Integrate with LINE Notification

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:43:41download

LINE is a social networking app that originated in Japan and serves worldwide users. Tuya’s OEM apps allow your push notifications to be sent based on the LINE Notify service. This topic describes how to enable and manage LINE-based push notifications.


  • To ensure the normal use of LINE-based push notifications, the template for your OEM apps must be v3.27 or later.

  • Register a LINE developer account on the LINE Developers platform.

You must download the LINE app to your mobile phone. Register an account with your mobile phone number, bind an email address with the account, and then use this email address to log in to the account. If you cannot connect to LINE, try to connect with a third-party virtual private network (VPN) app.

Subscribe to the LINE Notify service

  1. Log in to the LINE Developers platform with your LINE account to subscribe to the LINE Notify service.

  2. Enter the required information in the Add Service section.

    Integrate with LINE Notification

    In the Callback URL and Service URL fields, you can enter

  3. Then, after the email verification, log in to LINE again and get the values of Client ID and Client Secret to be used in the next step.

    Integrate with LINE Notification

Configure push notifications

  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform. In the left-side navigation pane, choose App > OEM App > Optional Setting, select the app to be managed from the drop-down list beside Optional Setting, choose Third-Party Integration > Third-Party Push, and then enter the obtained Client ID, Client Secret, and Callback URL.
  2. Click Save to make the configurations take effect.
    Integrate with LINE Notification

Manage push notifications

The trigger conditions and push notification content to be received on LINE can be customized on the Push Notifications page on the Tuya Developer Platform.

Integrate with LINE Notification