Panel Configuration

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 03:55:35download

Public Panel

Currently, the panel templates for pet feeders are as follows.

All-in-one panel

Tuya provides 7 all-in-one panels.

Panel Configuration

Visualized DIY panel

Panel Configuration

SDK-based panel

Panel Configuration

DIY style panel

Panel Configuration

Custom panel

Panel Configuration

Visualized DIY panel

Panel Configuration

Panel configuration

Step 1: select and apply a panel template

Panel Configuration

Step 2: Edit the panel

  1. After selecting the template, click Edit.

    Panel Configuration

  2. Select a background image.

    Panel Configuration

  3. Select an image for the main screen design.

    Panel Configuration

  4. Modify the theme color of the main interface of the panel.
    Panel Configuration

Step 3: Preview the effect

Use Tuya Smart App to scan and preview the QR code of the App panel to view the adjusted panel UI in the App device list.
Panel Configuration