Cellular Module Support

Last Updated on : 2024-07-23 03:33:06download

This topic describes the support of cellular modules for various features.

Feature support

The table below lists the features supported by module modules.

  • Y: Supported
  • N: Not supported
  • O: External-based support
Feature LZ201CN
NL668 AM MA510 MC665EU MG661LA
Basic services Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Data point (DP) service Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
MCU update Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Cellular service Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Password and weather service Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N
Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) and LTE Cat.1 combo Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Positioning service O Y O Y O O Y O O O
AGNSS service N Y N Y N N N N N N
Phone call service Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N
SMS service Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N
Battery service Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N
Audio service Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N
Bluetooth service Y Y N N N N N N N N
Function control Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Extended services Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Wake-up pin

When the cellular module has data to send to the MCU, the wake-up pin on the cellular module will emit a low level for 60 ms by default. The following table lists the default wake-up pin for different module models.

Module model Default wake-up pin UART pin Notes
LZ501CN Pin 61 UART1 UART2 supports interfacing with Tuya’s GNSS module.
Pin 62 UART1 UART2 supports interfacing with Tuya’s GNSS module.
TCS600U Pin 70 UART1 UART2 supports interfacing with Tuya’s GNSS module.
MA510GL Pin 61 UART3
  • When UART3_TXD is high, the device cannot start up.
  • UART2 supports interfacing with Tuya’s GNSS module.
  • UART1 supports AT command.
  • In low power mode, pull down the Pin 41 more than 30ms to wake up the cellular module.
NL668AM Pin 62 129 (TX), 130 (RX) -
TCS600E Pin 20 UART1 (RX17, TX18) UART2 (RX62, TX67) supports interfacing with Tuya’s GNSS module.
TCS800E Pin 20 UART1 (RX31, TX32) UART2 (RX62, TX67) supports interfacing with Tuya’s GNSS module.
MC665EU Pin 61 UART1 (RX18, TX19) UART2 (RX39, TX40) supports interfacing with Tuya’s GNSS module.
Pin 20 MAIN_TXD (18), MAIN_RXD (17) AUX_UART (RX28, TX29) supports interfacing with Tuya’s GNSS module.

Module GPIO and ADC

Module model ADC Reference voltage (mV) Tuya GPIO Pinout (physical pin indicated in parentheses)
LZ501 0-1 1250/2444/3233/5000 0 to 3, 5 (wake up), 9 to 10, 17 to 21, 26, 29 to 31 See LZ501-CN Datasheet.
LZ211EAU 0-2 1250/2444/3233/5000 0 to 3, 5, 7 to 11, 12 (wake up), 13 to 15, 17 to 19 See LZ211-EAU Datasheet.
TCS600U 0-1 1250/2444/3233/5000 5 (wake up), 8 (net_led), 9 to 12, 14 to 15, 17 to 22 See TCS600U Datasheet.
0-1 3,400 mV 24 (wake up), others See TCS600E Datasheet and TCS800E Datasheet.
MG665EU 0-1 VBAT, range (0 to VBAT) 2, 4, 6 (wake up), 8 to 11, 14 to 23, 29 2 (38), 4 (41), 8 (39), 9 (40), 10 (75), 11 (76), 14 (21), 15 (20), 16 (78), 17 (77), 18 (82), 19 (85), 20 (84), 21 (83), 22 (100), 23 (99), 29 (56)
0-1 VBAT, range (0 to VBAT) 0, 1 (wake up), 2, 6 to 8, 10, 16 to 18, 20 to 22, 29 to 35, 42 to 43 0 (25), 2 (16), 6 (28), 7 (29), 8 (84), 10 (85), 16 (68), 17 (69), 18 (101), 20 (31), 21 (32), 22 (33), 29 (5), 30 (6), 31 (75), 32 (83), 33 (86), 34 (76), 35 (74), 42 (67), 43 (66)