Last Updated on : 2024-12-03 08:48:36download
Device pairing BizBundle for a single category is supported to improve the BizBundle configuration and meet individual needs. You can get quick access to the pairing process of a single product, which helps save time, improve efficiency, and implement fine management.
Key strengths
To create a product details page, you can add a pairing portal to a prominent position on the page and place additional portals in other appropriate locations. Click the portal and get access to the pairing process that you have configured on the Tuya Developer Platform. You can modify and customize the pairing configuration based on actual requirements.
For more information about BizBundle integration, see Preparation and Integrate with Framework.
In the Product Configuration step, find Device Pairing.
Click Settings to configure the following parameters:
After completing the configuration, you can scan the QR code with the Tuya app to verify the configuration.
Import ThingSmartBusinessExtensionKit
to podfile
The ThingSmartActivatorDiscoveryRequest.h
provides methods to obtain information about product pairing guidance.
/// Request a list of level-2 categories corresponding to level-1 categories
/// @param param Request parameters
/// @param success Network success callback to return bootstrap details
/// @param failure Network failure callbacks
- (void)requestCategoryDetailWithParam: (ThingActivatorCategoryDetailRequestData *)param success: (void(^)(ThingSmartDeviceCategoryModel *result))success failure: (ThingActivatorCallbackError)failure;
Parameter | Type | Description |
bizValue | NSString | The ID of the product or category. |
bizType | NSNumber | The bizValue type.
Sample Objective-C
ThingActivatorCategoryDetailRequestData *param = [[ThingActivatorCategoryDetailRequestData alloc] init];
param.bizType = @1;
param.bizValue = @"productid";
[self.requestService requestCategoryDetailWithParam:param success: ^(ThingSmartDeviceCategoryModel * _Nonnull result) {
} failure:failure];
For more information about BizBundle integration, see Device Pairing UI BizBundle.
Sample Objective-C
id<ThingActivatorProtocol> impl = [[ThingSmartBizCore sharedInstance] serviceOfProtocol:@protocol(ThingActivatorProtocol)];
[impl gotoAcvitavorWithCategoryModel:result userInfo:@{}];
For more information about device pairing, see the sample.
With these new features and optimization methods, Tuya aims to enable smarter and more convenient pairing management. We hope these innovations will help your business reach new heights.
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