Provisioning Profile

Last Updated on : 2024-06-14 18:12:24download

manifest.json is the provisioning profile of a microapp. Located in the root directory of the project, this file is used to describe the basic metadata of the current microapp.


The following table lists the microapp metadata.

Parameter Type Description Required Multilingual support
name string The name of the specified microapp. It is used as the default menu name. Yes Yes
type string The file type and version. The current version is micro-apps/v1.1. Yes No
appName string The name of the specified microapp. It is unique to each developer account. Yes No
annotations Annotations {} The annotations. Provide remarks and ad hoc feature support based on conventions. Yes -
appEngine string The engine to run the specified microapp. Valid value: MICRO-FRONTEND. Yes -
description string A simple description that supports multilingual settings. No Yes
defaultMenuIcon Icon {} The icon object. No -
privileges array[] The list of permissions. No -
apis Api [] The list of all dependent APIs for the specified microapp. No -
supportedPlatform string [ Enum ] The supported platform.
  • DESKTOP indicates a desktop web application.
  • MOBILE indicates a mobile application.
Currently, both platforms are not supported simultaneously. You can only choose either DESKTOP or MOBILE.
No -
universalId string The globally unique ID of a microapp, which is used for microapp navigation. The ID cannot be changed after it is generated. No -
dependencies string [] The list of microapps on which this microapp depends. If the current microapp has dependencies on other microapps, we recommend that you add the universalID of the depended microapps. Necessary prompts are added to avoid circular dependencies. No -
entries Entries [] The entry to an application. Users can access the microapp through the exposed entry path. A microapp can have one or more entries. No -


The custom extension field to record the remarks for the microapp. This custom field supports multilingual settings.

The following table describes the structure of the annotations object.

Parameter Type Description Required
sdf.cli:microFramework Enum Specifies the technical type of template used to generate the current microapp. The enumeration values include:
  • REACT_TS: React + TypeScript (TS) project
  • REACT_JS: React + JavaScript (JS) project
  • VUE_TS: Vue + TS project
  • VUE_JS: Vue + JS project
sdf.feat:colorTheme boolean Specifies whether the current microapp needs to enable theme color configuration. Yes
sdf.feat:i18n Enum When the microapp is launched, this key is used to determine whether to read the multilingual settings under the _locals folder to describe the microapp in a multilingual environment. Valid value: DYNAMIC, or this field can be left empty. No


icon indicates the icon of the specified microapp displayed on the Tuya Developer Platform.

The following table describes the structure of the DefaultMenuIcon object.

Parameter Type Description Required
type Enum The icon type of the specified microapp. Valid value: URL. Yes
name string The icon URL of the specified microapp. If this field is left empty, the default icon is used.
  • URL: Enter the URL of the specified icon image.


The following table describes the structure of the entries object.

Parameter Type Description Required Multilingual support
type Enum The type of the specified entry. Valid value: Menu. Yes No
name string The name of the specified entry. Currently, only a menu is used as an entry, so this field is deemed as the menu name. No Yes
code Enum The ID of the specified entry. It is unique in a microapp. Yes No
path Enum The path to access the specified microapp. Yes No
appIcon AppIcon {} The icon of the specified entry. No No

The following table describes the structure of the appIcon object.

Parameter Type Description Required
type Enum The type of the specified entry. Valid value: CDN. Yes
url string The resource address of the specified icon. No
size Enum The icon size, which is 40 × 40 pixels. A 2x or 3x image is recommended. Yes


The following table describes the structure of the privileges object.

Parameter Type Description Required Multilingual support
name string The display name of the specified permission. Yes Yes
code string The code of the specified permission. The code is unique to each microapp and cannot be changed after defined. If the code is changed, the previously configured permission information will be lost, and you need to reconfigure the permission. Yes No


The following table describes the structure of the apis object.

Parameter Type Description Required
namespace Enum The type of the specified entry. Valid value: CDN. Yes
method Enum The method by which the request is made. Valid values: get, GET, post, POST, put, PUT, delete, and DELETE. Yes
path Enum The target path of the specified request. Yes
privilegeCode Enum The available permission. You can get the corresponding permission code from the privileges object and fill it in. If this field is left empty, the permission is not restricted by default. That is, no permission verification is required before you make requests. No