Industry Solution Test Cases

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 04:22:02download

You can download suitable use cases according to the product category in this article. If you cannot find the corresponding category, you can apply for a test case to Tuya through the consultation box in the lower right corner.

Description: When the communication method is not specified in the use case, the description is that the full communication method is applicable.

Test case categories

Category Test Case Description
Lighting / Applicable to all products in the first category of lighting
(including light source, light strip, light string, etc.)
Electrician / Applicable to all electrical products in the first category
(including sockets, switches, etc.)
Door locks / /
Sensing / /
Gateway / /
Sweeper / /

Common problem

Can’t find the product corresponding category use case in the above use cases?

You can apply for category use cases to Tuya through the consultation box in the lower right corner.

How do I know what category the product belongs to?

From the Edit entry of Product Overview or Product Development, enter the product data management page, and the Product Type field is the Tuya standard category.

Industry Solution Test Cases