies whether to use a thread to run the Zigbee host service.
"sw_ver": "1.0.8" // This field is deprecated.
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_svc_start(ty_cJSON *cfg)
Functional description
Starts Tuya-specific Zigbee services.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
cfg | JSON configuration, same as the parameters defined in tuya_zigbee_svc_init. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_reg_permit_join_cb(TY_Z3_PERMIT_JOIN_CB cb)
Functional description
Registers a notification callback to invoke when the Zigbee network co-processor (NCP) allows a sub-device to join the network. This API must be called before tuya_zigbee_svc_init.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
cb | A Zigbee NCP allows or disallows a sub-device to join a network. For more information, see TY_Z3_PERMIT_JOIN_CB. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_reg_ncp_got_ver_cb(TY_Z3_NCP_GOT_VER_CB cb)
Functional description
Registers a notification callback to invoke when the version number of a Zigbee NCP is returned. This API must be called before tuya_zigbee_svc_init.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
cb | The notification callback to invoke when the version number of the Zigbee NCP is returned. For more information, see TY_Z3_NCP_GOT_VER_CB. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_reg_ncp_hard_reset_cb(TY_Z3_NCP_HARD_RESET_CB cb)
Functional description
Registers a notification callback to invoke when the Zigbee NCP performs a hard reboot. This API must be called before tuya_zigbee_svc_init.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
cb | The notification callback to invoke when the Zigbee NCP performs a hard reboot. For more information, see TY_Z3_NCP_HARD_RESET_CB. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_print_debug_info(VOID)
Functional description
Prints debug logs for the Zigbee NCP.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
VOID | / |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_set_tx_radio_power(INT_T tx_power)
Functional description
Sets the transmission power of the Zigbee NCP.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
tx_power | The transmitter power, ranging from 0 to 19. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_rftest(TY_Z3_RFTEST_RESULT_CB cb,
UCHAR_T channel,
CHAR_T power,
UCHAR_T msg_len,
UCHAR_T *msg,
USHORT_T npacket)
Functional description
Transmits data over Zigbee to perform a production test.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
cb | The callback to invoke when data transmission is finished. |
channel | The transmission channel, ranging from 11 to 26. |
power | The transmitter power, ranging from 0 to 19. |
msg_len | The length of data transmitted. |
msg | The data to be transmitted for a test. If you use Tuya’s Zigbee dongle, the data to be transmitted must be {0x55, 0xaa, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39} . |
npacket | The number of packets transmitted. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_upgrade_ncp(CONST CHAR_T *fw_file,
Functional description
Updates the firmware on the Zigbee NCP locally.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
fw_file | The path of the firmware. |
cb | The update result callback. For more information, see TY_Z3_NCP_UPGRADE_STATUS_CB. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_set_ncp_mac(CONST CHAR_T *mac)
Functional description
Sets the MAC address of the Zigbee NCP. Typically, this API is used for failover debugging. To avoid a conflict with the replacement gateway, the failed gateway must be written with a new MAC address.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
mac | The MAC addresses. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_reset_ncp(VOID)
Functional description
Resets the Zigbee NCP.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
VOID | / |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_get_ncp_ver(CHAR_T *ver)
Functional description
Reads the firmware version number of the Zigbee NCP.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
ver | The version number. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_custom_dev_mgr_init(TY_Z3_DEVLIST_S *devlist,
TY_Z3_DEV_CBS_S *cbs)
Functional description
Initializes a third-party Zigbee device. This API must be called before tuya_zigbee_svc_init.
Connecting to third-party Zigbee sub-devices is implemented by you. You can register an allowlist to notify the SDK that the listed device is processed by a third party so that the SDK will transmit the raw data to the specified application.
If the allowlist is empty, it indicates all the devices are processed by a third party.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
devlist | The allowlist. For more information, see TY_Z3_DEVLIST_S. |
cbs | The Zigbee device management callbacks. For more information, see TY_Z3_DEV_CBS_S. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_send_data(TY_Z3_APS_FRAME_S *frame)
Functional description
Sends Zigbee ZCL data to the Zigbee sub-device. This API is used for third-party Zigbee devices.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
frame | The Zigbee ZCL data frame. For more information, see TY_Z3_APS_FRAME_S. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_del_dev(CONST CHAR_T *dev_id)
Functional description
Removes a sub-device from the Zigbee network. This API is used for third-party Zigbee devices.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
dev_id | The MAC address of the sub-device. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
OPERATE_RET tuya_zigbee_upgrade_dev(CONST CHAR_T *dev_id,
Functional description
Updates a Zigbee sub-device. This API is used for third-party Zigbee devices.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
dev_id | The MAC address of the sub-device. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
OPRT_OK | Success |
Error code | For more information about the error code, see tuya_error_code.h . |
VOID (*join)(TY_Z3_DESC_S *dev)
Functional description
The callback to invoke when an allowlisted Zigbee sub-device joins the network.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
dev | The device information. For more information, see TY_Z3_DESC_S. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
VOID | / |
VOID (*leave)(CONST CHAR_T *dev_id)
Functional description
The callback to invoke when an allowlisted Zigbee sub-device leaves the network.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
dev_id | The MAC address of the sub-device. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
VOID | / |
VOID (*report)(TY_Z3_APS_FRAME_S *frame)
Functional description
The callback to invoke when an allowlisted Zigbee sub-device reports data.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
frame | The Zigbee ZCL data frame. For more information, see TY_Z3_APS_FRAME_S. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
VOID | / |
VOID (*notify)(VOID);
Functional description
The callback to invoke when an allowlisted Zigbee sub-device completes a firmware update. You need to traverse all the sub-devices and read their current status.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
VOID | / |
Return value
Return value | Description |
VOID | / |
VOID (*upgrade_end)(CONST CHAR_T *dev_id,
INT_T rc,
UCHAR_T version);
Functional description
The update result callback.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
dev_id | The MAC address of the sub-device. |
rc | The update result. |
version | The firmware version number of the sub-device. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
VOID | / |
VOID (*version)(CONST CHAR_T *dev_id,
UCHAR_T version)
Functional description
The callback to invoke when an allowlisted Zigbee sub-device reports its new firmware version number.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
dev_id | The MAC address of the sub-device. |
version | The firmware version number of the sub-device. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
VOID | / |
typedef VOID (*TY_Z3_PERMIT_JOIN_CB)(BOOL_T permit,
UINT_T timeout)
Functional description
The notification callback to invoke when the Zigbee NCP allows a sub-device to join the network.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
permit | The pairing status: TRUE : Allow a Zigbee sub-device to join the network. FALSE : Disallow a Zigbee sub-device to join the network. |
timeout | When permit is TRUE , this parameter is valid, indicating the pairing timeout period, in seconds. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
VOID | / |
typedef VOID (*TY_Z3_NCP_GOT_VER_CB)(CHAR_T *ver)
Functional description
Registers a notification callback to invoke when the version number of a Zigbee NCP is returned.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
ver | The firmware version number of the Zigbee NCP. |
Return value
Return value | Description |
VOID | / |
Functional description
The notification callback to invoke when the Zigbee NCP performs a hard reboot. In this callback, you need to control the nRST pin on the Zigbee module by GPIO signals to achieve a hard reboot.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
VOID | / |
Return value
Return value | Description |
VOID | / |
Functional description
The Zigbee NCP update result callback.
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description |
status | The update result.
Return value
Return value | Description |
VOID | / |
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