
Last Updated on : 2022-11-24 09:20:06download

The functions included in the Port file are the required interfaces to enable the Tuya Bluetooth SDK to be ported to your chip platform.


Function prototype void TUYA_BLE_PRINTF(const char *format,…)
Description Print strings.
Parameters format[in]: the format control.
…[in]: variable parameters.
Return value None
Notes Port this function by defining a macro. For example, #define TUYA_BLE_PRINTF(...) log_d (__VA_ARGS__).


Function prototype void TUYA_BLE_HEXDUMP(uint8_t *p_data , uint16_t len)
Description Print data in hexadecimal format.
Parameters p_data[in]: the pointer to data to be printed.
len[in]: the length of data.
Return value None
Notes Port this function by defining a macro. For example, #define TUYA_BLE_HEXDUMP(...) elog_hexdump("", 8, __VA_ARGS__).


Function tuya_ble_gap_advertising_adv_data_update
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_gap_advertising_adv_data_update(uint8_t const * p_ad_data, uint8_t ad_len)
Description Update the Bluetooth advertising data.
Parameters p_ad_data[in]: the updated advertising data.
ad_len[in]: the length of data.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.


Function tuya_ble_gap_advertising_scan_rsp_data_update
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_gap_advertising_scan_rsp_data_update(uint8_t const *p_sr_data, uint8_t sr_len)
Description Update the Bluetooth scan response data.
Parameters p_sr_data[in]: the updated scan response data.
sr_len[in]: the length of data.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.


Function tuya_ble_gap_disconnect
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_gap_disconnect(void)
Description Disconnect the Bluetooth connection.
Parameters None
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.


Function tuya_ble_gatt_send_data
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_gatt_send_data(const uint8_t *p_data,uint16_t len)
Description The GATT server initiates a notify operation to send data to the client.
Parameters p_data[in]: the pointer to data to be sent.
len[in]: the length of data to be sent, no more than 20 bytes.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
  • The server must use notify to send data to the client.
  • The return value must indicate whether the client actually receives the data because the Tuya Bluetooth SDK determines the cache and resending operation based on this return value.


Function tuya_ble_device_info_characteristic_value_update
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_device_info_characteristic_value_update(uint8_t const *p_data, uint8_t data_len)
Description Update characteristic value (UUID: 00000003-0000-1001-8001-00805F9B07D0)
Parameters p_data[in]: the pointer to data to be sent.
len[in]: the length of data to be sent, no more than 20 bytes.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
  • This function is required only when you define TUYA_BLE_LINK_LAYER_ENCRYPTION_SUPPORT_ENABLE as 1.
  • This function is used to enable the pairing and binding mechanism in the link layer.


Function tuya_ble_timer_create
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_timer_create(void** p_timer_id,uint32_t timeout_value_ms,
tuya_ble_timer_mode mode,tuya_ble_timer_handler_t timeout_handler)
Description Create a timer.
Parameters p_timer_id[out]: the pointer to the created timer.
timeout_value_ms[in]: the scheduled time, in milliseconds.
  • TUYA_BLE_TIMER_SINGLE_SHOT: one-time task.
  • TUYA_BLE_TIMER_REPEATED: recurring task.
timeout_handler [in]: the timer callback.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.


Function tuya_ble_timer_delete
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_timer_delete(void* timer_id)
Description Delete a timer.
Parameters timer_id [in]: the timer ID.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
TUYA_BLE_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: invalid parameter.
Other values: failed.


Function tuya_ble_timer_start
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_timer_start(void* timer_id)
Description Start a timer.
Parameters timer_id [in]: the timer ID.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
TUYA_BLE_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: invalid parameter.
Other values: failed.
Notes When this function is executed, the timer will restart if it is already started.


Function tuya_ble_timer_restart
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_timer_restart(void* timer_id,uint32_t timeout_value_ms)
Description Restart a timer with a new schedule time.
Parameters timer_id [in]: the timer ID.
timeout_value_ms[in]: the scheduled time, in milliseconds.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
TUYA_BLE_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: invalid parameter.
Other values: failed.


Function tuya_ble_timer_stop
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_timer_stop(void* timer_id)
Description Stop a timer.
Parameters timer_id [in]: the timer ID.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
TUYA_BLE_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: invalid parameter.
Other values: failed.


Function tuya_ble_device_delay_ms
Function prototype void tuya_ble_device_delay_ms(uint32_t ms)
Description A millisecond delay function.
Parameters ms [in]: the delay time in milliseconds.
Return value None
Notes If the chip runs an operating system, the delay task must be non-blocking.


Function tuya_ble_device_delay_us
Function prototype void tuya_ble_device_delay_us(uint32_t us)
Description A microsecond delay function.
Parameters us [in]: the delay time in microseconds.
Return value None
Notes If the chip runs an operating system, the delay task must be non-blocking.


Function tuya_ble_device_reset
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_device_reset(void)
Description Restart a device.
Parameters None
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.


Function tuya_ble_gap_addr_get
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_gap_addr_get(tuya_ble_gap_addr_t *p_addr);
Description Get the MAC address of a device.
Parameters p_addr [out]: the pointer to the MAC address.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
typedef enum
	TUYA_BLE_ADDRESS_TYPE_PUBLIC, // public address
	TUYA_BLE_ADDRESS_TYPE_RANDOM, // random address
} tuya_ble_addr_type_t;
typedef struct
	tuya_ble_addr_type_t addr_type;
	uint8_t addr[6];


Function tuya_ble_gap_addr_set
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_gap_addr_set(tuya_ble_gap_addr_t *p_addr);
Description Update the MAC address of a device.
Parameters p_addr [in]: the pointer to the MAC address.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.


Function tuya_ble_device_enter_critical
Function prototype voidtuya_ble_device_enter_critical(void)
Description Enter the critical section.
Parameters None
Return value None
Notes Specify the critical section by defining a macro. Take the Nordic platform as an example.
#define tuya_ble_device_enter_critical() \
   {                  \
     uint8_t __CR_NESTED = 0;     \
   #define tuya_ble_device_exit_critical() \
     app_util_critical_region_exit(__CR_NESTED); \


Function tuya_ble_device_exit_critical
Function prototype void tuya_ble_device_exit_critical(void)
Description Exit the critical section.
Parameters None
Return value None
Notes Specify the critical section by defining a macro. Take the Nordic platform as an example.
#define tuya_ble_device_enter_critical() \
   {                  \
     uint8_t __CR_NESTED = 0;     \
   #define tuya_ble_device_exit_critical() \
     app_util_critical_region_exit(__CR_NESTED); \


Function tuya_ble_rand_generator
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_rand_generator(uint8_t* p_buf, uint8_t len)
Description Generate a random number.
Parameters p_buf [out]: the pointer to an array of random numbers.
len[in]: the length of the random number.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.


Function tuya_ble_rtc_get_timestamp
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_rtc_get_timestamp(uint32_t *timestamp,int32_t *timezone);
Description Get Unix timestamp.
Parameters timestamp [out]: the timestamp.
timezone [out]: the timezone, which is a signed integer, 100 times the value of the actual time zone.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes The time is read from the real-time clock (RTC) of the chip. If your chip is not equipped with an RTC, implementing this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_rtc_set_timestamp
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_rtc_set_timestamp(uint32_t timestamp,int32_t timezone)
Description Update Unix timestamp.
Parameters timestamp [in]: the Unix timestamp.
timezone [in]: the time zone, which is a signed integer, 100 times the value of the actual time zone.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes The SDK calls this function to update the time that is read from the RTC of the chip. If your chip is not equipped with an RTC, implementing this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_nv_init
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_nv_init(void)
Description Initialize the non-volatile (NV) memory.
Parameters None
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes This function is used with the NV memory address defined in the Config file. The SDK calls the NV function to store and manage information such as authorization.


Function tuya_ble_nv_erase
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_nv_erase(uint32_t addr,uint32_t size)
Description Erase the NV memory.
Parameters addr[in]: the start address of the NV memory to be erased.
size[in]: the size of the memory to be erased, in bytes.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes This function is used with the NV memory address defined in the Config file. The SDK calls the NV function to store and manage information such as authorization.


Function tuya_ble_nv_write
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_nv_write(uint32_t addr,const uint8_t * p_data, uint32_t size)
Description Write to the NV memory.
Parameters addr[in]: points to the start address of the data to be written.
p_data[in]: the start address.
size[in]: the size of the data to be written, in bytes.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes This function is used with the NV memory address defined in the Config file. The SDK calls the NV function to store and manage information such as authorization.


Function tuya_ble_nv_read
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_nv_read(uint32_t addr,uint8_t * p_data, uint32_t size)
Description Read data from the NV memory.
Parameters addr[in]: the start address of the NV memory to be read.
p_data[out]: the address of the data.
size[in]: the size of the data to be read, in bytes.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes This function is used with the NV memory address defined in the Config file. The SDK calls the NV function to store and manage information such as authorization.


Function tuya_ble_common_uart_init
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_common_uart_init(void)
Description Initialize the UART interface.
Parameters None
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
  • This UART interface is used for the production test and license authorization.
  • If the test and authorization feature provided by the SDK is adopted and the UART has been initialized before SDK initialization, implementing this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_common_uart_send_data
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_common_uart_send_data(const uint8_t *p_data,uint16_t len)
Description The UART interface sends data.
Parameters p_data[in]: the pointer to data to be sent.
len[in]: the length of data to be sent.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes This UART interface is used for the production test and license authorization.


Function tuya_ble_os_task_create
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_os_task_create(void **pp_handle, const char *p_name, void(*p_routine)(void *),void *p_param, uint16_t stack_size, uint16_t priority)
Description Create a task.
Parameters pp_handle [out]: used to pass back a handle by which the created task can be referenced.
p_name[in]: a descriptive name for the task.
p_routine [in]: the pointer to task routine function that must be implemented to never return.
p_param[in]: pointer parameter passed to the task routine function.
stack_size[in]: the size of the task stack, in bytes.
priority[in]: the priority at which the task should run. Higher priority task has higher priority value.
Return value True: a task is created and added to the task ready list.
False: failed to create a task.
Notes If your chip does not run an OS, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_os_task_delete
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_os_task_delete(void *p_handle)
Description Remove a task from RTOS’s task management. The task being deleted will be removed from the RUNNING, READY, or WAITING state.
Parameters pp_handle [in]: the handle of the task to be deleted.
Return value True: a task is deleted successfully.
False: failed to delete a task.
Notes If your chip does not run an OS, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_os_task_suspend
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_os_task_suspend(void *p_handle)
Description Suspend a task. The suspended task will not be scheduled and get any microcontroller processing time.
Parameters pp_handle [in]: the handle of the task to be suspended.
Return value True: a task is suspended successfully.
False: failed to suspend a task.
Notes If your chip does not run an OS, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_os_task_resume
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_os_task_resume(void *p_handle)
Description Resume a suspended task.
Parameters pp_handle [in]: the handle of the task to be resumed.
Return value True: a task is resumed successfully.
False: failed to resume a task.
Notes If your chip does not run an OS, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_os_msg_queue_create
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_os_msg_queue_create(void **pp_handle, uint32_t msg_num, uint32_tmsg_size)
Description Create a message queue instance. This allocates the storage required by the new queue and passes back a handle for the queue.
Parameters pp_handle [out]: used to pass back a handle by which the message queue can be referenced.
msg_num [in]: the maximum number of items that the queue can contain.
msg_size [in]: the number of bytes each item in the queue will require.
Return value True: a message queue is created successfully.
False: failed to create a message queue.
Notes If your chip does not run an OS, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_os_msg_queue_delete
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_os_msg_queue_delete(void *p_handle)
Description Delete a message queue instance.
Parameters pp_handle [in]: the handle of the message queue being deleted.
Return value True: a message queue is deleted successfully.
False: failed to delete a message queue.
Notes If your chip does not run an OS, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_os_msg_queue_peek
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_os_msg_queue_peek(void *p_handle, uint32_t *p_msg_num)
Description Peek the number of items sent and resided on the message queue.
Parameters pp_handle [in]: the handle of the message queue being peeked.
p_msg_num[out]: used to pass back the number of items residing on the message queue.
Return value True: peek at a message queue successfully.
False: failed to peek at a message queue.
Things to note If your chip does not run an OS, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_os_msg_queue_send
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_os_msg_queue_send(void *p_handle, void *p_msg, uint32_t wait_ms)
Description Send an item to the back of the specified message queue.
Parameters pp_handle [in]: the handle of the message queue on which the item is to be sent.
p_msg[in]: the pointer to the item that is to be sent on the queue.
wait_ms[in]: the maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the task should block waiting for the item to be sent on the queue.
  • 0: no blocking. The call will return immediately.
  • 0xFFFFFFFF: blocked infinitely until the item is sent.
  • Others: the timeout value in milliseconds.
Return value True: a message item is sent successfully.
False: failed to send a message item.
Things to note If your chip does not run an OS, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_os_msg_queue_recv
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_os_msg_queue_recv(void *p_handle, void *p_msg, uint32_t wait_ms)
Description Receive an item from the specified message queue.
Parameters pp_handle [in]: the handle of the message queue from which the item is to be received.
p_msg[out]: pointer to the buffer into which the received item will be copied.
wait_ms[in]: the maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the task should block waiting for the item to be received on the queue.
  • 0: no blocking. The call will return immediately.
  • 0xFFFFFFFF: blocked infinitely until the item is received.
  • Others: the timeout value in milliseconds.
Return value True: a message item is received successfully.
False: failed to receive a message item.
Things to note If your chip does not run an OS, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_event_queue_send_port
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_event_queue_send_port(tuya_ble_evt_param_t *evt, uint32_t wait_ms)
Description If the TUYA_BLE_SELF_BUILT_TASK is not defined, the application needs to provide the task to the SDK for event processing. The SDK uses this port to send events to the provided task.
Parameters evt [in]: the message data point to be sent.
wait_ms[in]: the maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the task should block waiting for the item to be sent on the queue.
  • 0: no blocking. The call will return immediately.
  • 0xFFFFFFFF: blocked infinitely until the item is sent.
  • Others: the timeout value in milliseconds.
Return value True: a message item is sent successfully.
False: failed to send a message item.
Things to note If your chip does not run an OS, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_aes128_ecb_encrypt
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_aes128_ecb_encrypt(uint8_t *key,uint8_t *input,uint16_tinput_len,uint8_t *output)
Description Encrypt the plain text and key by using 128 bit AES in electronic codebook (ECB) mode.
Parameters key [in]: the key to encrypt the plain text.
In_put[in]: specify the plain text to be encrypted.
in_put_len[in]: the length of data to be encrypted, which must be a multiple of 16.
Out_put[out]: the output buffer for storing encrypted data.
Return value True: succeeded.
False: failed.


Function tuya_ble_aes128_ecb_decrypt
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_aes128_ecb_decrypt(uint8_t *key,uint8_t *input,uint16_tinput_len,uint8_t *output)
Description Decrypt the designated data and key by using 128 bit AES in ECB mode.
Parameters key [in]: the key to decrypt data.
In_put[in]: the data to be decrypted.
in_put_len[in]: the length of data to be decrypted, which must be a multiple of 16.
Out_put[out]: the output buffer for storing decrypted data.
Return value True: succeeded.
False: failed.


Function tuya_ble_aes128_cbc_encrypt
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_aes128_cbc_encrypt(uint8_t *key,uint8_t *iv,uint8_t input,uint16_t input_len,uint8_toutput)
Description Encrypt the plain text and key by using 128 bit AES in cipher-block chaining (CBC) mode.
Parameters key [in]: the key to encrypt the plain text.
iv[in]: the initialization vector (IV).
In_put[in]: specify the plain text to be encrypted.
in_put_len[in]: the length of data to be encrypted, which must be a multiple of 16.
Out_put[out]: the output buffer for storing encrypted data.
Return value True: succeeded.
False: failed.


Function tuya_ble_aes128_cbc_decrypt
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_aes128_cbc_decrypt(uint8_t*key,uint8_t *iv,uint8_t *input,uint16_t input_len,uint8_t *output)
Description Decrypt the designated data and key by using 128 bit AES in CBC mode.
Parameters key [in]: the key to decrypt data.
Iv[in]: the initialization vector.
In_put[in]: the data to be decrypted.
in_put_len[in]: the length of data to be decrypted, which must be a multiple of 16.
Out_put[out]: the output buffer for storing decrypted data.
Return value


Function tuya_ble_md5_crypt
Function prototype booltuya_ble_md5_crypt(uint8_t *input,uint16_t input_len,uint8_t *output)
Description MD5 checksum.
Parameters In_put[in]: specify the plain text to be encrypted.
in_put_len[in]: the length of data to be encrypted.
Out_put[out]: the output buffer for storing the 16-byte MD5 hash.
Return value True: succeeded.
False: failed.


Function tuya_ble_hmac_sha1_crypt
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_hmac_sha1_crypt(constuint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len,
const uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len,uint8_t *output)
Description Calculate the full generic HMAC on the input buffer with the provided key.
Parameters key [in]: HMAC key.
key_len[in]: the length of HMAC key, in bytes.
In_put[in]: specify the plain text to be encrypted.
in_put_len[in]: the length of data to be encrypted.
out_put[out]: the output buffer for storing the result.
Return value True: succeeded.
False: failed.
Notes Not in use.


Function tuya_ble_hmac_sha256_crypt
Function prototype bool tuya_ble_hmac_sha256_crypt(const uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len,
const uint8_t *input, uint32_t input_len, uint8_t *output)
Description Calculate the full generic HMAC on the input buffer with the provided key.
Parameters key [in]: HMAC key.
key_len[in]: the length of HMAC key, in bytes.
In_put[in]: specify the plain text to be encrypted.
in_put_len[in]: the length of data to be encrypted.
out_put[out]: the output buffer for storing the result.
Return value True: succeeded.
False: failed.
Notes Not in use.


Function tuya_ble_storage_private_data
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_storage_private_data(tuya_ble_private_data_type private_data_type, uint8_t *p_data, uint32_t data_size)
Description Store the data of keys, used for the advanced encryption based on the secure cryptoprocessor.
Parameters private_data_type[in]: the data type.
p_data[in]: the start address of data to be written.
data_size[in]: the length of data.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes If secure cryptoprocessor-based encryption is not adopted, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_get_dev_crt_len
Function prototype uint32_t tuya_ble_get_dev_crt_len(void)
Description Get the length of the secure certificate stored in the secure cryptoprocessor.
Parameters None
Return value Length of the certificate.
Notes If secure cryptoprocessor-based encryption is not adopted, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_get_dev_crt_der
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_get_dev_crt_der(uint8_t *p_der,uint32_t der_len))
Description Read the data of the device certificate from the secure cryptoprocessor.
Parameters p_der[out]: the address of the certificate.
der_len[in]: the length of the certificate.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes If secure cryptoprocessor-based encryption is not adopted, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_ecc_keypair_gen_secp256r1
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_ecc_keypair_gen_secp256r1(uint8_t *public_key,uint8_t *private_key)
Description Generate ECDH key pair using secp256r1 curve.
Parameters public_key[out]: the generated public key.
private_key[out]: the generated private key.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes If secure cryptoprocessor-based encryption is not adopted, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_ecc_shared_secret_compute_secp256r1
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_ecc_shared_secret_compute_secp256r1(uint8_t *public_key,uint8_t *private_key,uint8_t *secret_key)
Description Calculate the shared key.
Parameters public_key[in]: public key.
private_key[in]: private key.
secret_key[out]: shared key.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes If secure cryptoprocessor-based encryption is not adopted, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_ecc_sign_secp256r1
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_ecc_sign_secp256r1(const uint8_t *p_sk, const uint8_t * p_data, uint32_t data_size,uint8_t *p_sig)
Description Calculate the ECDSA signature.
Parameters p_sk[in]: sign a private key.
p_data[in]: the data to be signed.
data_size[in]: the length of data to be signed.
p_sig[out]: the signed data.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes If secure cryptoprocessor-based encryption is not adopted, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_ecc_verify_secp256r1
Function prototype tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_ecc_verify_secp256r1(const uint8_t *p_pk, const uint8_t * p_data, uint32_t data_size,const uint8_t *p_sig)
Description Verify the ECDSA signature.
Parameters p_pk[in]: verify the signature of a public key.
p_data[in]: the data to be verified.
data_size[in]: the length of data to be verified.
p_sig[in]: the verified data.
Return value TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: succeeded.
Other values: failed.
Notes If secure cryptoprocessor-based encryption is not adopted, this function is not necessary.


Function tuya_ble_port_malloc
Function prototype void *tuya_ble_port_malloc( uint32_t size )
Description Allocate the memory space.
Parameters Size[in]: the size of required memory.
Return value The address of the allocated memory. If NULL is returned, memory allocation failed.
Notes Implement this function if you port TUYA_BLE_USE_PLATFORM_MEMORY_HEAP==1.


Function tuya_ble_port_free
Function prototype void tuya_ble_port_free(void *pv )
Description Release the allocated memory space.
Parameters pv[in]: the address of the released memory space.
Return value None.
Notes Implement this function if you port TUYA_BLE_USE_PLATFORM_MEMORY_HEAP==1.