Flash and Authorize PHY6222

Last Updated on : 2024-06-14 18:57:14download

Firmware flashing

Flash firmware to PHY6222 through UART using the chip vendor’s tool.

Breakdown of PHY6222 firmware:

Flash and Authorize PHY6222

  • simpleBlePeripheral_phy6222.hexf: the full firmware, used for production.
  • simpleBlePeripheral_phy6222.hex16.bin: the firmware update, used for OTA update.

Check the README file in the demo folder before getting started.


  • PHY6222 development board
  • USB to TTL converter
  • PhyPlusKit software.

Firmware flashing

Pull pin 8 (TM) high and power on the device to make the UART receive commands.
UART configuration: 115200 baud rate, 8 bit, 1 stop bit, none parity, and no flow control.


  1. Prepare the software and tool and connect the hardware. The default UART for flashing is P10-RX and P09-TX.

  2. Open PhyPlusKit.exe, check UART Setting, configure parameters (115200 baud rate, 8 bit, 1 stop bit, none parity, and no flow control), and click Connect.

  3. Set TM to VDD high level, press reset on the development board, and wait for message UART RX : cmd>>: on the screen.

    Flash and Authorize PHY6222

  4. Double-click the input box under the HEX option to import the .hexf firmware file.

    Flash and Authorize PHY6222

  5. The program automatically parses the .hexf file and displays the last modification time.

    Flash and Authorize PHY6222

  6. Before flashing, click Erase.

    Flash and Authorize PHY6222

  7. Click Write to automatically flash the .hexf file.

    Flash and Authorize PHY6222

  8. Set TM to GND, exit the flashing mode, press the reset button on the development board, and check the log output.

    Flash and Authorize PHY6222

To output logs, enable the following two macros.

#define TUYA_BLE_LOG_ENABLE                  1
#define TUYA_APP_LOG_ENABLE                 1

Firmware authorization

Get the license

For more information, see Authorize Bluetooth LE Series Modules.

Flashing and authorization

  1. Connect the chip to a USB to TTL converter (RX-P26, TX-P25).

  2. Open Cloud Module Burning Authorization Platform, and enable Only Auth.

    Flash and Authorize PHY6222

    The code specifies the baud rate. Ensure that you set the software according to the code.

    uint32_t ty_uart2_init(void)
        uart_Cfg_t cfg = {
            .tx_pin = P25,
            .rx_pin = P26,
            .rts_pin = GPIO_DUMMY,
            .cts_pin = GPIO_DUMMY,
            .baudrate = 115200,
            .use_fifo = TRUE,
            .hw_fwctrl = FALSE,
            .use_tx_buf = TRUE,
            .parity     = FALSE,
            .evt_handler = phy_uart_evt_hdl,
        hal_uart_init(cfg, UART1);
        hal_uart_set_tx_buf(UART1, s_uart_tx_buf, TY_UART_TX_BUF_SIZE);
        return 0;