
Last Updated on : 2024-06-26 05:40:33download

TY003 is a low-power Iot Wi-Fi module developed by Hangzhou Tuya Information Technology Co., Ltd. It is composed of a highly integrated radio frequency chip MT7682M. The chip has built-in Wi-Fi network protocol stack and rich library functions. It uses ARM Cortex-M4 core, built-in 2Mbit Flash and rich peripheral interfaces; TY003 can be used for low power It consumes IPC/doorbell/camera lights/smart home appliances and other wireless control fields, and is also suitable for smart home products that transmit large amounts of data.

Module Specification

Parameter Value
Category TY003
WIFI IEEE 802.11b/g/n(2.4GHz,1x1)
Band ht20/ht40 band
Antenna Type External antenna
Safe mode Suppot WEP/WPA2/WPS safe mode
Power Input 3.3V±0.2V
Working temperature -20℃ to 85℃

Module Size

Parameter Value
Shape Square, 4 weeks stamp hole, pin spacing 0.3mm
Size 12mm x 12mm x 2.25mm


Definition of interface

Pin No. Mark IO Type Function
1 GND P Ground connections
2 WL_ANT RF RF I/O port
3 GND P Ground connections
4 GPIO0 I/O General purpose I/O、
UART (1)、
I2C (1)、
I2S Master/Slave
PWM (0)
5 NC —— ——
6 GPIO4 I/O General purpose I/O、
SPI Slave (0)、
SPI Master (0)
、Cortex-M4JTAG、Pull down
7 GPIO14 I/O SPI Slave (1)
、SPI Master (1)、
I2S Master/Slave
、SDIO Master
、SDIO Slave、
PWM (4)
8 NC —— ——
9 VDD P 3.3V Power
10 NC —— ——
11 NC —— ——
12 CHIP_EN I Chip enable、Pull up
13 GPIO13 I/O SPI Slave (1)、
SPI Master (1)、
UART (2)、
SDIO Master
、SDIO Slave、
I2S Master/Slave
14 GPIO2 I/O UART (1)
、PWM (0)、
I2S Master/Slave、
15 GPIO2 I/O SPI Slave (1)、
SPI Master (1)
、UART (2)
、SDIO Master、
SDIO Slave、
I2S Master/Slave
16 GPIO17 I/O SPI Slave (1)
、SPI Master (1)
、I2S Master/Slave、
PWM (5)、
17 GPIO16 I/O SPI Slave (1)、
SPI Master (1)
、I2S Master/Slave、
SDIO Master
、SDIO Slave、
I2C (1)
18 GPIO15 I/O SPI Slave (1)
、SPI Master (1)、
I2S Master/Slave
、SDIO Master、
SDIO Slave、
I2C (1)
、PWM (3)
19 GPIO3 I/O UART (1)
、PWM (1)
、I2S Master/Slave
20 GND P Ground connections
21 NC —— ——
22 GND P Ground connections
23 NC —— ——
24 NC —— ——
25 NC —— ——
26 NC —— ——
27 NC —— ——
28 NC —— ——
29 NC —— ——
30 NC —— ——
31 GND P Ground connections
32 NC —— ——
33 GND P Ground connections
34 NC —— ——
35 NC —— ——
36 GND P Ground connections
38 GPIO21 I/O UART (0)、
I2C (1)
、PWM (5)
39 GPIO1 I/O UART (1)、
I2C (1)、
I2S、 Master/Slave、
Cortex-M4 、JTAG
PWM (1)
40 GPIO11 I/O PWM (3)
、UART (2)
、SDIO Master
、SDIO Slave
I2S、 Master/Slave
41 NC —— ——
42 NC —— ——
43 NC —— ——
44 NC —— ——

Note: P stands for power pin, I/O stands for input and output pins