Robot Vacuum Development Framework

Last Updated on : 2024-04-29 02:16:36download

Robot vacuum development framework, built on top of the TuyaOS architecture, is designed to help you quickly develop robot vacuum products.


  • Cross-platform: TuyaOS Kernel Layer (TKL) API makes it easy to port your software to another chip platform or operating system.
  • Low-code: Service APIs allow you to focus on building applications without taking care of specific implementations.
  • Modular architecture: A modular build system allows you to easily adapt to the target platforms and compile the firmware.
  • Flexible: Tailor and scale as needed to create unique use cases and differentiated products.
  • Stable: Technologies have been thoroughly verified on various chip platforms and product types.
  • Feature-rich: Integrate a bunch of features including device pairing, cloud connectivity, control over MQTT, OTA updates, as well as reporting real-time maps, routes, floor maps, and cleaning history.
  • Security and compliance: Secure data storage, identity authentication, and secure connection and communication are supported. Network access and data processing comply with the local regulations applicable to the protection of personal data, helping you roll out products globally.

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