Version Release

Last Updated on : 2024-08-15 07:34:26download

This topic provides the release notes for type development kits in the laser navigation robot vacuum development framework.

Background description

  • The new version of the laser navigation robot vacuum SDK is named tuyaos_robot_sweeper_sdk, and it is based on TuyaOS 3.6.1.
  • The old version of the laser navigation robot vacuum SDK is named ty_ipc_wr_wl_linux_sdk, and it is based on IoTOS 2.3.2.
  • Future updates, including new features or issue fixes, will only be made to the new version of the SDK, and there will be no further updates to the old version.

Version history of tuyaos_robot_sweeper_sdk

Version Update content TuyaOS version Release date
0.0.4-beta.5 Fixed the issue of null pointer exception in restart caused by local reset. 3.6.2-beta.26 August 9, 2024
0.0.4-beta.3 Removed the tuya_iot_map_cleaner_upload_buffer and tuya_iot_map_cleaner_upload_file interfaces for reporting data. 3.6.2-beta.22 June 24, 2024
0.0.4-beta.2 Removed the SD card interface from the SDK to implement it by business. 3.6.2-beta.19 June 5, 2024
0.0.4-beta.1 Built the SDK with audio and video functions. 3.6.2-beta.19 June 1, 2024
0.0.2-beta.6 Removed redundancy and fixed compilation error issues. 3.6.2-beta.19 April 26, 2024
0.0.2-beta.5 Optimized P2P logic and released the basic version of the laser navigation robot vacuum SDK. 3.6.2-beta.19 April 7, 2024
0.0.1-beta.47 When the MQTT connection fails, the BUF pointer needs to be cleared to prevent abnormal data. 3.6.2-beta.19 March 7, 2024
0.0.1-beta.42 Released the initial version of TuyaOS 3.6.2. 3.6.2-beta.4 June 1, 2023
0.0.1-beta.1 Released the initial version of TuyaOS 3.6.1. 3.6.1 May 15, 2023

Version history of TuyaOS


  • Release date: June 1, 2023
  • Update content:
    • Fixed known issues.


  • Release date: May 15, 2023
  • New:
    • New: Support for mutual exclusion between MQTT and Bluetooth in DP reporting to avoid duplicate data in the cloud.
    • New: Bluetooth S3 and Beacon remote control functions.
    • New: Bluetooth fallback connection in the OTA update on a LAN.
    • New: Customizable Bluetooth broadcasting function.
    • New: Bluetooth MTU size can be negotiated with the App.
    • New: Support for getting a Wi-Fi list when pairing fails.
    • New: Offline activation function.
    • New: Tuya LwIP and Tuya Hostapd.
    • New: Configurable number of LAN connections.
    • New: AP-TLS coexistence.
    • New: Password-free pairing in AP mode.
    • New: DP reporting channel priority settings.
    • New: Timing function of the calendar.
    • New: Interface for getting information data when entering daylight saving time.
    • New: Support for firmware signature, firmware MD5 information and JSON hot update.
    • New: Tuya memory heap management tuya_memory_heap.
    • New: SDK version reporting to the cloud.
  • Optimizations:
    • Optimized the security of device LAN communication. Added key-agreement protocol and changed the data encryption algorithm to MBEDTLS_CIPHER_AES_128_GCM.
    • Optimized the security of data exchange between devices and the cloud by changing the data encryption algorithm to MBEDTLS_CIPHER_AES_128_GCM.
    • Optimized DNS service.
    • Optimized Wi-Fi reconnection mechanism.
    • Optimized MQTT lifecycle, with automatic reconnection disabled.
    • Optimized AP pairing security function and stability.
    • Optimized DP sending and reporting.
    • Optimized KV data area protection.
    • Optimized random number security.
    • Optimized PSK 3.0 AP pairing.
  • Changes:
    • Change: Updated the LAN protocol to v3.5.
    • Change: Updated Mbed TLS to v3.1.
    • Change: Updated cJSON to v1.7.15.
  • Deprecations:
    • Deprecated EZ pairing mode for security concerns.
  • Issue fixes:
    • Fixed known issues.

Version history of ty_ipc_wr_wl_linux_sdk

Version Update content IoTOS SDK version Release date
1.0.6-beta.91 Released the final general version of the laser navigation robot vacuum SDK, with no further updates made to this version. 2.3.2-beta.316 December 25, 2023
1.0.6-beta.87 Merged the bug fix of duplicate activation and fixed issues that may occur in low-power pairing mode. 2.3.2-beta.316 December 24, 2023
  • If a TCP or TLS connection fails, the dynamic cache of the domain needs to be cleared.
  • The dynamic domain name needs to be replaced if it already exists when added.
  • After power-on, the domain name IP should be fetched through iot-dns, not using the cached one.
2.3.2-beta.316 December 8, 2023
1.0.6-beta.77 Fixed URL comparison issue: replaced strcmp with strstr; fixed DNS issue in the US region. 2.3.2-beta.316 December 7, 2023
1.0.6-beta.72 Fixed the issue about semaphore wait implementation. 2.3.2-beta.316 November 29, 2023
1.0.6-beta.71 Fixed the bug where HTTP access failure clears the domain name cache. 2.3.2-beta.316 November 29, 2023
1.0.6-beta.68 Updated the retry count for an upgrade to 32. 2.3.2-beta.316 November 15, 2023
1.0.6-beta.65 Fixed the issue of image download failure of App through TUYA_TRANS_CHANNEL5 Buffer Set. 2.3.2-beta.316 October 30, 2023
1.0.6-beta.60 Enabled QoS1 timeout mechanism and changed the timeout from 3s to 6s. 2.3.2-beta.316 September 27, 2023
1.0.6-beta.58 Fixed the issue where the activation status obtained may be abnormal during restart testing. 2.3.2-beta.316 August 31, 2023
1.0.6-beta.57 Enabled Raw DP callback for tuya_ipc_multi_dev_start_sdk, allowing the MCU version to be reported to the App’s OTA update page. 2.3.2-beta.316 August 25, 2023
1.0.6-beta.55 Fixed the issue where reporting a single map file to OSS would crash. 2.3.2-beta.316 August 8, 2023
1.0.6-beta.50 Fixed the issue where P2P would cause memory stomping when using video streams. 2.3.2-beta.316 July 21, 2023
1.0.6-beta.46 Enabled MQTT heartbeat timeout mechanism. 2.3.2-beta.316 July 3, 2023
1.0.6-beta.36 Fixed the issue where MQTT heartbeat timeout and QoS1 timeout do not close the MQTT connection. 2.3.2-beta.316 June 15, 2023
1.0.6-beta.32 Changed bucket length to 64 and supported the bucket length in Western Europe. 2.3.2-beta.316 June 2, 2023
1.0.6-beta.25 Fixed the issue of duplicate activation. 2.3.2-beta.316 May 23, 2023
1.0.5 Removed real-time OSS map reporting interface. 2.3.2-beta.316 April 21, 2023
  • Fixed the issue where local timer is not cleared when the network is not connected.
  • Removed the deprecated TLS encryption method TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA.
  • Fixed the issue where Raw data timeout returns OK.
  • Added support for audio and video streaming functions.
2.3.2-beta.316 December 2, 2022
  • Optimized P2P reconnection mechanism.
  • Renamed the version rules.
2.3.2-beta.316 November 27, 2022
1.0.1 Built the initial version of the laser navigation robot vacuum SDK. 2.3.2-beta.316 October 15, 2022